by Tirtha Acharya | Apr 3, 2018 | Yoga, yoga training and yoga courses
Yoga training in Nepal brings students from all ages together to learn from each other’s body types, their flexibility, their strengths, and their tolerance levels. Yoga teacher training is thought of as a journey into self mainly inward journey. It will obviously impact your yoga skills that are practical like alignment and body awareness. In addition to that, it offers benefits that are beyond physical and that is amazing. You are going to need yoga certification in Nepal and Nepal Yoga Home is here to help with a wide range of courses from beginner to advanced level. Yoga certification in Nepal is a rewarding experience that you ever experience in your life.
Whether you are in need of additional yoga training hours out of curiosity, or want to become self-employed, or spread the joy and peace to make this world a better place through yoga, then yoga certification in Nepal is best for you. Nepal is one of the ancient playgrounds for yoga. If you become a certified yoga teacher it offers the freedom of self-employment. As well as you can teach both locally and internationally as you will be certified by Yoga Alliance. You also remain connected to a large family of yoga teachers and yogis from all around the world. They will support you through your journey for all your life. Yoga certification in Nepal has to offer you all those benefits and a lot more.
Get Yoga Certification from Nepal Yoga Home
You will feel connected despite the beliefs you share. Moreover, your understanding increases through the spiritual practice of yoga teacher training. This awareness that yoga provides is to live a more conscious lifestyle and prioritize on what matters most. After the completion of the yoga certification in Nepal, you will be a yoga teacher. Use your newly acquired power to develop your unique style of teaching as well as methods. These will be authentic and new. You can make an impact in the life of your students. Offer your students with peace of mind. Being a yoga teacher, you can spread the joys and peace not only to students who come to you to learn but also to people who are not able to come to you.

Nepal Yoga Home is a globally recognized organization that is promoting and teaching yoga and meditation retreat in Nepal. It is one of the pioneer yoga alliance certified yoga training institute in Nepal. Apart from yoga training in Nepal and yoga teacher training in Nepal, Nepal yoga home offers certified yoga teacher training course 200 hours, 500 hours, as well as yoga retreats, yoga holiday and yoga detox, Ayurveda courses and reflexology courses. It also offers yoga certification in Nepal. All the courses include a residential experience, living with a yogi’s family and being immersed in the beautiful, natural and panoramic environment just some few kilometers of Kathmandu.
We Welcome All Yoga Lovers To Pursue An Advanced Level of Yoga
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal at Nepal Yoga Home provides the depth and discipline of yoga. This depth and discipline lift you into physical well being, mental relaxation, and spiritual peace. We have designed yoga certification in Nepal according to the international standards. Our yoga courses are certified by the Yoga Alliance. After the completion students will receive a yoga alliance certification. The yoga teacher training is intense and challenging as well as a life-changing experience. You will get a comprehensive understanding of the practice of yoga. It includes asanas, meditation, pranayama, yoga detox, yoga philosophy, mantra chanting, chakras, anatomy, mudras, bandha, etc.
For yoga certification in Nepal, Nepal yoga home has a professional team of experienced and qualified yogis as teachers with their own style and methods. They will teach you the concept of different yoga styles for yoga training in Nepal and yoga certification in Nepal. You can choose from a range of courses like 300 hours of Yoga teacher training which will lead you to 500 hours of yoga teacher training. All of our training leads to yoga certification in Nepal. After the completion of this training, you become a certified yoga instructor. Visit the following links for more information:
300 Hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
500 Hours Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
Aum Shanti Shanti
by tirthaacharya | Apr 1, 2018 | Yoga
Yoga instructor course is the package of the training which enables you to be a good yoga teacher. By joining in yoga instructor course you can learn different aspects of yoga. You can take every advantage of yoga as well as you can make yoga as your carrier after finishing this course. Yoga can heal most of the mental and physical diseases and it makes you fit and well.
You will learn thoroughly how to practice yoga, pranayama, and meditation with the theory of them. Yoga philosophy and spirituality are also the inseparable part of yoga instructor course. Yoga postures, breathing exercise, and mindfulness is the common learning parts of this course. All of the practice can lead you to the healthy and happy life. Yoga plays the great role to bring the peace and harmony in the world. Yoga is the way of positive thinking and living. The yogic journey is the different types of the journey to the inside. You can spread the message of yoga throughout the world after this course.
