by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 22, 2021 | Yoga
Alignments, Adaptations and Contraindication In Yoga
Are you practicing yoga on your own? Have you ever felt that even after enough practice you still are not able to attain the final postures? Most often yoga practices are initiated by imitating the key steps of approach and final posture performed by the trainer. But practitioners are usually unaware of their body’s alignment during the course of yoga practice. Here in this article, we will try to illuminate on basics of origin, effects and management of misalignments and contraindication in yoga in general.
Where do misalignment originate from?
The major source of misalignment in the body is the inherent limitations of the body itself. These inherent limitations usually denote the flexibility of muscles and openness of joint. The nervous system plays an important role in completing the circuit of vicious cycle that comes into play due to misalignments.
Effects of misalignments in yoga
It would be quite comprehensive if we go through some examples in order to understand the effects of improper alignments in yoga. Let’s take a simple asana – Sukhasana.
Sukhasana is the cross legged sitting posture, is amongst the simplest and commonest yoga posture. Many individuals find themselves difficult to remain in this posture. Enough lateral or external rotation of hip is expected to sit in Sukhasana.
If there is no enough lateral rotation of hip, the knees are held high. Subsequently pelvis tilt posteriorly which will cause the concave curvature of lumbar spine to become convex and ultimately the individual is forced to sit in a kyphotic posture (convex curvature).
Anyone practicing pranayama or breathing exercise in this kind of misalignment, can feel difficulty while breathing deeply. Because the ultimate posture decreases the area of expansion for lungs to breathe in.
If there is a limitation in some part of your body and you force a movement the brain will take the movement to a different place. Now you can imagine how limitation in hips can result to difficulty in breathing. So we need to be very careful during the practice of yoga about contraindication in yoga.
Management and Adaptation
Knowing and fixing the limitation is the key to attain a proper alignment yoga practices and contraindication in yoga. Again let’s try to understand through an example.
Hamstrings are a set of muscles present on the posterior part of your thigh. They range from your sitting bones to the back of your knee. These muscles are the key muscles in most of the asana but more importantly in the forward bending asana.
Padahastasana (Forward bending in standing posture) is better to begin with. In Padahastasana you are expected to approach the final posture through hip bending rather than the spine bending (which we often go through to pick up something from the floor while remaining in the standing posture).
Tightening of hamstring restrict the hip bending. You can imagine this when you are bending forward to reach the maximum lit you would want your upper part of body remain intact on the pelvis bowl and then you would bend taking the whole weight forward.
But if the hamstrings are not flexible enough then the pelvis won’t be able to tilt posteriorly and you will not attain the full final posture. On the other hand, due to the limitation of hamstring, the lumbar curvature pops out to give convex appearance (common sign of spine bending) which if hold for longer duration is sure to cause lower back pain.
So better to start with some exercises that would release the tightness of hamstrings. This would help you to get the proper alignment while performing the asana once and for all. But the hamstrings nor any other muscles get flexible within a day. Until then during your yoga practices you can follow some adaptation tips.
In case of Padahastasana, if you cannot touch your feet with your hands (which is common in beginners) they are asked to bend knees to some extent. This adaptation lessens the tension in the hamstrings and you can bend forward quite easily.
In the previous asana that we mentioned, Sukhasana, if you find your knees going above your hip level, you should know that it is denoting your hips are not rotating externally enough. It is better if you sit on blocks or pillows such that the angle between the pelvis and thigh is opened. This will bring the knees nearer to the floor and also prevent the spine to remain erect.
Adaptations don’t solve the root cause of your problem but they enable you to come up against the hindrances and perform your yoga session comfortably. The root cause is only fixed when you manage the limitation. As for some advice, the butterfly pose is quite good to enhance lateral rotation of your hip.
How to remain in a posture for longer duration?
It seems really attractive to see one holding some complex posture for quite a long period of time. Yoga beginners should always have the patience if they really want to achieve perfection in the asana. They should also have sound knowledge of proper alignment of body for yoga practices in the beginning of their course.
We have discussed much on the flexibility of the muscles in the above section, what we should not forget is that strength is also equally important during yoga practices. Although flexibility and strength seem opposite to each other, a unique balance of flexibility and strength is the key to achieve perfection.
