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List Of 15 Important Pranayamas / Breathing Techniques

List Of 15 Important Pranayamas / Breathing Techniques

15 Important Pranayamas

Pranayama i.e. a proper way of breathing or dimensions of vital life force is a crucial organ of yoga.

1.       Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath’ & ‘Breath of Fire)

2.       Dirga Pranayama (Long breath- in 3 part)

3.       Bhastrika (Bellows breath)

4.       Anulom- vilom

5.       Nadi-sodhan (Alternate nostril breath)

6.       Ujjayi (Ocean breath/ victorious breath)

7.       Shitali (Cooling breath)

8.       Shitakari (Hissing breath)

9.       Surya bhedi Pranayama (Right nostril breath)

10.   Chandra bhedi pranayama (Left nostril breath)

11.   Moorchha Pranayama (Swooning breath)

12.   Udgeeth Pranayama (Chanting breath)

13.   Plavini Pranayama (Floating breath)

14.   Sama vritti

15.   Bhramari (Humming bee breath)

1.       Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath’ & ‘Breath of Fire’)

In Sanskrit, ‘kapala’ means skull and ‘bhati’ means light (implying perception, knowledge)

Kapalabhati comprises short, fiery exhales and slightly longer, passive inhales. Exhales are made by vigorous contractions of the lower stomach (between the pubis and navel), which force air out of the lungs. Inhalations are reactions to the contraction’s release, which draws air back into the lungs.


ï         Focus on your lower belly.

ï         Now swiftly squeeze your lower tummy, forcing a burst of air out of your lungs. Alternatively, you might pump your hands against your lower belly. As your tummy “rebounds” to draw air into your lungs, rapidly let go of the contraction (or your hands). Start out slowly to find your pace. Repeat eight to ten times, pausing every exhale and inhale cycle for roughly a second or two.

ï         You can speed up to two exhale-inhale cycles per second as you are more competent at contracting and releasing your lower belly. Think of the exhale as “brightening” or sweeping out the lining of your cranium.

ï         Perform 25 to 30 cycles initially. You should gradually boost your practice cycle count to 100 or higher.

2.       Important Pranayamas – Dirga Pranayama (Long breath- in 3 part)                                                                        

  This three-part breathing benefits your neurological system, your mind  and your ability to recognize your lung capacity. It is generally used at the start of a yoga session to direct your focus inward and away from any outside distractions you may have brought to the mat. Clearing your mind and getting ready for practice involves paying close attention to how the breath feels in your body. Deep, regular breathing also activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which lowers stress and anxiety hormones in your body. Healthy lung function is promoted by the three part nature of the breath, which involves actively expanding and then contracting your abdomen, rib cage, and upper chest.


Come to a backward lying position with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat.

Although you can perform this Important pranayama while seated, it’s easier to feel the impact of the breath flooding your body when it reaches the floor when you’re lying down.

Focus on your breath while closing your eyes, first only observing your natural inhales and exhales without making any adjustments. This helps to calm your distracted mind.  Breathe in and out through your nose.

Phase I

 Take a deep breath in through your nose and direct it toward expanding your abdomen.

Give it your all-out puff.

When you feel empty, bring your navel toward your spine and exhale slowly and fully through your nose, squeezing out every last bit of air while deflating the belly.

For at least three cycles and more if you prefer, repeat this deep belly breath.

Phase II

As you have been doing, take a breath in and fill your belly first.

Take in a little more air and focus it on filling your rib cage so that you can feel your ribs somewhat opening up.

If you are lying on your back, you will feel this more strongly.

When you exhale, let the breath out from your belly first, drawing your navel toward your spine at the end, and then from your rib cage so that your ribs draw back together.

Take this breath three or more times.

Phase III

As you have been doing, inhale to fill your abdomen and rib cage. Then, take in a little more air and let it fill your upper chest or cardiac region. As you inhale, feel your entire sternum rise, reaching your collarbones. When you exhale, drag your navel toward your spine by letting the breath first leave from your belly and then from your rib cage, allowing the ribs to move closer together as you exhale.

Once all three components of the breathing exercise have been engaged, perform five to ten additional cycles of it, finally allowing the three components to flow together without halting in between. Return to your natural inhalations and exhalations by letting go of breath control. With a more tranquil mind and more relaxed body, carry on with your yoga practice or the rest of your day.

3.       Bhastrika (Bellows breath)

It helps to enhance Prana (life force) in your being. It is usually used to invigorate the body and clarify thoughts.

Bhastrika will clear the air if you’re feeling cloudy or if time is passing slowly. This also helps

to lose weight,  improve digestion and accelerate metabolism.