About Nepal yoga home
Nepal yoga home is the pioneer yoga teacher training in Kathmandu, Nepal. So, you will get the chance to learn yoga in the popular yoga teacher training institution in Nepal. Here, you will have the chance to learn yoga with very experienced yoga teachers who have higher academic knowledge. The place where the yoga instructor course takes place is in the surrounding of Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park. You can see different hills and mountains from here.

What kind of yoga instructor course is it?
Yoga instructor course by Nepal yoga home is very useful for you to be a very good certified yoga teacher from the Indian and American alliance. You will be able to teach 84 countries of the world after taking this course. There are two types of yoga instructor course first is 200 hours and other is 500 hours. In the class, you will get the chance to teach yoga to your fellow friends for your practice.
Who can join in the yoga instructor course?
Every one of the world is welcome here to learn yoga. The people who want to live their life with full of joy can be the part of this yoga instructor course. This course is for every religion, gender, race, nationality and age factor. Who is new in yoga can join and who is very good in yoga also can join in this course.
At the end of yoga instructor course in Nepal, you can be able to gain benefits as follows:
- You will be able to understand the secret of happiness, health, and fitness.
- You can add yoga to your lifestyle and make your life complete.
- You will know the names of different asana, pranayama and meditation techniques.
- You will learn how to sing some important mantras.
- This course will transfer your life and enable you to go into a higher level in spirituality.
- You can get sound health, happiness, and satisfaction which you have not experienced yet.
- You can be able to teach yoga in the mass as well as to the individual.
- Your inner journey becomes stronger and you will be powerful within.
- You will be able to respect yourself as well as every one of the world.
- You can develop your decision making power.
- You will gain the insight into your mind after this yoga instructor class.
- You will gain relaxation and flexibility.
- You will understand the power of yoga to change your life you deserve.
- You will understand that living a life is an art. You can create your life as beautiful as you want.
- You will be able to find your real nature.
Everything will be provided you during yoga instructor course.
Nepal yoga home provides you accommodation and foods. The rooms are well furnished and they have different facilities. You will get bed, tables, and shelf. You will get hot and cold water during your living in Nepal yoga home for yoga instructor course. You can buy personal yoga mat if you don’t like to use common yoga mats.
You will get sattvic, vegetarian and fresh food in Nepal yoga home. The family environment will allure you here. The surrounding is also very friendly and energetic.
by tirthaacharya | Apr 1, 2018 | Yoga
For most of the people Yoga is eastern culture or an ancient method of training. They believe that yoga is composed of difficult poses and Sanskrit verses. However, the word ‘yoga’ actually means union or combination. Yoga is a practice that connects the body, mind, and spirit often through different body postures, meditation, and controlled breathing. If you recently have tried some form of yoga, you must have noticed that you are sleeping better, getting few colds or feeling relaxed. Southern Asia is home to yoga.
Nepal Yoga Home, a pioneer yoga retreat also provides Yoga Training in Nepal.
Don’t just think yoga about bending the body and holding the breath. Yoga is a process to bring you into a state of realization where you can not only see but also experience the reality just the way it is. Yoga training in Nepal teaches you to allow your energy to focus so that your senses expand. It enables you to realize that the whole universe is a part of yourself, making everything one – this is kind of union that yoga creates.
The founder of Yoga, Patanjali quoted, “Sthiram sukham asanam.” It translates that a posture that seems firm and comfortable for you is your asana. Asana is a preparatory step in the practice of yoga. It helps you to achieve the greater good. The aim of yoga is to create perfect harmony between your mind, body, and spirit. After you fine-tune yourself, everything functions wonderfully within you and you will be able to bring out the best of your abilities. You should definitely try yoga training in Nepal once to gain a lot of health benefits.
