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Spine Reflexology – How To Relieve Back Pain Through Spine Reflexology

Spine Reflexology – How To Relieve Back Pain Through Spine Reflexology

Spine Reflexology- Treating Through Back

Spine Reflexology is extremely precise, and because it treats the entire spine by stimulating the nerve roots that emerge from between each pair of vertebrae, it can alleviate almost any ailment, including headaches, muscle tension, hormone imbalances, anxiety, respiratory issues, digestion, and circulation, to name a few examples.

Reflexology on the feet may not confuse with this! This relatively new therapy works using a moderate massage-like motion by relaxing the muscles around the spine, neck, and pelvis, creating the sensation of receiving a soft massage. You continue to be completely dressed. A very soothing treatment is viral at the Centre. It may give regularly.

How to Relieve Back Pain through Spine Reflexology

Spine Reflexology is very effective for back Pain. Eight out of ten individuals will have back discomfort at some time in their lives. Most back pain is non-specific; you may not link its meaning to a specific event, such as an accident. This form of back pain is often erratic in its occurrence. You may utilize reflexology methods to provide yourself with both short-term and long-term comfort, regardless of whether your back pain is sporadic or persistent.

Treat the right area

Using your feet as a pressure point may help you reduce lower back discomfort. The reflexes on the soles of your feet, the whole region surrounding your heel, and the area around your ankle are all quite sensitive, so applying pressure to these spots can be very beneficial. You’re using reflexology to the reflex points on your shoulders and upper back to relieve tension.

Direct your attention to your cervical spine

You may use the right thumb to activate any and all of the spine reflexes that you may be able to place along the inner border of your foot, starting at the tip and going all the way down to your ankle, while supporting your right foot with your left hand. In order to press every reflex zone on your foot, you must push your thumb firmly into the skin of your toe and gently proceed down the whole length of your foot.

Make use of your sciatic nerve

They may be discovered immediately behind your anklebone and extend up in a straight line for around 4″ or 10 centimeters, depending on your height. You may characterize Sciatica by severe pain that radiates down the leg because of nerve compression, which you may cause by various circumstances.

Make contact with the reflex points located on your spine.

To achieve this, apply pressure with your thumb along the outer edge of your palm, as seen below. To begin, focus your attention on your right hand, then move to your left hand.

Engage your shoulder and upper back reflexes

You may do this by exerting pressure on the region on the top of your hand right under your pinky and ring fingers. The location for your shoulders and upper back is positioned on the palm of your hand, right behind your pointer and middle fingers, just under your middle finger.

On the outside of your hand, just below the base of your thumb, there is a reflex point for the upper back located on your hand’s palm. Always use both hands to train the reflex spots; your left shoulder reflexes are situated at the bottom of your right pinky, respectively.

Stimulates the nervous system

In many ways, the practice of spine reflexology is beneficial to our central nervous system. The brain is better capable of dealing with stimuli more efficiently, speeding up cognitive strengths; as a result, the speed of physical responses increases, which improves your recall. In general, the whole brain can operate more efficiently and decisively.

You may alleviate Migraines and headaches.

Individuals experiencing pain often seek out Spine Reflexology services since reflexology may lower the intensity of migraines and headaches by boosting blood flow and alleviating muscular tension. Given that, stress and psychological variables often express themselves as migraine symptoms, it is possible to eradicate stress-induced headaches as well.

History Of Reflexology | Development Of Modern History Of Reflexology Techniques

History Of Reflexology | Development Of Modern History Of Reflexology Techniques

History of Reflexology

Throughout the History of Reflexology, there have been allusions to people working on their feet, hands, and ears in various civilizations. An early Egyptian tomb picture portrays what seems to be a modern-day Reflexology session, and the fact that it may discover in the Physician’s tomb appears to make it particularly pertinent to this discussion. The hieroglyphics may inscribe as follows, Please do not injure me, and the response is that I will behave in such a way that you will reward me.

Ancient History of Reflexology

There are years of History behind Reflexology as a treatment. It may genuinely track back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, Native America, and China, to name a few countries. This pictograph, discovered in the tomb of an Egyptian physician called Ankmahor in Saqqara in 2330 BC, portrays patients receiving reflexology treatments on their hands and feet. It is the first known evidence of the History of Reflexology.