Bellows breathing should probably be avoided right before bed because it could stimulate your mind and make it hard for you to fall asleep.

However, give it a shot the next time you need an energy boost.

Methods to Perform

Take a few deep breaths in and out of your nostrils while sitting up straight and relaxing your shoulders.

As you breathe in, fully extend your belly with each breath.
Start bellowing breathing by forcefully exhaling through your nostrils.

Next, take a deep breath at a rate of one second per cycle.

Make sure your diaphragm is doing the breathing; maintain stillness in your head, neck, shoulders, and chest as your belly inhales and exhales.

On your first cycle, perform 10 Bhastrika breaths in succession. Then, pause and let your body and mind naturally breathe while you pay attention to your body’s and mind’s reactions.

Start the subsequent round with 20 breaths after a 15 to 30-second rest.

Finish a third round of 30 bellows breaths after another 30 seconds of resting.

During the exercise, pay attention to your body’s signals.

Although bellows breathing is a safe technique, you should stop for a few minutes and breathe normally if you feel dizzy in any manner.

As the soreness subsides, attempt bellow breathing again, this time slowly and less vigorously.

Best time to do Bhastrika Pranayama

Morning time in an empty abdomen is the best time.

In the mid-afternoon slump:

For those of you who work in an office, the dreaded mid-day slump is the period after lunch when we crash.

Choose a quiet area of your office and practice a few rounds of bellows breathing if you’re feeling lethargic in the middle of the day or after lunch for a pick-me-up that’s even better than espresso.

Bhastrika has certain serious contraindications, including pregnancy, uncontrolled hypertension, epilepsy, convulsions, and panic disorder.

A full stomach should be avoided when practicing bellows breath; wait a minimum of two hours after eating.

4.  Anulom Vilom

It entails holding one nostril closed during inhalation and the other closed during exhalation.

The procedure is then carried out again in reverse.

It’s a variety of alternate nostril breathing.

It has many physical and psychological benefits, including:

  • enriched breathing
  • stress reduction
  • Performing Anulom Vilom breathing may assist you in getting a better start to your day in the morning.
  • promote better sleep.
  • Heals high and low blood pressure
  • Improves eyesight
  • Heals skin problem
  • improved patience, focus, and control
  • relief from stress and anxiety
  • improvements to the brain, and cardiovascular health
  • better overall sense of well-being

Anulom Vilom ought to be performed on an empty stomach, ideally four hours after eating.

You should also locate a nice, cozy setting.

Methods of Anulom Vilom:

Choose a comfortable meditation sitting pose. Close your eyes and maintain a straight neck and spine.

Place your index finger and middle finger on your forehead; your ring finger on your left nostril and your thumb on your right nostril.

Using your thumb, close your right nostril, and take slow, deep breaths through your left nostril until your lungs are completely filled. Concentrate on your deep breath.

Next, let go of your thumb and use your ring finger to close your left nostril.

Breathe out gradually through your right nostril.

Now practice it in reverse, this time inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.

Throughout the process, be conscious of your breathing and how it affects both body and mind.

Try this for about 5 minutes or less in the beginning. Jerky breaths and producing sound during breathing is not a healthy practice. Practice it in an empty abdomen or 4-5 hours after a meal.

5. Nadi-sodhana (Alternate nostril breath)

This Important Pranayama is similar to Anulom-vilom. It is advanced form where breath retention is required after each inhalation. The duration of breath retention depends on the capacity of the practitioner.

Duration of breath in the ratio:








First stage




Second stage




Third stage




Fourth stage

The breath retention should not be forceful. It should be done unto your comfortable stage. In the beginning, you can do it for five minutes. Gradually, it can be done in 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or even more according to your interest and the time available.

6. Ujjayi (Ocean breath/ victorious breath)

Also Known As Hissing Breath, Darth Vader Breath

Ujjayi Pranayama is mostly practiced to support asanas, especially in the Vinyasa style. Here, you constrict or tighten the back of the throat to aid in lengthening each respiration set. Each in-breath and out-breath is prolonged, thorough, profound, and controlled. In the beginning, practice it while seated in a comfortable position. Once you’ve mastered it, start applying it to your yoga practice.


  • Ocean Breath concentrates and directs the breath, giving asana practice extra power and focus. It increases oxygen consumption.
  • By regularly using this breathing technique, you can also relax by calming your body’s fight-or-flight responses.
  • During an asana, your body tells you that it wants to get out of a pose as soon as possible, but with deep breathing your body responds response that everything is OK and you can hold the asana for longer.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Sit up tall in a relaxed manner and close your eyes.