Yoga Training in Nepal : An Experience You Shouldn’t Miss
Some of the benefits of Yoga Training in Nepal are as follow:
- Helps you focus
- Relaxes your System
- Increases flexibility
- Improves brain functions
- Lowers stress levels
- Improves sense of balance
- Lowers risk of heart diseases
- Relieves chronic pain
- Improves sexual function
- Lowers blood pressure

These are only a few of the benefits that we have been able to list out here. Yoga transforms not only your life but also broadens your horizons in a way you can never imagine. Yoga training in Nepal is absolutely worth trying. Nepal Yoga Home provides tailored yoga training based on your preference and comfort. We provide 100 hrs beginner yoga teacher training in Nepal, 200 hrs yoga teacher training in Nepal, 300 hrs advanced yoga teacher training and 500 hrs advanced yoga teacher training in Nepal. In addition to that, Nepal Yoga Home is a yoga retreat located just 5 kilometers from Kathmandu, the city of temples. Yoga training in Nepal will be an unique spiritual experience, after which your life may not remain same as before. The feeling and realization that you can get through the yoga training is amazing.
The popularity of yoga has soared since last few decades. However, yoga has been practiced since centuries in Nepal and other parts of Asia. Modern research has also proved benefits of yoga and even medical professionals are being involved in yoga training for the betterment of mind, body and soul. Critics regard yoga training as just another fad, but they don’t realize that yoga training, which they consider just another form of workout, can benefit their and their family members health in a number of ways than they have ever imagined. Yoga training in Nepal depends upon what you like and the problems you are trying to tackle through yoga.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 24, 2018 | Yoga
The law of Karma says that each action that we are performing continuously does not get disappeared without a mark or an effect. It creates an appropriate result for the performer. He has to face the consequences of is Karma at any cost. It is impossible to ignore the result. The result of the Karma appears quicker or delay as per the nature and intensity of the Karma. For the fruits of Karma, there will be the interplay of a variety of different factors such as intention, desire, will, feelings, efforts and its repentance, self- change, hidden power of nature etc. Aurobindo defines Karmic Law as –“According to the energy put forth; shall be its return, subject to the complicated working of many world forces.” Forces, here, means mental and sensual activities like intention, desire, will, want etc.
Karma is the Sanskrit word which literally means an ‘action’. The root of the word is ‘Kri’ which means “to do” or “to perform”. Thus, to do all action is Karma. The actions or Karma is performed in four ways:
Physical Level
They are outer actions done by the physical body. Providing help to the needy, working in an office, robbery, killing etc are the physical karma. Besides, activities of the body where conscious mind is not involved such as sleeping, moving body, sneezing, yawning, blinking of eyes, breathing etc are also a part of physical Karma.
Vocal Level
The words that you speak are a part of the vocal action. Speaking honest words or dishonest words, kind words or unkind words, backbiting, slander, words that propagate lies and hate etc all are the karma at vocal level.
Mental Level
The activities of different types of thoughts and feelings are called the karma at Mental Level. When the mind is filled with positive thoughts and good feelings such as- love, empathy, kindness, etc. then it is a positive Karma. Negative thoughts, bad feelings like- fallacy, deceit, untruth, hatred, anger, jealousy etc are the part of negative Karma.
Sensual Level
Actions of 5 sense organs (eye, ear, skin, tongue, nose) are said to be actions at sensual level. We can use the eyes differently to watch both positive and negative. Reading a book and collecting knowledge is an action of eyes. Watching pornography is another action of eyes. Again question may arise- is watching pornography is a sin or a bad karma, and reading a book is good karma! Later on, we will come to know what is right and what is wrong. Anyway, the activities of eyes to see different things are karma. Hearing different things, sense of smell, touch, and taste etc all constitute Karma.
Karma encompasses each and every type of action. There is no any choosing and rejecting any types of action. Each and every action that we perform consciously or unconsciously is the Karma. It may involve body, speech, mind, and sense or some combination among these four. Thus Bhagawat Geeta states,-“None can remain to do nothing even for a moment, everyone is driven to action by the modes of nature born qualities.” So, for every moment living beings keep performing actions knowingly or unknowingly.
