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BKS Iyengar a brief biography

BKS Iyengar a brief biography

B.K.S Iyengar a brief biography

Yoga is the gift of the ancient Hindu community to the world. They are the sets of techniques, poses, and various postures all directed for the betterment of human health physically, spiritually, and mentally. The techniques of Yoga were founded in the Hindu community but in time the techniques have now spread around the world. Methods developed in ancient India now have traveled to the various parts of the world due to its effectiveness and how beneficial it is to the people.

Ancient yoga has now become so diversified that it has developed its segment and types. In the passage of the time of thousands of years, many Gurus and teachers of Yoga arose who redefined the practices and concepts of Yoga itself. The Gurus devised new methods, some reformed the old ones while some of them researched and rediscovered even the lost forms of Yoga. Among the many yogic teachers that came into this world, there is Iyengar who had managed to make his reputation into the Yogic world.

Yoga and its history

The people of the Hindu community believed that yoga was the gist by the gods to the humans. In the time when earth and humankind were new, there appeared a sage who people called the Adiyogi. The Adiyogi was said to be able to perform astonishing acts and was always involved in some amazing activities. People living in that area demanded to learn about the activities that he was performing. Many arrived to learn from him, but he refused in their faces. Some returned while some remained there to convince him and watch him perform his activities.

Time passed, months passed and after many times only seven remained there to learn the methods. At last, Yogi agreed to teach them the secrets of the knowledge, the day the sage agreed to teach them the knowledge was the Purnima (Full moon). That day the sage became the first teacher in the world and the seven people became the first students. We still celebrate the Guru Purnima every year celebrating the first teacher and student in the world.

Adi yogi then taught the knowledge of yoga to those people and in time those people taught yoga to the world. Yoga may have been gifted by the gods or the result of the research of the ancient peoples there is no denying that the knowledge of yoga is very ancient.

Yoga has passed an exceptionally long time before it reached this age. In time many Yogis appeared who reformed and entirely changed the perception by which we see Yoga. It is believed that some of the Yoga Gurus who came to the earth were the incarnations of the gods themselves. Whatever the case may be the teachers formed many forms and techniques of Yoga. There are hundreds of legendary yogic gurus and hundreds of yoga forms that were developed by them.

B.K.S Iyengar

Among the hundreds of yogic gurus that had lived on this earth, there was B.K.S Iyengar. He was born in the previous century and lived a very long life which is common for Yogi who practice yoga. He is known for the Iyengar form of Yoga that he formed and developed.

Birth of BKS Iyengar

Iyengar was an Indian sage who was born on 14th December 1918. He was born in Karnataka India. The name of the place was bellur of Kolar district. The name of the father of Iyengar was Krishnamachar and his mother Sheshamma. Krishnamachar was a schoolteacher by profession. Iyengar was born into a family whose economic condition was not good or stable.

Also, his parents had given birth to many children, which also was quite common at that time where people were not so educated about the problems of overpopulation. Iyengar was the 11th child of the total 13 children of his parents. Among the 13 Children of the parents of Iyengar, only 10 children survived and Iyengar was among the fortunate ones that lived.

The childhood of Iyengar was not completely spent in Karnataka. In 1923 his parents moved to Bangalore where he was 5 at the time. In 1928 when Iyengar was just 9 years old a great tragedy struck his family as his father passed away. Iyengar’s father died due to appendicitis. The sudden demise of the father of the family further worsened the economic condition of the family.

The child life of Iyengar was very tough and according to his statements, we can interpret that he survived a miracle. When Iyengar was born he was infected with influenza his whole village was in the grasp of that disease. Malaria, Typhoid, Malnutrition, and tuberculosis. Due to the impact of these diseases, he was very weak during his childhood period.

Education of Iyengar

Iyengar had had an exceedingly difficult childhood, but his education and determination are the things that turned his life around. Iyengar was very weak from childhood as he had suffered multiple deathly diseases and it was a pure miracle that he had even survived and lived a long life. It can be said that Yoga was the thing that healed him in more than one way. His brother-in-law was Yogi Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, and he is the one who introduced young Iyengar to the world of Yoga. He asked him to come to Mysore to learn and practice Yoga as it was the medium that could heal him.