For proper alignments establish priorities from the distal to the proximal parts of the limbs, i.e. construct standing poses from your feet to your hips to your torso and from your hands to your shoulders to your torso. That’s desirable because your awareness of the body gets poorer and your ability to control the muscles diminishes as you move from distal to proximal.
If you first bend or twist the trunk and then manipulate the extremities, the latter movements take your attention away from the proximal structures of the body over which you have less awareness. By contrast, if you settle the distal portions of your limbs first, you can keep them stable with minimal effort while you place your attention on the central core of the body.
Contraindication in yoga
Even before alignment of body, one should be aware of their own health condition. Also the trainer should be quite cautious about the practitioner’s health condition before training the individual. Practicing yoga without considering such conditions jeopardize one’s health.
It is noteworthy that all yoga practices are not restricted in these conditions but if anyone has one of these condition they would better take advise from trained yoga trainer before they practice yoga. Such as Sirshasana is contraindicated in hypertensive individuals but practitioner is still allowed to do forward bending asana. Be careful about contraindication in yoga before to practice.
Here we have listed some of those condition
- Asthma
- High blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Menstruation
- Hernia
- Joint injuries
- Low back pain
- Scoliosis
Knowing your limitation is the first principle to attain the proper alignment in yoga and contraindication in yoga. Proper alignment is achieved either through management of limitation or through application of adaptation. But even before that one should be cautious about one’s own health condition. And never forget patience isrequired along with practice to achieve perfection.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 16, 2021 | Yoga
Bahiranga yoga – The many mysteries of Bahiranga yoga
The word ‘bahiranga’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘outside’ or ‘something external’. When we speak about it in the context of yoga, bahiranga yoga is an integral component of ashtanga yoga. Through this blog, we shall shed some insights into what bahiranga yoga is, its components, and its importance. Without any delay, let’s dive into the topic.
Before we learn about bahiranga yoga, it is crucial to understand where it originates from. Ashtanga yoga is a set of principles propounded by the mighty sage Patanjali. In his work, he has carefully highlighted the crux of yogic principles. Besides, he has also emphasized the idea that by following his teachings, one can achieve inner peace.
The ashtanga yoga comprises of eight principles, also known as eight limbs. These eight principles are as follows:
- Yamas: focuses on behavioral aspects
- Niyamas: focuses on behavioral restraints
- Asanas: focuses on physical postures
- Pranayama: focuses on breathing techniques
- Pratyahara: focuses on withdrawing the senses
- Dharana: focuses on concentration
- Dhyan: focuses on meditation
- Samadhi: focuses on transcendence
Our readers might be under the impression that the term ‘bahiranga yoga’ is a new concept. Thankfully, it is not so. Bahiranga yoga refers to the first four limbs of Ashtanga yoga. The limbs that form bahiranga yoga are yamas, niyamas, asanas, pranayamas, and pratyahara. Now, let’s discuss each one of these components in detail.
They are the ethical guidelines in Hinduism which define the do’s and don’t’s. Patanjali has described 5 Yamas and we shall discuss them in brief.
- Non-violence (Ahimsa): It deals with non-violence and this teaching guides people to refrain from using violence. Violence should not be used as a device for personal benefit. Truthfulness (Satya): This component of bahiranga yogadeals with honesty. It tells us to think twice before lying as lying causes severe problems.
- Non-stealing (Asetya): The term stealing is not limited to materialistic items only. It comprises of stealing people’s ideas, visions, and ideology too. It guides people to refrain from stealing and not take undue credit.
- Energy Moderation (Brahmacharya): What Patanjali means by Brahmacharya is to avoid spending energy on unnecessary objects/people. When we spend energy recklessly, it makes us miserable and lethargic.
- Non-hoarding (Aparigraha): This aspect of bahiranga yogateaches us to be content with the things available to us. Likewise, it also teaches us to not dwell on materialistic items.
Patanjali has described the components of Niyamas as below:
- Cleanliness (Saucha): We are familiar with the idea that it is easier to thrive in a clean environment. This component tells us to declutter the mind and surrounding so that we can perform better.
- Contentment (Santosha): Normally, people have the notion that when they achieve everything, they will be content. However, the reality is not so simple. In this idea of bahiranga yoga, Patanjali teaches us to be content with whatever we have and our current scenario.