For each action, there is a reaction. Thus, the law of Karma is also referred as “the law of action and reaction” or “the law of cause and effect”. When the reaction is good, people call it reward, and the bad reaction is said as a punishment. Whatever the seed of Karma is sowed, the fruits will be ripened as per the seed. Many people are unaware of Karmic Law. Had all people know about it there will be no crime and no anti-social activities. The Law of Karma has perfect eyes. Law of Action can be compared Newton’s Law of Motion that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Whatever we think, speak, intent or act; our life rolls accordingly. There is one event in Buddha’s life related to law of karma:
Buddha was preaching his disciple. He told that for every suffering, meditation is the solution. One of the audience said,-“There is your disciple who is by birth blind. What can be more troublesome misery than to be blind? How is his misery cured?” Buddha and his disciple including the blind disciple listened to it and got curious about the audience’s question. Buddha closed his eyes for a while. Buddha had the power to see past and future. He tried to see the past of the blind disciple’s life. In one of the past lives, Buddha found an important Karmic issue. In that very life, the blind disciple was an ayurvedic doctor. One day a lady with eyes problem came to him and said,-“Dear doctor, I finished my entire property for treatment of my eyes but got unsucceeded. Now, I have no money. If you can cure my eyes, I including two children will be your servant throughout the life.” The doctor started her treatment. After the treatment of a week, her eyes got improved. The eyes were on the way to complete cure. But, the lady got feared for her promise to the doctor. She thought that to be servant including her two children throughout the life will be difficult. So, she tried to deceive the doctor. She told the doctor that the condition of her eyes was degrading. The doctor became angry because he knew the real condition of her eyes. In fact, the intention of the doctor was not to keep them servant throughout their life. The doctor would treat the lady for free or on credit whatever the lady wants. However, due to lying of the lady, an evil thought aroused in doctor’s mind. The treatment was continuing. The following day of the lady’s deceives, the doctor kept poisonous substance into the lady’s eyes in the place of medicine. After that, the lady became completely blind. Buddha revealed this secret to the audience including all of his disciples. He also taught that all people must have to face the fruit of their Karma in the very life or in coming life. According to law of karma, One can never escape from his Karma. However, now the blind disciple is walking on the right path with the right intention. This will slowly minimize the effects of the bad Karma.
There is a perfect law of Karma. It looks whether a mistake is done knowingly or unknowingly; intentionally or unintentionally. The reaction of the action will appear accordingly. For example, a cricketer hit a person with a cricket ball while balling. Now, his intention was not to hit. Had he hit intentionally the reaction would be different. Killing a person by a murderer by a knife and death of a patient with a knife of a doctor’s hand while doing operation will create different reactions. The murderer kills intentionally but the doctor has the different case. Thus, fruit is also different. If a person does any mistake, but, later on, he realizes and moves in the right path; then the effect of bad karma will be reduced.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 23, 2018 | Yoga
Precaution for doing Asanas and Pranayama for best practice and positive change
Yoga asanas and pranayama are considered to be effective to improve physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The regular practice of yoga helps in making body flexible, cultivating character, proper breathing, sound relation and proper sex. It awakens the real potentialities of a human. However, practicing the asana in a wrong way (without caring the precaution for doing asanas and pranayama) can have negative effects rather than building positive changes in the body and mind. Thus, it is advised to practice asana only under the proper guidance of an experienced teacher or you need to have correct knowledge. Some of the precaution for doing asanas and pranayama are listed below:
Time to do Yoga: considered as an important precaution for doing asanas
- Practicing asana and pranayama early in the morning before breakfast is considered to be the best. The second better time is early evening, around sunset.
- Asana can also be practiced at day or night time when the body feels tired, tensed, or stiffed.
- Asana and pranayama can also be practiced in other time as well but there should be the gap of about 4 hours after a heavy meal and 2 hours after a light meal. It is also suggested that there should gap of about half an hour.
- It is not good to do too many over stimulating asanas before bedtime.
- Sitting, walking and sleeping in a correct posture is also an asana. So, if you become conscious there is yoga every moment.
- Pranayama is best to practice just after the asana, and meditation is highly effective if done after pranayama. However, it is no compulsion to follow the order. Meditation may be done at any time whenever you are free.
The place to do Yoga
Among several precautions for doing asanas and pranayama place of doing the yoga play vital role in the effectiveness.
- Yoga can give the best result if practiced in airy, quiet and peace which suits for better concentration and awareness.
- Better not to practice asana or pranayama in direct sunlight for a long duration. If it is before 10 am and body is getting comfort then it is ok. Indoor or outdoor does not matter but avoid cold wind, unfavorable temperature, insects etc.
- The ground should be well labeled.