Close your mouth. Bring your awareness to your throat. Start to tighten the soft palate or glottis at the back of your throat when you exhale to somewhat restrict airflow. Consider that you are causing a pair of glasses to fog up. There ought to be a faint hissing sound. After you are comfy with the exhale, start to use the same throat contraction for the inhales.

Again, you should hear a quiet hissing sound. This is how the breath got its name because it has an oceanic sound. (It also has a Darth Vader sound.)

It is also okay if you only hear the sound coming in and out through the throat.

General Mistakes

Tightening your throat when performing Ocean Breath is the most typical error. Only a small restriction is desired.

Modifications and Variations

With the right coaching, advanced practitioners can investigate further varieties.

One advanced technique is the use of muscular locks (bandhas), such as the throat lock, and breath retentions (kumbhakas).

Safety and Precautions

This breathing pattern could be challenging if you struggle with breathing or have a condition like asthma. Make sure you are breathing normally, and stop practicing if you start to feel lightheaded or dizzy.

Pain shouldn’t be experienced while performing this Important Pranayama .

7/8. Sheetali (Cooling breath) & Sheetkari

 The Sanskrit word Sheetali signifies “cold” or “frigid,” which is the source of the word sheetali.

It can also be translated as “that which is quiet, passionless, and calming.”

Sheetali Pranayama is very effective to cool the body, the mind, and emotions.

On inhalation, it stimulates a potent evaporative cooling mechanism that releases soft cooling energy into the body’s deep tissues. Surprisingly, this pranayama also ignites the digestive fire, much like a live coal covered in ash can start to glow due to the effect of cold wind.

In scenarios including high temperatures, strenuous physical activity, protracted sun exposure, hot flashes, severe emotional situations, and other heat-producing conditions, the practice of sheetali pranayama may be essential.

In addition to being neutral toward vata and kapha, this exercise is particularly balanced for pitta.

However, if there is an internal excess of the chilly quality or if the season is particularly cold, sheetali pranayama should be performed carefully.

It’s critical to assess whether sheetali is the best pranayama to use in these situations.

If so, you might want to balance sheetali with warming pranayama like bhastrika.

Important Pranayama Benefits

  • reduces excessive pitta.
  • reduces body temperature and removes more heat
  • stokes the digestive fire and encourages the best possible digestion
  • Reduces digestive tract hyperacidity
  • Calms inflammatory skin diseases
  • helps to reduce body-wide inflammation
  • relaxes and calms the psyche, promoting mental peace
  • Enhances the body’s prana flow and promotes contentment. It also lowers fever.
  • Boosts immunity and eases colic pain
  • reduces excessive hunger
  • eliminates excessive thirst and lowers high blood pressure

Important Pranayama, Before You Start

Sheetali calls for the capacity to roll the tongue into a tube by curling the lateral edges upward. If you lack this skill, a different alteration of the cooling breath (known as sheetkari) is mentioned below.


Those with low blood pressure, respiratory conditions (such as bronchitis, excessive mucus production, or asthma), and persistent constipation should not take sheetali or sheetkari.

Individuals who have heart disease ought to practice without holding their breath.

This procedure shouldn’t be used in areas with high levels of environmental pollution because it calls for inhaling through the mouth, which has the same filtration abilities as the nasal passages.

How to Practice Sheetali and sheetkari:

They work best when performed on an empty abdomen. Choose a sitting position that is cozy.

It is ideal to sit on the floor cross-legged if you can, elevating your hips with a cushion or blanket for comfort.  As an alternative, you could decide to place your feet flat on the ground and sit on a chair that faces the front.

Lay the hands on the knees and lengthen the spine to create an open chest and abdomen as well as an upright back, neck, and head. Eyes should be gently closed while inhaling through the nose. Relax your whole body.

Start by taking a few complete yogic breaths to center your thoughts and gradually awaken the pranamaya kosha (the energetic body).

When you’re prepared to use the cooling breath, take a deep breath and roll your tongue as you inhale:

Roll your tongue if you can and take a breath with Sheetali

Make a tube with your tongue by sticking it out and rolling the lateral sides upward.

Breathe in through the tongue’s curled-up opening as though using a straw.

If you can’t roll your tongue, breathe in with Sheetkari.

The lips should only slightly separate and broaden, like when we grin. Merely flatten the tongue and softly catch it between the teeth.

Take a deep breath in, allowing it to travel through the corners of your mouth and over the edges of your tongue.