The Development of Modern History of Reflexology

Dr. William Fitzgerald, an ear, and throat surgeon, was the first to use the more current type of Reflexology, which developed in the 1960s (1872-1942). Dr. Fitzgerald was the Zone Therapy creator, a history of Reflexology that developed earlier than today. He observed that applying pressure to the tips of the toes or the fingers’ ends enabled anesthesia to induce in the corresponding areas of the body.

Minor surgery may perform without anesthetic drugs by placing tight elastic bands around the middle regions of the fingers or toes or by placing pegs on the points of the fingers.

Eunice Ingham theory for History of Reflexology

Although Eunice Ingham (1889 – 1974) may refer to her as the mother of Reflexology, she was the first to practice Reflexology in its modern form. Eunice Ingham worked as a physiotherapist at a doctor’s office, where she used the zone therapy technique established by Dr. Fitzgerald.

After a lengthy investigation, she realized that the reflexes on the feet were an identical mirror image of the body’s organs, and she went on to create a map of the whole body on the feet, which she named the “map of the complete body. When these sites are stimulated using acupressure or massage methods, a beneficial impact may produce in the appropriate body area.

Eunice Ingham devoted her life to assisting people and was a firm believer in the advantages of Reflexology as a healing modality. Modern Western History of Reflexology uses the charts and ideas that she established, which may now refer to as the Ingham Method.

Zone theory for History of Reflexology

Zone Theory, and later Zone Therapy, on which you may find the history of Reflexology, postulates that the body may split into ten longitudinal zones, five on each side, which are subsequently treated using Reflexology. Moreover, Zone 1 would be the region from the big toe straight up the body into the head.

According to Dr. William Fitzgerald and Dr. Joe Shelby Riley, any part of the body that is crushed inside this zone will affect every other part of the body that is compressed within the zone.

The History of Reflexology as we know it today started in the medical field. It may relegate to the Complementary sector even though it was widely considered adequate based on extensive anecdotal evidence, since writing a prescription required more money and time than writing a prescription.

Modern theory

Reflexology is a therapy that is constantly evolving and expanding to become a highly effective treatment for holistic wellness. Exiting new approaches implies that each treatment may modify clients’ unique requirements, and quicker results may boost the body’s natural healing reaction. With the help of research, we are seeking more and more about the History of Reflexology, the healing power of the human effort, and the relevance of hands-on treatments in reducing stress and tension.

Even more astounding is the ability of the mind to influence the body’s reactions – a phenomenon known as the Placebo effect – to occur. Medical professionals believe that stress contributes to the development and exacerbation of a wide range of health conditions. As a result, we must discover effective methods of stress management. Reflexology, for example, maybe incredibly beneficial in reducing the effects of stress on both the mind and the body.

Ear Reflexology | How To Do and Benefits of Pressing Ear Reflex Points

Ear Reflexology | How To Do and Benefits of Pressing Ear Reflex Points

Image Source : Vecteezy

Ear Reflexology

You may use this kind of ear Reflexology, also known as auriculotherapy, to alleviate tension by stimulating specific pressure points in the ear. You may help an array of physiological symptoms, illnesses, and pathological conditions in the chest and abdomen and the lower back and feet by ear Reflexology.

Moreover, you may find Pressure points surrounding the ear activated by this form of Reflexology, which helps alleviate stress in other parts of the body. This traditional Chinese medicine-inspired Reflexology treatment method may use for decades.

The benefits of ear Reflexology for stress

To alleviate tension and anxiety using this technique, known as Auriculotherapy or Ear Reflexology, ear Reflexology stimulates the following ear pressure points:

  • Feelings that radiate throughout the body’s nervous system
  • Positive endorphins may bring about a sense of well-being.
  • Engaging the senses improves the body’s ability to fight infection
  • Stimulated skin results in better skin quality.
  • Reflexology therapy produces calming effects.
  • It boosts the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins by increasing blood flow.
  • Ear Reflexology may help alleviate symptoms of depression and high blood pressure.
  • Asthma and allergic reactions are no match for the human body.
  • It also aids in the de-addiction process.
  • You may administer when reflexology treatment correctly. It reduces discomfort almost immediately.
  • Indirectly, you may manage your body weight by suppressing excessive appetite.
  • Discrimination, perception, and short-term memory may boost by supplementation.
  • It improves academic abilities such as mental arithmetic, attention, focus, and listening comprehension for students and learners.
  • Breathing and energy levels, public speaking, and other auxiliary abilities increase.