Iyengar had some yoga classes after arriving there. He was immediately enchanted by the power of yoga and decided his life to dedicate to learning the practice of Yoga. Krishnamacharya taught Yoga to Iyengar and he lived at Mysore learning and practicing yoga.

Teacher of Iyengar

It was Krishnamacharya that took Iyengar from his home to Mysore to teach him yoga. It was also him who provided the place to live to Iyengar and taught Yoga to him. However, the role of the teacher in the life of Iyengar is a little bit complicated. Well, telling it complicated is also a little bit odd. While it was Krishnamacharya who begun the Yogic life of Iyengar and also the one he had taught him Patthabi Jois had claimed that he was the actual teacher of Iyengar and not Krishnamacharya. This had gained popularity back in the day as Patthabi Jois had claimed such a thing.

The relation between Krishnamacharya and Iyengar was also a complicated one. They also had a few rough paths in their relationship as the people around them had told. Despite the rough patches between them, it was Krishnamacharya that Iyengar turned when he was facing problems in his life. He also returned to his Guru when he faced problems in his Yogic life.

Krishnamacharya had brought Iyengar to Mysore with him to practice yoga to heal himself, but Iyengar decided to practice and pursue the path of Yoga as the main motive of life. Krishnamacharya had, in the beginning, had predicted that Iyengar did not belong to the world of yoga, and he would not at any cost succeed at it. Krishnamacharya had one favorite pupil in his teaching place and was very much focused on him and believed he is the one who will succeed him.

The turning point in the life of Iyengar came when the favorite pupil of Krishnamacharya left. Until then, Iyengar was only allowed to do the chores and household activities. However, when the favorite pupil left Iyengar begun his learning at full speed.

Family of Iyengar

Iyengar married Ramini in 1943. The parents of both of them were the ones who had arranged this marriage. The union of two was like something that was made in heaven. According to Iyengar, the love between him and his wife was so that they even never argued with one another on any matter. It was like they were made for one another, and their soul was one. Together they had six children, five daughters, and only one son.

The children of Iyengar were also actively involved in Yoga. Some even became the internationally renowned Master of Yoga walking in the steps of their father. Geeta, Vanita, Sunita, Suchita, and Savita are the names of the daughters of Iyengar while the name of the son was Prashant. The name of the eldest daughter was Geeta and along with the son Prashant became the internationally renowned Yoga teacher. The eldest daughter Geeta specialized in Yoga for women and published several books on diverse topics. His son Prashant also authored some of the books and is popular in the field of Yoga.

Iyengar’s Journey

In the year 1952, the course of Iyengar’s life again changed when he met a certain individual. Iyengar had a good Yogic life in India and even had gained some number of followers but on the international field, he was someone unknown. However, all that was about to change when he had met that individual.

Yuhadin Menuhin was the one who connected Iyengar to the international world. Menuhin was given quick Yogic tough by Iyengar in their first meeting, and he became enchanted by him and stayed in touch. Menuhin believed that by the practice of Yoga that Iyengar had taught him, his performance of Violin was getting better as he was a professional violin player. Eventually, Iyengar was invited by Menuhin to his country Switzerland.

After his introduction to the west, Iyengar got a mass following and people loved what he was doing. People wanted to learn from him, and he had gotten to that level internationally. Over time, Iyengar had taught many people and some of them were the most famous people on the earth at that time.

Elisabeth Queen of Belgium, Krishnamurti, and Jaya Prakash the famous actors were some of the most famous that Iyengar had taught yoga to. The experts of other fields had also come to learn the art of yoga from Iyengar. Iyengar was living the golden years of his life. All the pain that he had gone through to learn the art of Yoga was worth it at this point.