In any case, inhale deeply enough to completely fill your abdomen, ribs, and chest. Pay attention to how cool the air feels as it enters your body. For a few seconds, exactly as long as it seems comfortable, hold your breath while drawing your tongue in, closing your mouth, and not straining.

Initially, one or two seconds should be adequate.

You can swallow during the retention if you feel the need to do so because saliva has gathered.

Next, slowly let out air via your nostrils.

The first round of calming breaths is finished.

Repeat for seven rounds, gently holding the breath while holding the tongue curled (or between the teeth), shutting the mouth, and exhaling through the nose.

You can progressively increase to fifteen rounds of cooling breath if you want to practice for a longer period of time.

 Take one deep, relaxed breath in and out of your nose to signal the end of your exercise.

After that, as you continue to breathe through your nose, let your breathing return to normal.

Think about how you are feeling for a moment.

Take note of your bodily well-being.

Are you now cooler than when you first started?

What feelings come to mind?

Where in your body do you sense this practice’s effects?

Observe your thoughts and emotions in silence.

When you’re ready, slowly rise up and give the rest of your day your complete attention while keeping a portion of your awareness focused inward.

Advanced methods include muscular locks (bandhas), lengthier retentions (kumbhakas), and longer inhalations and exhalations incorporated into some sheetali and sheetkari versions.

The best way to learn these techniques is via a trained instructor.

9. Surya Bhedi Pranayama

Also known as Sun Piercing breath, Surya Bhedana Pranayama, or Surya Nadi Pranayama.

This generates heat and energizes the Pingala Nadi (the Sun energy channel). This is a warming pranayama practiced in a seated meditation posture.

Important Pranayama Techniques:

Sit in any meditative asanas with your back and neck straight. You block the left nostril while making the Vishnu Mudra (hand gesture), inhale through the right nostril, hold your breath for as long as you can, and then block the right nostril to exhale through the left nostril. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t hold your breath if you’re uncomfortable. Hold your breath for as long as you feel comfortable.

Smooth (no jerks) and noiseless inhalation is preferred (no hissing or whizzing sound).

Fill the lungs with a deep breath. Simply hold your breath throughout the comfortable stage. Repeat the process for about 3 to 5 minutes.

Note: Skip breath retention if you have health issues that are exacerbated by breath retention i.e. hypertension or anxiety. Beginners may also skip breath retention and add it after a week of practice.

With the contraindications in mind, the pranayama can be practiced at any time of the day.

The best time of day is in the morning.

Avoid doing it after sunset because it may interfere with your ability to unwind before bed.

Safety and Precautions

Do not do

In hot weather, during indigestion, diarrhea, or acid reflux.

Illness and fever.

Hypertension or cardiovascular problems



Besides, omit breath retention if you have hypertension, heart problems, and anxiety.

Surya Bhedana Benefits

Improves physical performance

Activates the sympathetic nervous system.

Heals Sinuses

Improvements in Cardiovascular Health

Reliefs Weight Loss

Adjusts the vata dosha

Helps in Kundalini Awaken

10. Chandra bhedi pranayama (Left nostril breath)

It is also called Chandra Nadi Pranayama. It literally means “moon-piercing breathing”.

Important Pranayama Benefits:

Chandra bhedana pranayama’s advantages stem from the way it stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain and the left side of the body.

The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when the right side of the brain is stimulated, which has a soothing and relaxing effect on the body.

It increases the coolness in the body because on inhalation, Ida Nadi’s cooling energy fills the air, and when you exhale, the right nostril also releases heat from your body.

Moon, also known as Chandra, is in charge of a person’s feminine and creative traits.

Chandra bhedana is therefore excellent when you’re under stress, in need of innovative thoughts, and lacking in creativity, excitement, and enthusiasm in your work.

Controls metabolic and immune responses

Overcomes anxiety and stress

Enhances Circulation of the Blood

Enhances Respiratory Performance

Makes Ida Nadi active

Coherent Brain Waves

Precautions and Contraindications

It should be avoided in a cool season, during asthma, low blood pressure cough, or any other respiratory disorders.

Practitioners should not eat right before and after the practice of this Pranayama.

It’s not recommended to practice Chandra Bhedana pranayama practice just after or before the Surya Bhedana Pranayama.

How to Do Chandra Bhedi Pranayama (Steps):

It is done in the same way as Surya Bhedi Pranayama, only the difference is- to inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right.

Time of Practice

Chandra Bhedana should ideally be performed in the early morning or on Brahma Muhurta throughout the summer.

due to the fact that the summertime brings with it early sunrises and low-intensity sunshine.