- Right effort (Tapa): It refers to the idea of placing the right effort at the right place and time. It is also known as the thrill, happiness, and enthusiasm we feel while doing something that we love.
- Self-study (Svadhyaya): We need to understand what we are before we interpret others around us. Once we get to know our inner self, we can easily understand the environment surrounding us and prosper accordingly.
- Surrender to the creator (Ishvara Pranidhana): This is the final component of Niyamas of bahiranga yoga. It refers to accepting the idea that there is a supreme being governing us and we all do as he wishes.
The third limb is asana. It is a comfortable position which we can hold for a prolonged period. Patanjali does not describe any specific asana but the most popular asana is the lotus position. A comfortable asana will help you to achieve your goals easily and make the yoga comfortable.
The fourth limb of ashtanga yoga and the fourth component of bahiranga yoga is pranayama. It refers to the breathing exercises. Practicing pranayama helps us to accentuate/refine the breathing process and make the body and mind sharp.
It is a component of bahiranga yoga that involves withdrawing awareness. What it means is, withdrawing the senses from external objects. It involves consciously linking with the supreme being. It revolves around the concept of freeing oneself from the external environment and looking deep into oneself.
Thus, these are the components of bahiranga yoga and once you understand these parts in detail, you can have a broader understanding of yoga too.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 12, 2021 | Yoga
Joint Stabilization In Yoga
Joint stabilization can be defined as the ability of a joint to maintain the normal alignment in the presence of some perturbation. This requires a proper co-ordination and functioning of bones, muscles, connective tissues and sensory receptors. Joint stability is just the other name for joint safety.
The core of yoga practices embodies the concept of joint stabilization. The yoga practice of Asana is defined as “Sthiram Sukham Asanam” meaning pleasant and stable postures are called asana. Joint stabilization comes into play whenever any postures are to be practiced in stable and pleasant way. Hence, joint stabilization and yoga practices go hand in hand.
Biomechanics and joint stabilization
Biomechanics is one of those field where biology and physics meet together. In biomechanics we apply laws related with motion to biological tissues. We usually apply physics laws in understanding and improvising the working of bones, muscles and connective tissues to produce movements.
Biomechanics of joint stability is better understood from the anatomical and physiological perspective of neuro-musculo-skeletal system. Joint stabilization occurs via two main mechanisms – active restraint mechanism and passive restraint mechanism.
The active restraint mechanism involves the contractile action of muscle on joints. Passive restraint mechanism includes structures like bone, cartilage, ligament etc. and neurological components – the receptors.
Anatomically, bones unite to form joints which are maintained by connective tissues. Muscles wrap the bones and nerve endings of motor and sensory function pierce to fit into musculoskeletal and connective tissues.
Physiologically talking, sensory information is received by receptors and transmitted to central nervous system via nerve fibers. Brain interprets the information and send response signal through motor nerve fibers to the effector muscles or reflexes may be triggered.
Anatomy of joint
Joints are simply the union between two or more bones. Based on the type of material by which the joining bones are united joints are of three types – synovial, cartilaginous and fibrous joints. Among these joints, the type which is most relevant in yoga practice are the synovial joints.
Bones in synovial joints are united by joint capsule. Inside the capsule the articulating surfaces of the bones are covered with cartilage and the internal surface of the capsule is lined with synovial membrane. Cells of the synovial membrane secrete synovial fluid within the capsule which acts as lubricating fluid to reduce friction between articular surfaces of bones.
Furthermore, the joint is reinforced by ligaments, which are the connective tissues that join bones together. Ligament and joint capsule are the most prominent structures of joint stabilization as they are directly involved to prevent the bone ends from being separated during movements.
Examples of synovial joints include that of shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, hip joint, knee joint etc. Synovial joints are the joints of locomotion so any joint capable of movement is basically a synovial joint.
All synovial joint share the common anatomy mentioned above. But additional structures can also be found in some joints. Like the menisci in the knees. Menisci are c-shaped fibro-cartilaginous tissues which act like a cushion at the articulating junction of the bones.