The life of Iyengar was running like this and in 1966 he published his first book Light on Yoga. The book became an international bestseller, which was the power of the knowledge of Yoga that Iyengar had distributed through his book. According to various reports, the book was translated into more than 17 languages and even had sold millions of copies. Along with Light of Yoga Iyengar had published 13 other books which have their importance in the field of Yoga.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar yoga was developed by B.K.S Iyengar so it was named after him.

Field of Iyengar Yoga

Alignment, sequencing, and timing are the major aspects and fields of Iyengar yoga. These are the concrete pillars upon which the Yoga technique rests. Yoga is a very advanced form of Yoga that provides multiple benefits for the one who practices it. Yoga is so great that even the teachers of this Yoga must go through a lot to just be able to teach it. People who want to teach Iyengar yoga to the students need to go through three years of intensive training just to be able to teach Iyengar yoga to other people.

The Iyengar association of the world sets the standard to learn this yoga and if one needs to master it and gets the proper certificates they must live up to that standard. Iyengar yoga is so integrated that everybody from beginner to advanced yoga practitioner can try it and gain immense benefits from it. The beginners at first only learn the basic postures of Iyengar yoga and the basic forms of Yoga itself. While the advanced level practitioners can perform the advanced level of Iyengar Yoga.

Death of B.K.S Iyengar

Iyengar left this world forever on 20th August 2014. He was at Pune Maharashtra when he left this world. Iyengar was 95 years old when he passed away. For the boy who had that many illnesses when he was so little to get to that point of life is a very amazing feat. Yoga was the thing that cured him at an early age and in time he repaid it by developing yoga and healing many others in many forms. With his achievements and contribution to the field of yoga, Iyengar will be forever immortal.

 14-obstacles of yoga-Hindrances in yoga that you need to overcome 

 14-obstacles of yoga-Hindrances in yoga that you need to overcome 

 14-obstacles of yoga

Yoga is a wonderful activity that aids you in recognizing your true potential. However, the road to spirituality is easier said than done. In this blog, we shall take a look at the obstacles of yoga that arise while practicing yoga. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it.

1. Vyadhi

The first and foremost obstacle that we encounter while practicing yoga is ‘vyadhi’. It refers to the various illness and diseases that stop us from performing yoga. It is not possible to practice yoga if one suffers from any sort of physical/mental ailments. Thus, it is of paramount importance that you maintain a healthy lifestyle if you want to develop yourself in yoga.

2. Styana 

Another obstacles of yoga are styana. When we procrastinate, we are running away from our duties and obligation. Only when we perform our duties timely, we can achieve the desired result. Heeding away from one’s duty/kartavya, is an obstacle that we must conquer to embrace yoga’s secrets. Furthermore, you must develop a habit of ignoring excuses.

3. Sanshaya

It is important to believe in oneself and the path that we are walking. If we start to doubt ourselves, then we can never achieve the set target. If we cultivate faith in ourselves, then only can we perform better in yoga and life. Self-doubt is not only an obstacle in yoga but in life too. So, you must get used to the idea of believing in yourself a bit more.

4. Pramada

When we get used to things, we tend to get careless. It is one of the great obstacles of yoga. The illusion of knowledge is dangerous than no knowledge. You must treat this subject with great respect and care if you want to understand its principles. Only through proper devotion and practice, you can comprehend its benefits.

5. Alasya

Who doesn’t feel lazy from time to time? However, you must not feel lazy while practicing yoga. Yoga mandates enthusiasm, discipline, and willpower. All these elements are crucial if you want to truly embrace the divine art, i.e. yoga. Laziness will be your biggest obstacle if you let it run amok. As a result, we advise you to practice yoga in a fresh state of mind.

6. Avirati

Avirati refers to the principle in which the human mind is overly attached to materialistic things. It is another obstacles of yoga that needs your attention. Once you give in to materialistic pleasure, you won’t be able to comprehend the teachings of yoga. You must learn to let go of the attachments that constrain you. Letting go of these shackles can be a bit difficult but after proper practice, you can do it.