How to do ear Reflexology

Ear Reflexology, in addition to symptom-related reflexology, may positively affect the body and psyche.

Rubbing the outer edge of the ear

Holding the top of the ear with your fingers and thumb, Reflexology the ear lobes vigorously as you work your way down. A few repetitions should be enough. It has the immediate effect of increasing blood flow to the brain and alertness.

Ear Stroking:

Gently Reflexology the ear’s inner and outer cartilage. It is essential to also ear Reflexology the area behind the ear. Overall, it is a soothing experience. You may stimulate the nerve endings in certain places of the body by using softer Reflexology techniques. With your fingers, trace the shape of your ear, as well as trace the inside curves of your ear’s cartilage, to see what works best for you. You may also gently touch the area behind your ear that connects your ear to your skull from the top-down.

Hand yoga or ears:

You may cup your hands around both ears. To get the best results, press in a little and spin a few times clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Endorphins may release during an essential ear Reflexology. The whole body is soothed and at ease. It immediately relieves physical and mental tension.

Ear Meditation:

To produce heat, firmly press the palms of your hands together. For around 30 seconds, place your warm hands on your ears and keep them there. A few repetitions should be enough.

Pomodoro of ear lobe:

Using your thumb and fingers, grasp the lobe between them. As you exhale, slowly lower it back to its original position. Repeat it a few times before releasing it. You may revitalize the head is clear and the body.

Ear lobe Reflexology:

The upper body strain is relieved. Overthinking may lessen because of this technique. There are three different methods to do this. Assist the ear lobe with the fingers and the thumb. Several little circular and counterclockwise circles with the forefinger while keeping the thumb stationery is all it takes. Once you have done that, use your thumb to ear Reflexology your forefinger.

You may use your fingers and thumb to grasp the lobe. Pull it out from the bottom. You may pinch and release the earlobe numerous times with your fingertip and thumb.

Folding and curling:

With mild pressure, place your hand on the ear. Rolling down the top ear is as simple as pulling down your hand. Keep your hand there for a few seconds to feel the effects. Raise your hand. Repeat a few more times. You May enhance the ability to concentrate and pay attention.

The spot behind the ear

Because it is more challenging to get to and hence less commonly touched, this portion of the ear has an elevated level of sensitivity. Because the ear Reflexology protects this region, the skin behind the ear is more delicate than the rest of the body. A similar analogy is a skin between one’s fingers, which is softer and more sensitive than the rest of the body since it is not usually touched.

To see for yourself, give it a go right now by stroking in between your fingers. You may Reflexology the area behind the ear, push, tug, and squeeze in the same way as other parts of the body.

20 Most Important Benefits of Reflexology | Why Reflexology?

20 Most Important Benefits of Reflexology | Why Reflexology?

20 Most Important Benefits of Reflexology

You may remove toxins from your body, the nervous system stimulated, energy increased, blood flow increased, and a pre-state of relaxation are the 20 Most Important Benefits of Reflexology. The central nervous system, migraines, and the urinary tract may benefit from its use. Reducing sleep difficulties, relieving sadness, and relieving pain are all possible benefits of this form of massage. You may alleviate the discomfort of pregnancy and the pain that occurs after birth by using this product.

20 Most Important Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology may use for thousands of years as an alternative therapy for a wide range of ailments. In addition to its capacity to enhance nerve functioning, elevate energy levels, and promote circulation, Reflexology may also have many other health advantages. Here are the 20 most important benefits of Reflexology.

May Improve Nerve Function

Many portions of our bodies, especially in our hands and feet, become less sensitive as we get older. There are more than seven thousand nerve points in the human body, and the benefits of Reflexology may show to activate and enhance the function of these nerves in only one session.