Muscles role in joint stabilization
The movement occurs at joint but are carried out by contraction of surrounding muscles. Even when “relaxed,” the muscles of a conscious individual are almost always slightly contracted. This slight contraction called the muscle tone does not produce movement but provides muscle some firmness and assists in stability of joints.
The other type of muscle contraction called isometric contraction where muscle length remains the same, no movement occurs, but the muscle tension is increased above tonic level to resist the antagonistic force. This type of contraction is important in maintaining upright position and hence in most of the standing postures in yoga practices.
Role of the nervous system
Nervous system is the center for every sensory and motor activities of our body. Sensory receptors present on the peripheral part of our body transmit the sensory input to the brain. The brain interprets this input and along with the power of will influence the motor neurons that provoke the actions of musculoskeletal system.
The receptors of touch and pressure provides most of the sensory inputs during the yoga practices and returning response from the brain provides the guidance. Without pain receptors and reflexes, we would be uncertain of our balance and orientation and more likely to get injured.
In short, the nervous system guides the musculoskeletal system and in combination they maintain connective tissues which subsequently helps in joint stabilization.
Joint stability and yoga
Yoga is all about stability. With its main motto of reaching the stable state of mind, it progresses from stabilizing the physical body through asana. Various postures are to be hold for some duration during the practice of asana and without any doubt they demand joint stabilization.
In any kind of yoga practice be it forward bending, backward bending, twisting, headstand etc., they begin with some motion taking place at different joints. With every motion, the sensory inputs are being passed to the central nervous system and as you start holding the posture, the motor plan has to be changed and the body has to adapt for stabilization.
While holding any kind of posture, neuro-musculoskeletal system gets activated. The joint capsule and connective tissues involves structurally to hold the position while the sensory inputs from the load bearing region is interpreted by the central nervous system and subsequently sends signal to muscles to contract and enhance joint stabilization. You can feel for yourself – sensation of pain in load bearing joints, the tightening of muscles etc. All these indicate the body’s response of joint stabilization.
Concept of biomechanics and joint stabilization is very useful for yoga beginners. It will help them to understand postures more vividly and also to practice asana in much safer way. Furthermore, on practicing asana for years, connective tissues are built in the joints and their capsules, which makes the joints stronger. Thus joint stabilization is further enhanced with practice of yoga.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 10, 2021 | Yoga
We are all familiar with the notion that yoga comprises distinct poses. These poses are built in such a way that it accentuates your performance and promotes good health. One of the endearing yoga poses is Shirshasana. In English, it is synonymous with headstand but both have certain dissimilarities. Today, we shall discuss this amazing exercise and its benefits.
As the name suggests, Shirshasana is a pose that involves standing with your head. You should not take its meaning in the literal sense as you’ll use your forearms for support. In ancient yoga scriptures, this pose is regarded as the king of all yoga poses. It is hard to argue with that fact as this pose provides immense mental, physical, and psychological benefits.
In short, the Shirshasana pose impacts every aspect of your body and makes the practitioner capable of understanding and practicing other yoga poses.
Before we teach you how to part of this pose, let’s take a look at its benefits. Keep in mind that this pose is difficult to muster but once you acquaint yourself, the benefits are unparalleled. Some of them are given below:
- As the body is inverted in this pose, it balances the circulatory system. The respiratory system and circulatory system become strong.
- Conditions revolving around the eyes, nose, ears, and throat may become better.
- A great remedy for constipation.
- Enhanced mental and intellectual prowess.
- The nervous system gets much-needed nutrition from this pose.
- Enhanced willpower and concentration.
- Decreases the fluid retention in the legs.
- Invigorates the arms, back pain, and shoulder muscles.
- Reduced depression, fatigue, and fears.
- Improves digestion
- Stimulates the lymphatic system of the body.
These were the amazing benefits of the Shirshasana pose. Now, let’s take a look at some of the precautions that you need to understand while practicing this pose.
You should refrain from practicing this pose if you have certain ailments. Some of them are:
- Headaches that occur frequently
- High blood pressure and neck issues
- Comparatively weaker blood vessels in the eye
- Kidney problems
- Joint and back problems
- Migraine
- Glaucoma
- Conjunctivitis
- Thrombosis
If you feel that you suffer from the above-mentioned conditions, then we suggest that you visit a doctor. Only when the doctor gives you the green signal, you can practice this pose.