7. Anawasthitatwa

Like any program, there are various phases in yoga too. You must start from the bottom and slowly, make your way to the top. Going through these phases need proper practice and time. Getting stuck in a phase can be a bit of a downer. It results from improper practice and attention. If one gets stuck in a phase for long, then it can lead to you dropping yoga. So, practice yoga with your full devotion.

8. Bhrantidarshan

Whenever we indulge in something, we tend to create an image of that in our minds. At times, it matches our expectations whereas most of the time it does not. One of the major obstacles in yoga stems from the fact that people have false expectations from yoga. When it does no match their expectation, people get disappointed and leave yoga. So, before you practice yoga, make sure that you clear yourself from any false ideas.

9. Alabdha-bhumikatva

Similar to Anawasthitatwa, Alabdha-bhumikatva refers to an obstacle in yoga in which the person fails to achieve the next stage. The major reason for this is the faulty practice and incompetence of the yoga practitioner. To prevent this problem from happening, make sure that you practice yoga with full concentration and devotion.

10. Shvâsa-prashvâsa

In yoga, you must learn to breathe systematically. However, if you suffer from breathing problems then it can be a huge problem. Breathing ailments refrain you from having proper command over your breath and makes the yoga process painful. It an obstacles in yoga that demands proper attention. If you want to control this problem at bay, then do visit a doctor.

11. Dukha

In life, there are happiness and sorrow. They are like two parts of the coin and we need to deal with both of them. There are times when sadness tends to overpower us. During that stage, if we practice yoga, then we won’t be able to reap benefits. Thus, we need to control our emotions and even during sadness, control our emotions, and carry on with our work.

12. Daurmanasya is another obstacle of yoga 

When the Dukha stage continues for a prolonged period, it manifests into Daurmanasya. It refers to serious mental ailments like depression. When depression is left untreated, it not only hampers your yoga but affects your daily life. If you feel that you have this problem then don’t be afraid to seek professional help. These obstacles in yoga can greatly harm your personal life too.

13. Angamejayatwa

In yoga, one must go through a variety of poses. These poses are crucial and are greatly linked to yoga. While doing it. some people might experience stiff body parts or even shivering. It results in yoga becoming ineffective. Also, the person won’t be able to achieve the objective that he has decided.

14. Rest

You must understand the difference between rest and quit. Taking a break for a few days does not mean that you’ll affect your yoga schedule. On the contrary, it will strengthen your mind and body and lead to better performance. Many people tend to overindulge in yoga and at times it causes more harm than good. Learn to overcome these obstacles in yoga and live a healthy life.

These are the obstacles in yoga that arise while practicing yoga so be on the lookout.

Student’s Support After Yoga Teacher Training Course  in Nepal Yoga Home

Student’s Support After Yoga Teacher Training Course  in Nepal Yoga Home

We Fully Support  You After Yoga Teacher Training With Us

The journey from a yoga novice to a yoga teacher is filled with many ups and downs. To make your adventure memorable and enticing, the yoga teacher training course proves immensely helpful. After finishing the course, students often find themselves perplexed and confused as to what to do next. Fret not! Nepal yoga home is there to provide you support after yoga teacher training!

You might be wondering what kind of support will we provide? Well, that’s what this blog is all about. We will try to provide the readers with viable solutions as to the supports we offer. If you feel that you must meet us, then our doors are always open for you. So, here is a brief description of the services that we provide.

1. We maintain a strong relationship of guru sisya tradition

In the Hindu culture, there exists a tradition of holding one’s teacher in high regard. You might have heard the story about the student-teacher relationship of Dronacharya and Arjun. The bond between the yoga teachers and students does not go that deep here but we hold the relation between student and teacher in high regard.

Even after completing the course, you can call the yoga teacher to ask for assistance. The yoga teacher will assist you if it is within his reach. Helping students at the time of need is a classic example of support after yoga teacher training.