1.  Possibly Boosts Energy

Reflexology may help the body’s metabolism and energy production processes by harmonizing different organ and muscle systems. If you may always run, a reflexology treatment may be just what you need to get your mojo back. That is a benefit of Reflexology!

2.  May Boost Blood Flow

The benefits of Reflexology may enhance circulation throughout the body, allowing for more oxygen and blood may transport to and used by all of the cells. Thus, more oxygen enters the body’s most essential organs, enhancing their performance and boosting metabolism.

3. Relaxation May Occur

There is evidence that Reflexology may help calm the body by opening neuronal connections, as previously noted. Consequently, the relaxation-inducing benefits of Reflexology may feel throughout your whole body and mind.

4. Elimination of Toxins

Studies have indicated that Reflexology may aid in urinary tract health and function. As a result, your body will be good to flush out toxins and foreign substances, protecting you against various illnesses and health disorders that may come from a damaged urinary system.

5. May Have Nervous System Stimulating Effects

Numerous advantages may accrue to our central nervous system because of the availability of open neural connections. In addition to improving the brain’s capacity to process information faster, it may also enhance our memories.

6. Decrease in the Frequency of Migraines

Many individuals turn to the benefits of Reflexology to get relief from their discomfort. Reflexology may help alleviate the pain associated with migraines and headaches as an analgesic therapy by reducing muscular tension. Since stress and psychological elements often emerge in the physical symptoms, a headache caused by stress may avoid.

7. Faster Recovery

Cells regenerate more rapidly, and wounds heal more quickly because of improved circulation, nerve activity, and a well-balanced metabolism. Reflexology’s ability to relieve pain may also mean that patients recover more rapidly and are eager to return to their regular lives!

8. Relieves Cancer Treatment Side Effects

It is possible that the benefits of Reflexology will not directly link to healing cancer. Still, it may help relieve the adverse effects of cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy. Anxiety reduction may benefit cancer patients sleep better and lower the risk of vomiting or other typical gastrointestinal symptoms.

9. Easy Pregnancy

According to research, Reflexology may be pretty helpful for pregnant women when it comes to labor durations and the need for analgesics. In addition, many of the health advantages listed in the preceding paragraphs make it a worthwhile investment. Only a handful of the numerous possible benefits of Reflexology may test.

10. Relax and de-stress.

Reflexologists unblock the foot’s nerves by using a unique massage technique that rebalances the lymphatic and endocrine systems. You will experience a relaxed and calmer state of mind because of Reflexology.

11. Lift your spirits

Foot reflexology may show in several trials to relieve pain and emotional suffering, such as despair and anxiety, which is another benefit of Reflexology. Because it stimulates certain pressure spots and nerve endings in the hands and feet, this kind of bodywork helps alleviate the symptoms of depression. It, in turn, removes toxins from the body.

12. Boost overall health and happiness.

Reflexology aims to improve the efficiency of blood and oxygen circulation in the body. As a result, critical organ systems get an increased supply of oxygen, which enhances their performance and overall health. In addition to speeding up metabolism, this may also help injured cells recover and regenerate more quickly.

13. Boost their resistance against infection

Reflexology also has the added advantage of reducing stress, which you may show to benefit the immune system. Additionally, Reflexology promotes the generation of endorphins, which are essential for the normal functioning of immune cells receptors. For the immune system to operate correctly, endorphins are required.

14. Fight the cancer

For relieving pain, Reflexology works by applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and using Reflexology as a therapy for cancer patients that you may demonstrate to help patients feel more at ease and relaxed.

15. Colds and bacterial illnesses

Immune system boosters may be necessary for those who have the flu or colds annually. Reflexology stimulates the lymphatic system, transports white blood cells throughout the body, and removes waste and toxins to aid in the body’s ability to fight illness.

16. Return to health after a back injury

Fortunately, the Benefits of Reflexology may show to be effective in treating both acute and chronic low back pain. You may use Reflexology to relax the spine and enhance blood and circulation to the back’s delicate nerves.