In this blog, we shall provide you a thorough guide about how to perform the Shirshasana pose.
- Sit gently on your knees and hold the elbows to check the actual distance. Slowly, place your arms on the floor, right below your shoulders.
- Placing the elbows there, bring the hands closer and lock your fingers to form a cup.
- Slowly straighten your knees while keeping the elbows and head in the same position.
- Lift the hips upward and make sure that you keep your weight in the elbows. Continue walking until your hips sit above your shoulders.
- You can lift either one foot at a time or you can lift both of them simultaneously. You can hold this position for one breath and push the elbows on the floor while doing so.
- Relax for a minute and continue the entire process 3-4 times.
As you have learned how to do Shirshasana, here are some tips that will make practicing it easier.
- Practice the mountain pose for better performance.
- Place a small folded blanket below your forearms if you have discomfort in the head.
- While practicing it for the first time, make sure that you don’t put all the pressure on the head.
- Use your hands as balancing objects.
- Practice this pose consistently to see maximum benefits.
- If you are new to yoga, then practice this pose at the end.
Thus, these were the basic know-hows relating to Shirshasana. We hope that you will implement these techniques and perfect your yoga.
by Tirtha Acharya | Mar 5, 2021 | Yoga
Online Yoga Class – Pros & Cons
A considerable number of people around the world join yoga classes for the well-being it brings. It offers many advantages like balance in life, having a clear and calm mind, relaxing, and reducing stress. However, online yoga sessions are different from the physical classes. Here are some pros & cons of the online classes of yoga:
Online Yoga Class Pros
Online yoga Classes is cheaper
The best advantages of yoga teaching in online environment are that you have to pay less than real-life yoga classes. There is no need to pay an extra amount like any additional cost or other charges. Usually, the drop in cost is about $5 to $25. However, if you have extra money, you can buy all courses on the spot; the initial price is $5 for a course subscription. So enjoy the online yoga session while staying in your home.
Online yoga class is faster
All the video is already recorded, so you only have to watch it and perform the task just like the yoga teacher suggests. Lay down on your mat and play the course video that seems interesting for you, right. There are no restrictions; you can watch the session video while driving or doing other tasks.
Online yoga class brings comfort level
When practicing Online yoga at home, you don’t have any pressure to hide with your practice. If you make any mistake, no one tells you about the wrong workout; you are your boss. You can fix your schedule whenever you start and stop the workout. Through this, you will experience that nothing is better than workout online; you will definitely like the calm environment.
Online yoga class has no fixed time
You are your boss, which means you can schedule your yoga workout timing even if you can complete the course in two days or a month. It doesn’t matter what you wear or where you sit; you can play the course video and practice it at any time. What if you have to stop class? You stop it and continue at another time, repeat it as many times as you want, improve, or enjoy it much more.
Online yoga class is a travel-friendly
If you travel somewhere and want to maintain your yoga routine, then yoga online is your best choice. Find any space, time and start your yoga practice. However, virtual yoga offers the ability to prop up your laptop or smartphone screen anytime or anywhere.
Yoga classes through the internet offer an opportunity to select your favorite instructor
There is an excellent variety of styles, levels, and teachers in the online yoga class, so pick the one that seems perfect for you. When you have your favorite instructor workout video, you will surely love to do yoga at home.
Online Yoga Class Cons
Virtua yoga class is not entirely secure
Might be possible you are doing the wrong workout, and you need guidance from your instructor. Meanwhile, in the life class, the instructor checks that you are following good practice; it will also allow you to do correct postures that could not bring you serious injuries. The virtual yoga class is a slower and sometimes frustrating path without this individualized attention,
Virtual yoga is not communal
Yoga workouts with other people bring you active, and you will do more concentrate on your practice than yoga online at home. Typically, doing yoga alone can’t helpful; to gain more experience.
Online yoga is easily put off
If you take admission in the yoga classes, you will become active and committed to your class. On the other hand, if you are doing online yoga, you might put off and prefer to do other work first.
Online yoga class is hard to follow
As a beginner, you can’t understand the essential points in online yoga. Simultaneously, you check the screen and perform the same as your instructor, but sometimes, you can’t do it properly.