2. Students can ask any questions on their difficult time for the solution after yoga teacher training with us

Yoga is a continuous process and even after completing the teacher training course, you should study it. The problem that many students face is that while self-studying, they encounter setbacks. It is either a technical problem or a conceptual problem. In such cases, only a yoga teacher will be able to help you. You might be thinking that my teacher might get irritated if I ask him again and again.

Well, in Nepal Yoga Home, our teachers are more than happy to solve your queries. They will try their best to provide you with the answers you are searching for. This type of support after yoga teacher training is rare and you won’t find it any other yoga training facilities.

3. we provide recommendation letter whenever they need if they truly follow our program structure

If you decide to develop a career in yoga, then we as ‘teachers’ will be very happy for you. Nothing brings joy to us than the sight of our students achieving success. With that in mind, we try to help our students as much as possible. We provide recommendation letters for our students provided that they abide by our program structure. Furthermore, if you display exceptional skill and prowess, we’ll make sure to highlight that.

4. Help them to grow their schools if necessary after yoga teacher training

If you want to commercialize your yoga skills by opening a yoga school, then feel free to ask for help. In this support after yoga teacher training, we provide the students with valuable tips and ideas. By using these ideas, they can elevate the level of their yoga schools. Not only that, but we also aid in curriculum planning and other crucial matters.

5. If interested, we can work in their country by doing partnership

For students that want to establish a yoga school in their native country, they can contact us for partnership. We are always on the lookout for diversification and if you feel that we have the skills, then we’ll look into partnership. By partnering with us, you’ll get access to unparalleled yogic knowledge and life skills. We will be able to make great progress if you join hands with us.

6. In the future, they will get 15% off in all program we offer

Another support after yoga teacher training is that if you take another program, we shall provide you a 15% discount. By availing this facility, you get access to amazing facilities that are too good to pen on paper.

7. Support you to be a register yoga teacher

We help you how to become an internationally qualified yoga teacher i.e Register Yoga Teacher (RYT)  by joining the yoga alliance community after the teacher training program with us.

Nepal Yoga Home holds its students in high regard and always works to provide them unmatched service.

15 Hacks On How To Be happy?

15 Hacks On How To Be happy?

15 Hacks On How To Be happy?

Happiness is a weird concept. Everyone in the world wants to be happier. Everyone from beggar to king, poor to billionaire no one can say they are perfectly happy and are still trying to be happier than they currently are. You can never have complete and utter happiness but you can definitely be happier than you were.
Here are the 15 hacks on how to be happy:

1) Exercise
Research suggests physical exercise decrease anxiety, the stress in the body. Firstly physical exercise helps to control your weight, reduce the risk of cardiac diseases, improves the mood and attitude of a person. Furthermore, When you do a physical exercise the excess fat on your body will be removed. This results in a well-ripped body and who wouldn’t be happy with a well-ripped body looking best you can.

2) Traveling
Travelling makes almost everyone happy. Traveling and taking a break from your mundane environment can add a spark of happiness in your life. For instance, the cause of unhappiness in some 10 to 5 working people can be the monotonous day to day activity, if that is the cause traveling is the answer for your how to be happy question.

3) Escape social media
Social media is a double edge sword, if you won’t use it wisely it will likely harm you. The social media world is mostly exaggerated, most are not what they show in this world. In this glitter people, non-voluntarily compare themselves with others and kill their happiness. If this is the case you should take a break from social media or should put a limitation on how much to use.

4) Spend time with your elders
Our elders have spent more time in this world than us and they know more about this world than us. In other words, take a time to spend it with your elders and family. At the end of the day, they are among the few in this world who care for you. If loneliness causes your unhappiness they are your key to how to be happy.

5) Good company a great way on how to be happy

You certainly are what you surround you with. If your friends are without ambition, drains your happiness, discourages you then its time to find a better crowd for you. However, you also must be one to encourage and care for your friends. You must also be that kind of friend that you hope your friends are.

6) Clear goal and ambition
Sometimes the cause of your unhappiness is aimlessness. You see your colleagues and friends walking towards their dreams and you may feel a bit left out. But above all, you should focus on yourself and work very hard and have faith eventually you will get everything you worked hard for.