- Practicing yoga without awareness is useless. Keep awareness throughout the yoga practice what you are doing. If you are practicing asana, concentrate on your own body. Try to feel the sensation and observe the breath. Be conscious of self, not outside. Be conscious so that you can perform asana with correct alignment.
- Practice comfortably and mindfully.
- When you are doing pranayama, be watchful in your posture so that your torso and neck will be always straight.
- Never force or strain hard. Don’t twist or bend the body in a jerky manner. If it is uncomfortable then don’t do.
- Take short relax between each asana or pranayama.
- Whenever you get free time practice observation on respiration for better practice of consciousness.
- The nose is for breathing and the mouth is for eating. So, always breathe through the nose, unless instructed otherwise.
- In case problem to breathe through the nose, practice Jala neti or sutra neti. You can also take help from the expert.
In fact, there is no restriction in yoga for any age. However, techniques, asanas, and pranayama may vary according to age and gender.
- All practitioners should not do khumbhaka (holding the breath).
- Most of the people are forbidden to do Sirshasana.
- There are different asana and pranayama that should be avoided by different patients.
- Avoid practicing yoga under the influence drugs or alcohol.
- Sometimes, people with heart diseases, high or low blood pressure or other serious organic problem have to avoid the asanas.
- Those who have disabilities or with the chronic medical condition should consult both medical doctor and yoga teacher.
- Do not practice pranayama unless you master sitting posture.
- Do not make a loud sound during pranayama. However, some pranayamas such as Bhastrika has a different rule.
- In case of tiredness, take rest in savasana and be fresh. After that, you can practice pranayama.
- Pranayama should be done peacefully and calmly, not in a hurry.
- If lungs are congested, don’t practice pranayama.
- Suryabhedi pranayama can be done only in winter and chandrabhedi in summer.
- People with high blood pressure, heart diseases or a hernia need to prohibit Kapalabhati and Bhastrika
- Shitakari pranayama should be avoided by people with low blood pressure. It also should be avoided in winter as well.
- Clothes should not be tight and uneasy. It should be enough loose or elastic to perform asanas.
- A practitioner should use such dress which will not disturb for the practice of yoga.
- Yoga is universal and for all because health and wellness is for all. So, no religion needs to avoid yoga.
- There is no hard and fast rule for food. However, taking unhealthy food is not ideal.
- No matter, whether you are vegetarian, non-vegetarian or vegan; you can practice yoga.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 13, 2018 | Yoga
Yoga Asanas with Animals name | Realization of Various Creatures and Forms
If you practice yoga regularly, you will notice that many of the yoga asanas with animals name and are given with the positions of creatures found in nature. Yoga-Asana (Yogic Posture), third limb of Astanga Yoga, provides not merely health and fitness but it is a gateway to realize of becoming different creatures and forms. The old spiritual literature states that an organism has to pass different 84, 00,000 lives. It includes varieties of herbs, shrubs, trees, aquatic animals, land animals, birds, insects, microscopic organisms etc.
The principle of asana states- each asana resembles a form of a creature among the eighty-four lakhs creatures. A yoga practitioner remains in the particular asana for a certain duration which helps to gain the experience of becoming the particular creature that the asana has resembled. During the performance, the yogi realizes that the spirit remains unchanged while changing the forms of the body. As the practice deepens he realizes that the same spirit travels to different forms of creatures. The understanding reveals that life and all its activities are part of the divine natural action manifesting and mobilizing in the form of human beings.
The names of asanas signify the principle of evolution of yoga asanas with animals name. There are some yoga asanas with animals name (which resemble land animals)- Ustrasana (camel), Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-cow), Simhasana (lion), Vyaghrasana (tiger), Bhujangasana (Snake), Vatayasana (Horse), Svasana (dog) etc. Some yoga asanas with animals name (resemble aquatic animals)- Matsyasana (fish), Locust Pose (Shark) etc. Some asana resemble amphibian- Bhekasana or Mandukasana (frog), Kurmasana (tortoise), Narkasana (crocodile). Some asanas are named after birds- Kukkutasana (cock), Garudasana (eagle), Bakasana (heron), Mayurasana (peacock), Hamsasana (swan), Kakasana (crow) etc. Some asanas signify different vegetation- Tadasana (Palm tree), Vrikshasana (tree pose), and Padmasana (lotus) etc.