Yoga in online is full of distraction
When you join physical yoga classes, you probably leave your essential work, whereas you can’t do it in online yoga. Instructors usually create an environment that allows you to disconnect and concentrate on practice completely.
Wrapping up
The practice of yoga classes online has some pons and cons that are discussed above. However, the only worst drawback of online yoga class like students needs to watch the screen is not very fresh like a live session
Anyway, for several reason people can’t travel long for the yoga teacher training and yoga retreat courses. So, you can take our online yoga teacher training and online meditation training from home by means of internet.
by Tirtha Acharya | Feb 22, 2021 | Yoga
10 Factors Why People Travel to Nepal for Yoga Retreat Class
Yoga is the term used for the sets of actions performed for spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing. Today yoga teachings and techniques are spread wide around the world. It is so popular and wide spread that, you can use the internet to learn hundreds if not thousands of techniques just here and now.
Yoga is the technique passed down from the ancient Hindu scriptures. It was originated in ancient India, today known as two countries India and Nepal. It is good to practice yoga anywhere in the world but Yoga in Nepal has a different charm.
10 reasons why people travel to Nepal for yoga retreat class are as follows:
1) Origin of yoga
Yoga techniques were given to us by ancient Hinduism. Here is where yoga took its first breath. The originality and the purity of the origin still remain here after all this time. So, Nepal is best for having a yoga retreat class.
2) Natural environment
Nepal is rich for its natural beauty. The country has beautiful mountains, famous Himalaya range and beautiful forests. Yoga supplies maximum benefit when practiced in calm and peaceful natural environment. So, thinking of taking yoga retreat class Nepal is for you.
3) Experienced teachers
The normal and easy yoga process do not require a teacher you can just see and do them. However, there are some advanced form of yoga that you should not attempt prior some yoga experience and a teacher. If you are willing to take yoga retreat class to Nepal you will find many experienced teachers who are qualified academically and also in the traditional approach of yoga.
4) Affordable yoga learning
Yoga learning can be costly depending on the country and heritage. However, being the origin place with such wide spread Nepal’s yoga learning technique comes under the average cost budget. Moreover, the amazing thing about that is being under average budget it provides amazing ‘A’ class service. So, Nepal’s yoga retreat class is for you if you are looking best service under a tight budget.
5) Lovely and friendly people
If you visit Nepal for Yoga retreat class, you will find the country people are very friendly, helpful, and co-operative with you. They will make you feel very welcomed and create a home like experience. So, that you can have one of the most amazing experience in your life during your visit for yoga retreat class.
6) In Nepal You can learn different techniques of yoga
Yoga is not just 2-3 techniques and poses, it has thousands of forms, postures, techniques, and methods. Some popular widespread technique may have permeated throughout the world. But if you want more than common what is next level you should visit Nepal for yoga retreat class. Additionally, if you want to learn different types of yoga like hatha yoga, ashtanga vinyasa, raj yoga, karma yoga, Iyengar yoga, hot yoga, aerial yoga, etc you can find very expert teachers in Nepal for that.
7) Great places to visit- diverse art and culture
During the yoga retreat class visit you are not going to learn just yoga. One also wishes to have an enjoyable time on the country. If you were to visit Nepal for yoga retreat class you not only will have a great learning experience. But lots of memories of wonderful places as Nepal is rich is cultural heritage sites and natural beauty.
8) Internationally accredited School and by Nepal government
Nowdays, many people search yoga alliance certified school which provide yoga teacher training. If you go with them, they follow specific syllabus for their yoga teacher training and retreat course as well. Those certified schools never cheat with you. the certified school ensures that you have risk free and healthy learning.
Mostly, yoga retreat course is not a certified course and is just for relaxation. But if you go with such a registered school you will get better service from them.
9) Easy Visa process for Nepal
Compared to some countries the Visa approval process of Nepal is quite easy. So, you will not need months and weeks long issues with visa approval. You can just decide to have yoga Retreat class in Nepal and with some simple steps you can visit.
10) Very beneficial in different aspect for good holiday
Yoga retreat class in such an amazing place with such original techniques heals you mentally, spiritually, and physically. If you are going through some crisis, needs to find yourself, reignite passion Nepal is the location for your yoga retreat class.