7) Clean your surrounding
It looks a bit odd comparing other ways but a tidy and clean environment has more effect on you than you would imagine. Positive and clean surroundings have a positive and fruitful effect on you. Wake up and clean room before going to work or study, even if the day goes wrong and bad you would still have a tidy surrounding and clean bed to return to and that can improve your mood.

8) Develop healthy habits
A good habit can have a lifelong impact on you. For instance, you can give up smoking or drinking, this will improve your health and others around you, save your money, furthermore even discourage your children or friends to quilting drinking, or smoking. Its never too late to adopt healthy habits.

9) Learn new skills
For some elderly and peoples, life can be lonely. Loneliness can cause severe unhappiness. The lonely time with yourself becomes too much of a burden to bear. If you are going through that you can use your time for learning new skills, recreational activities. May be learning is the remedy for your how to be happy?

10) Yoga and meditation

Simply putting yoga is the series of postures done for better mental, physical health. Yoga and meditation classes can reduce stress, anxiety, and even boost the confidence level in you. It was found that people practicing daily yoga and meditation were more happy, stable, and energizing than their non-practicing counterparts.

11) Sleep more
Sleep is the best natural medicine that our body has. Sleep heals you mentally and physically. It gives proper rest and recharges your body. A good night’s sleep can improve your mood and attitude hugely. To think it like that it is better to sleep than keep overthinking about worthless things. Maybe a peaceful good night’s sleep was all you needed for how to be happy query.

12) Help others
Helping others and involving in volunteering as well as charity acts immediately improve our mood. It makes you generous and gives you a positive feeling. It will inspire your children to be more kind to the less fortunate ones. Maybe a little bit of charity and a voluntary act was needed all along for you to be happy.

13) Communicate
Communicating is the key to solving many kinds of disputes. A dispute between two individuals is sometimes the cause of unhappiness. Not every time but sometimes not expressing their thoughts creates a barrier between the peoples. So talk communicate and may become to a mutual agreement.

14) Make an effort

Living life means you have to constantly give effort to many things. You have to give effort to your relationship, job, family, friends, goals. Instead of giving up on small obstacles you should push harder. May be things that will give you immense happiness is just an effort away.

15) Be happy with what you have
The last and the most important key to being happy is to be happy with what you have. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue excellence, wealth, and dreams. Dream and work hard but the goals should be within your field of vision and it should make you happier not the opposite. Maybe what you have already makes you happier than what you think gaining will make you happier.

10 Reasons Why Yoga Teacher Training In Nepal

10 Reasons Why Yoga Teacher Training In Nepal

10 Reasons Why Yoga Teacher Training In Nepal

Nepal being home for yoga offers best among the best studios for beginner and advanced yoga teacher training. Yoga teachers’ training in Nepal is a wonderful opportunity to swim deeply into a mixture of ancient and modern art of yoga. Nepal provides scrupulously garnered courses for enthusiastic yoga learners or teachers who carry a soul purpose of enlightenment through yoga.

Those who want to light up their crown chakra with the help of yoga are always invited to Nepal. Nepal is not only an amazing place for yoga but the picturesque place in the lap of Himalayas always attracts people. Yoga studios in Nepal try their level best to provide the finest yoga teacher training. Yoga and meditation is the best way to heal your mind and body will be better than the best if you learn it in Nepal.

1. Many options to choose

There are so many yoga studios in Nepal providing yoga teacher training course. Nepal Yoga Home is one of them. This yoga school in Nepal is providing different yoga courses for a long time. Nepal yoga home is a renowned yoga studio, which offers the best service with the most qualified masters, the guru is, and the whole team. Nepal yoga home is the choice of so many people.

It is the only place where the graduation rate is very high. Yoga students all over the world visit Nepal to be a part of this studio and learn yoga from here. Each place has its uniqueness, which allures the world. Same as that Nepal yoga home has been an exclusive place for many exceptional reasons.