17. Correct hormonal imbalances

You may use reflexology to treat hormone abnormalities in a variety of ways. We are increasing the efficiency of each endocrine gland by the stimulation of reflex sites on the feet, hands, and ears.

18. Enhance sex life

Reproductive Reflexology is another benefit of Reflexology that may assist couples struggling with infertility by restoring a healthy hormonal balance and boosting the reproductive organs’ strength and vitality.

19. Properly digest your food.

All areas of the digestive system are stimulated and encouraged to operate together more harmoniously by Reflexology. Your inside organs can work and breathe more accessible because of its calming effects.

20. Relieve the discomfort of rheumatism

According to the study, the benefits of Reflexology may reduce pain felt by inducing the body to generate pain-relieving chemicals. According to the results, the individuals in the trial had a more significant pain threshold and could tolerate pain for longer than they could without the therapy.

Face Reflexology- Reflex Points On Face | Significant Reflexology Points On Face

Face Reflexology- Reflex Points On Face | Significant Reflexology Points On Face

Face Reflexology- Meridian Points Of Face

The premise of face reflexology is that meridian points on the face connect with different organs in the body. You may practice it by rubbing various spots on your face, using your fingers and hands. Common pressure sites include the forehead, ear, and chin for sleeplessness; and the middle of the forehead for the immune system.

Benefits of Face Reflexology

Sufficient research and case studies indicate that face reflexology is beneficial. The degree of the consequence may vary with people. However, it does give relief and advantages. It decongests the energy route or energy meridians. The unrestricted energy flow in the body maintains it healthy.

  • It is beneficial in pain treatment.
  • Face Reflexology aids internal organ healing.
  • It controls hormonal imbalance.
  • It decreases mental tension.
  • The digestive system perks up.
  • It improves blood flow to the organs in question.
  • Face Reflexology boosts the body’s ability to fight infection.
  • You may aid in Detoxification.
  • Moreover, you may make Recovering from skeletal and muscular injuries easier with Face Reflexology.
  • You may correct Face paralysis using Face Reflexology.
  • In addition, it aids in the recovery of those who have had a stroke.
  • It aids in face muscle relaxation.
  • It removes wrinkles by stimulating the reflex points on the face.
  • It boosts face blood flow. Consequently, the skin on the face tightens and glows.
  • Face Reflexology boosts the production of collagen and elasticity in the face and neck. Benefits include anti-aging properties.
  • You may accelerate Toxin elimination from the skin of the face. There is a healthy radiance to the skin.

What are some tools used in face reflexology?

You may practice Face reflexology at home using a variety of different instruments. This Reflexology uses a wide variety of equipment, including jade rollers, rakes, and pointed rolling tools. In addition, the hands are employed. According to the study, it’s possible to stimulate specific areas of the face that correspond to different organs with little wands called gua sha instruments.

Is face reflexology safe to try?

It is generally safe for persons with significant health concerns to undergo face reflexology. The procedure is non-invasive and straightforward, so it may be worth giving it a go if you are curious about it.

Significant face reflexology points

It is almost impossible to miss a reflexology point on the face. There are also essential locations of stimulation in the joints and bone connections. The brain receives messages from the areas of inspiration. Afterward, the brain analyzes the news and releases a healing wave to the body. It points include the following:

  • A key point is located directly above the spot where the brows meet in the middle of the forehead.
  • There are two reflexology sites on the upper and lower brows.
  • You may realize the reflexological advantages of stimulating the temples.
  • Face reflexology relies heavily on the upper and lower lip.
  • Reflexology uses both corners of the lip.
  • There is a lot of utility in the two spots where the nose flares meet the face.
  • When the chin and jawline are stimulated, it provides reflexological advantages.
  • A sensitive area is hollow under the lower lip and above the chin.
  • You may feel two muscular lumps while pressing the jaws together. You may find Reflexological points in these locations.

What are the risks of face reflexology?

Since it is not intrusive, Reflexology looks to be relatively safe. According to a study, the treatment is safe for people with medical issues (such as blood clot disorders, cancer, and heart failure). It was also determined to be safe for even the most vulnerable cancer patients in a separate study.