Some asanas represent insects- Salabhasana (locust), Vrischikasana (scorpion), Butterfly-pose etc. Garbha-pindasana denotes human embryonic stage. Virabhadrasana, Hanumanasana, Anjaneyasana etc are named after legendary heroes. Dhurvasana, Bharadvajasana, Matsyendrasana, Kapilasana, Vasisthasana, Visvamitrasana, etc are named to pay respect to the sages Dhruva, Bharadvaja, Matsyendra, Kapil, Vasistha, Visvsmitra respectively. Besides, there are some asanas which resemble non-living things – Utkatasana (chair-pose), Dandasana (stick), Setu-bandhasana (bridge), Parvatasana (mountain), Halasana (Plough), Dhanurasana (Bow) etc. The names of all eighty-four lakhs creatures are unknown. All creatures have not been seen.
Thus, those asanas are named after the name of non-living things; yet, those asanas can also reflect each living creature. It is also said that human beings while practicing asanas realize not only becoming a living creature but also try to realize of becoming non-living things. Besides, he realizes of becoming some legendary heroes and sages. The asanas that resemble legendary heroes give the courage and brevity; while the asanas that resemble the sages offer the wisdom and knowledge. Some asanas are also named after Hindu God; some rename it the Avataras or incarnation.
While performing asanas, the human body enters upon many forms corresponding manifold of creatures. His mind will be trained not to disdain any creature. The Yoga asana also teaches to keep a friendly and harmonious relationship with all creatures. He knows that throughout the entire expansion of creation from the lowliest micro-organism and insects to accomplished sapient there is the presence of same universal spirit and breath the same which possess countless forms. He also understands that the highest form is Formless. The Unity in universality will be revealed. Thus, a yogi can experience the different forms of this universe.
The Yogi experiences different changes and sensation on the body during the practice of asana. In his heartbeat and rhythm of his respiration, he recognizes the flow of the season. The body is itself a divine temple. The human body includes the entire system of creation. Whatever he feels within the framework of the body, they are the manifestation of the Universal truth of nature. Through this, he understands the law of nature. He starts understanding the meaning of each form and change. Through different forms of asanas, a yogi will perceive the world from various angles.
This helps to extend the perception. It develops the sight to view the universe from the angle of all creatures. Continuous practice will compass this stage. Finally, the yogi will view the universe with the eternal spiritual eyes. Now there are no more blockages in truth. The illusion starts disappearing. The yogi starts finding everything within the body. If he needs pleasure, he finds within the self. If he wants peace, that is also within the self. If yoga seeks God, He is also within the self. So, yoga is a complete wisdom.
The universe composes eighty-four lakhs creatures. The yoga asanas are the practice of realizing of becoming those creatures. It seems impossible to practice those all asanas. However, getting the mastery of single asana, the yogi can get the benefits of all other asanas. To get the mastery on an asana, the yogi has to stay on an asana for 3 hours 36 minutes. However, Sadaguru has retold that one can get mastery over an asana by remaining on the asana for the duration of 2 hours 30 minutes.
Thus staying on the particular asana till that duration without movement in a pleasant manner, one can attain perfection. At this time dualities like gain and loss, victory and defeat, fame and shame, pain and pleasure etc. disappear. However, it is not easier to practice till that duration. So, it is better to practice different asanas for one minute, two minutes and more. Gradually, he needs to increase the duration of asana.
During the practice of asana, the practitioner must try to develop equanimity observing the respiration and body sensation. This will deepen the experiences. Practicing different asanas in this way, the capacity of performing the asana for a longer duration increases. One day the stage arises, that the practitioner achieves accomplishment on asana.
The asana can also be understood in another dimension. Asana is a pose or posture or gesture. If you sit in one way, that is an asana; if you sit in another way that is another asana. So, asanas are innumerable. Among them, eighty-four asanas are considered as fundamental asanas. The poses and gestures change according to the mood of a person. If you are happy, you will make the pose of the body in a certain form.
If you are sad, the pose will get change. For every mental situation, the body will change the posture. Asanas are the conscious converse to get the body into the different posture. This consciousness along with asana will lead the human to the experience of becoming each creature as per the asana and elevate towards the higher level of consciousness. If you like the post on yoga asanas with animals name you can share the post or you can subscribe our other regular post on yoga and meditation.