2. A safe environment is a next point for why yoga teacher training in Nepal

Nepal yoga home offers a safe family environment for all learners. Learning and practicing yoga in a peaceful environment surrounded by greeneries and nature will be the biggest and point for yoga learners. Nepal Yoga Home provides a clean and peaceful environment. We have plenty of free space for the practice of yoga.

So you can also engage yourself in self-practice. We do care about your health issues, your problems, and even tiny things related to our students. We try to comfort them, attain them personally if they need help, and help them in every aspect of their traveling after arrival from the airport.

3. Homely environment

We believe in teamwork and every member of our team will make sure to comfort our learners. Being the best place in Nepal for yoga teacher training, Nepal yoga home teaches multiple styles of yoga and meditation. All the expert team of yoga will not only teach you meditation and yoga but will also share their experiences as a yoga teacher.

4. Internationally accredited

Nepal yoga home is among those few studios, which have been registered from all the yoga alliances: yoga alliance the US, yoga alliance Australia, yoga alliance India, international yoga alliance, world yoga alliance, and yoga alliance Italy. Therefore, its certificate is valid all over the world. Apart from this, Nepal yoga home is the first registered yoga school in Nepal certified by international yoga alliance. We are also the first yoga center to offer Astanga vinyasa yoga in Nepal.

5. Serene milieu

This is an ideal place for deep introspection, self-relaxation, and yoga. The majestic opportunity of being an irreplaceable part of Nepal yoga home should not be missed. We come with the perfect program in every sense making you explore all the necessary yoga and meditation styles.

We always try to embark on a unique expedition of yoga and spirituality. We offer a holistic approach of training including all dimensions of yoga. Our course includes yoga poses, meditation, breathing, philosophy, chanting, relaxation, detox, lifestyle, anatomy mudra, etc. This can be very helpful in the yoga teacher-training program. If you want to be a yoga teacher then these things will help their best in your future.

6. The scientific way of learning

Nepal yoga home is a true yoga and meditation-learning center based on both classical and scientific research. We focus on authentic teaching and learning based on both ancient and scientific way. We are the pioneer yoga school in Nepal with outstanding yoga classes and a life-changing environment to offer all the yoga lovers.

7. Affordable

We provide Yoga teacher training in a reasonable and affordable price. Normally, it costs you 5 to 10 times more in the western world even you get a better traditional and authentic class in ours.

8. Learning by doing

We focus on both teaching the classes and giving assignments, practical demonstrations among other students. It increases students’ confidence and they learn the classes by doing.

9. One to one teaching

In case of confusion to students, we also provide one to one teaching. But normally, we teach in a group. One, who didn’t understand get the private time with our expert instructor.

10. Benefit guaranteed

Last but not least, the reason why yoga teacher training in Nepal is you will be definitely be benefited after the course. We have proof of 1000+ students have changed their life completely. 100+ studios are opened by our students after graduated from here. It definitely helps you even if you are going to be a teacher or just want to heal your and family’s health condition.

Relation between Yoga and Ayurveda

Relation between Yoga and Ayurveda

Many questions are being raised regarding Ayurveda and yoga. Actually, Ayurveda and yoga are complementary to each other. The relationship between yoga and Ayurveda is like nail and nail-muscle. One becomes incomplete without another’s presence. To make clearer, the relation of yoga and Ayurveda can also be described as two sides of the same coin. Veda is the root of these both sciences, address disease eradication, health, and all-round progress including spirituality.  Ayurveda is the healing facet; yoga is the practical and spiritual aspect of the Vedas. Mutually they account an overall accessibility to the soundness of the body, the mind, and the soul. Some people arguing that Patanjali is the father of yoga, while Charaka normally considered as the father of Ayurveda, so how there is the same origin for Yoga and Ayurveda. The reality is- many people studies Veda; some teaches the knowledge of yoga while another provides knowledge on Ayurveda. Another probable reality is- one and the same person is known in the Vedic period by various names during his peregrination to ravel the schoolings of these primitive lores.