Tenderness or sensitivities in the treatment region and faintness may occur in the immediate aftermath of therapy.

Can I do my Reflexology on face myself?

You may practice this reflexology by rubbing various areas on the face with your fingers and palms. The forehead, ear, and chin are common pressure sites; the middle of the forehead is for the immune system and the mind.

Does Face Reflexology Work?

You may say that reflexology points on face may cure numerous aspects of the body, including the face. To determine whether it is worth it, we looked into the research.

What Is Hand Reflexology | Why Hand Reflexology Is Important

What Is Hand Reflexology | Why Hand Reflexology Is Important

Hand Reflexology- The Way To Cure Diseases By Pressing On Hand

In hand reflexology, pressure may apply to various reflex points on the hands and forearms to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms. According to popular belief, these points correspond to different body parts, and massaging these points can help relieve symptoms in other parts of the body and the one where the massage may perform.

A small amount of research may support the benefits of hand reflexology, but the findings are promising. Many of the studies you may conduct to investigate its effects have been small and inconsistent in their results.

However, these studies discovered no evidence of any risks or adverse health effects associated with the practice of hand reflexology (although pregnant women should avoid it, as explained below). Individuals who have tried it and experienced relief have provided much anecdotal evidence to support this claim. Before to dive into the hand reflexology, you can see what is reflexology and come back to this article which make you easy to understand this article.

What is the purpose of hand reflexology?

You may find more information on the science behind hand reflexology in the following sections and some common pressure points that you can try out for yourself.

For anxiety

According to 2017 research, hand reflexology may assist those about to undergo coronary angiography to feel more peaceful and at ease before the operation (a minimally invasive procedure that helps diagnose heart conditions). It may find that those who received hand reflexology or a simple hand massage before going through with the system experienced less stress during the procedure.

Reduce anxiety symptoms by applying pressure to the Heart 7 (HT7) point on the body. On the outside of your hand, right below the crease of your wrist, you will find this structure. In this location, you should feel a minor dent or ding. Massage this area for one minute with both hands on each side of the body.

For constipation

Constipation may cause by a variety of factors, both physical and emotional. Reflexology can help with both of these issues. According to the research of a small study done in 2010, 94 percent of participants reported experiencing more minor constipation symptoms following six weeks of hand reflexology.

According to the research, several of them also reported reduced emotions of anxiety and despair, suggesting that hand reflexology may be especially effective for stress-related constipation. However, since there were only 19 participants, more large-scale studies may need to confirm the findings.

Beginning with your Large Intestine 4 (LI4) pressure point, locate the pressure point on your stomach. It is located on your right hand, between your thumb and index finger, between your thumb and index finger. Utilize your fingers to push on this fleshy webbing on your right hand for one minute to deliver sustained pressure to it.

With your left hand, repeat the procedure as before. Many patients believe that this pressure point is an excellent focus for pain treatment and overall pain relief.

For headaches

Hand Reflexology may effectively treat headaches, especially if the headaches are brought on by stress or concern. According to a study released in 2015, Hand reflexology may effectively treat headaches. After six months of therapy, more than half of the participants reported decreasing their symptoms, indicating effective treatment.

About a tenth was able to eliminate their headaches, and nearly a quarter could completely discontinue taking headache medication altogether. Attempt to use the same LI4 pressure point that you may mention previously. The fleshy region may massage and squeeze, particularly to any sore or uncomfortable spots.

If the Pericardium 6 (P6) site does not work for you, you may want to try another one. This tendon may be located a few inches below the wrist crease, between the other two tendons, and is the longest of the three. One minute at a time, gently massage this place with both hands. Repeat as necessary.

Final Thought

According to some experts, hand reflexology may be a helpful way of reducing sensations of discomfort and tension in the hands. However, remember that most of the benefits of hand reflexology may not back up by scientific research. You may do massage with your own hands. However, it will be relaxing.

According to some research, stress reduction and keeping a calm state of mind may aid in the performance of your immune system. Moreover, you will almost certainly feel better because of it. If your symptoms seem to worsen, adhere to any ongoing treatment plans given by your doctor and abstain from putting pressure on the affected area.