The histories of many yogis reveal that they have learned when they went to forest and caves for a higher practice of yoga, about many types of herbs, plants and other natural processes to heal the body and energize it. Some of the herbs were found to be very powerful to save the life of a person and to give accomplishment. Laxmana was given a herb named “Sanjivani” when he was near to death. Then Laxman was cured by Sanjivani. The yogis used to take the support of ayurvedic herbs and process during their practice. They used to eat, drink and live the life according to Ayurveda rule which leads them to final success. They helped humanity for bestowing health through the Ayurveda. In the ancient time, there was the perfect method of Ayurveda for curing diseases and remaining healthy. A short hint of herbal medicine is given in the chapter Kaivalyapada, Patanjali yoga sutra. It shows Ayurveda is always applied in yoga. Thus, it is clear that yoga and Ayurveda are inseparable entities to each other.

Both sciences, yoga, and Ayurveda, have parallel tenet: a complete well-being of an individual and the motive of helping an individual re-join to their true and original nature through their direct experience. Yoga sets up the body and mind for definitive emancipation and enlightenment while Ayurveda expounds the several natural methods to keep the body and mind salubrious. Ayurveda and Yoga, both underline our nigh relationship with nature and how to change our environment a way to harmonize with our recondite and deepest nature.

Many people in today’s world think as “asanas (posture) only,” something like a stretching and exercise medium to keep the body resilient and brisk. People are exerted to yoga as an aisle to keep agile even though the purpose of the physical practice of yoga is to help the mind to become spotless or pure and generate higher mind-body awareness. A clean mind is not swayed by stress and gives the output as a healthy body begetting unification with one’s own dinkum, essential nature. Suchwise, Ayurveda gives knowledge of how to maintain the body healthy and how this likened to one’s spiritual path. Ayurveda allocutes our overall lifestyle including various exercises and yoga. However, Ayurveda is extremely individualistic and perceives each person as peerless and an individual’s way toward complete health as a unique path. In other words, each has an identical and original path for perfect health. Hereupon, what is better for each individual is unexampled, nonpareil and unique to that individual alone. This is depictured as an individual’s unique hereditary background composing or dosha (Vat, Kaf, Pitta) in Sanskrit. A person’s constitution depicts who the individual is at the ultimate basic level. Ayurveda treats as per the individual’s fundamental level.

The above concept is noticeable as modern healing systems have also become fruitful as they understood the concept of the unique constitution to each individual nature. This helped to rectify different mistakes of modern healing systems. Ayurveda rejects the “Fits all” theory, is confess the principle that “nothing is right for everyone and everything is right for someone.” Thus, Ayurveda is rooted upon accepting personal requirements and what is good only for the person – not the crowd – and acquiring those needs to establish perfect adjustment.

Ayurveda not only sheds light on the diet, herbs, colors, aromas, etc but also in specific yoga asanas to reveal the best one and important asanas for each person based on his/her constitution. A practitioner of hatha yoga can choose the best practice for a harmonious balance of energy and health with the reference of Ayurveda. Some yoga postures are good for one individual while the same pose can cause greater imbalance for another. Ayurveda helps to know one’s constitutional composition so that the individual can apply constitution-specific asanas to converse their imbalances and ameliorate their health and wellbeing. Verily, if we know our constitution, we can manage our selections and choose only those that will helm optimal health.

Now the question arises- how to know inherent constitution? If you are visiting in Nepal, you have the best option to learn everything in Nepal Yoga Home. Other several alternatives are health journals or websites that analyze your constitution according to your answers to a particular set of questions. Yet, sometimes there can be some chances of errors. So, do not rely solely on this remark unless you take guidance of a certified and experienced Ayurvedic doctor. If you are aware and conscious on your body you will be able to listen to your body and realize the constitution. If you are planning to change asanas, diet or lifestyle for harmonious life, you first consult with an Ayurvedic Health professional then only jump in it.

To sum up, we can say that both Ayurveda and yoga are divine science, a natural gift from the existence to bestow a happy and harmonious life and proceed towards the real aim of life.