Chandra bhedana pranayama can be practiced outdoors in the early morning hours throughout the winter, however, it may be challenging owing to the chilly weather.

In order to practice outside or when the sun rises, the practitioner can wait for the appropriate ambient circumstances.

11. Moorchha Pranayama

The advanced breathing method known as Moorchha Pranayama gives the practitioner a strong feeling of fainting. A floating sense and total relaxation are both connected to this sensation.

Steps of Moorchha Pranayama

Choose a comfortable position for sitting down.

Maintain a straight spine and neck.

Put your conscious attention at the third eye center.

With your mouth, inhale slowly and deeply.

Allow your conscious mind to integrate with this intuitive focal point.

Touch your chin firmly to your throat cavity or jugular notch.

Jalandhara Bandha should be relaxed before slowly exhaling.

Similar to fainting, this results in a pleasant sensation of total relaxation and nonexistence.

As many times as you find comfortable, repeat this breathing rhythm.

You can perform this roughly nine times to start, increasing to fifteen as you become more accustomed to it.


Keep in mind that Moorchha Pranayama is an advanced form of pranayama at this point.

This indicates that not everyone would benefit from using it.

You must first have total mastery over all the other types of pranayama if you want to execute this pranayama.

How Important Pranayama works:

Moorchha Pranayama, one of the most effective breathing exercises, can help you increase the spiritual awareness of your inner being. This breathing rhythm produces the alleged fainting sensation, which induces a strong sense of nonexistence. As a result, you begin to float and lose awareness of your body’s physical limitations. You experience exquisite joy and an almost unnatural sense of pleasure as a result, something you never get to enjoy in your normal day-to-day life.  You can maintain this deep state of relaxation throughout the day with consistent practice.

In our everyday lives, we frequently use the concepts of separation and ego consciousness to define our existence. These two concepts are interconnected. Yet, by letting go of boundaries, Moorchha Pranayama practice can assist you in moving past that and experiencing a sense of peace. You attempt to imitate the sensation when you are awake because it is similar to sleeping. You begin to identify with your ego and material reality when you give your attention to the outside world. But when you go within, you begin to identify with a spiritual truth that is inherently global. Also, it results in the death of the ego and a union with greater awareness. Moorchha Pranayama is therefore highly advised for anyone seeking to increase their spiritual consciousness. It is also incredibly effective when you desire to awaken your Kundalini Energy. When you want to activate Kundalini Energy, the Moorchha Pranayama can provide you with efficient results. Kundalini Energy must be awakened with care and patience.

Benefits of Moorchha Pranayama

Gives inner bliss and maintains happiness for a long time. It is a sort of pranayama that is also useful for getting rid of lusty emotions.

This pranayama can be used to burn body fat.

Increases capacity to focus inward.

Treats headaches and muscle weakness.

Provide the user with a powerful yet mellow sense of euphoria.

Aid in boosting general mental energy.

Enables the mind’s thought processes to end, which in turn results in a perception of absolute nonexistence.

Generates a great deal of power over their ideas and emotions, enabling them to control and master the

Moorchha Pranayama precautions

Moorchha pranayama is not advised for people with heart disorders, uncontrolled hypertension or high blood pressure, brain aneurysms, or mental health issues.

By developing the inner ability to perform Moorchha Pranayama correctly, you can attain various benefits for your mind, body, and soul.

Start practicing this pranayama consistently to experience a degree of inner calm and joy that has never been experienced before.

12. Udgeeth Pranayama (Chanting breath)

The term “Udgeeth” means “deep and rhythmic chant” or “mastery of breath and energy. It describes the deep rhythmic chanting of the sound of Om combined with the conscious control of the breath as the most powerful way to use the mantra. This pranayama is an ancient breathing technique that uses the sound and vibration of the Om/Aum mantra as its focus. This is basic and simplest yet powerful practice helps to clear your mind.

Benefits of Udgeeth pranayama

There are several physical and spiritual benefits of udgeeth pranayama.

  • It helps strengthen concentration and focus, especially where there are external noises to distract you.
  • It also helps clear out negative thoughts and emotions like guilt, fear, anger, and sadness,
  • diminishes stress
  • improves sleep quality,
  • increases energy levels,
  • checks blood pressure, improves breathing
  • boosts the immune system
  • enhances weight loss and strengthen the lungs by improving pulmonary function
  • ameliorates attention and creates positive attitude
  • cultivates a sense of social cohesion,
  • Spiritually, udgeeth pranayama can bring about a state of trance-like awareness and create a sense of unity between us and the universe.

Udgeeth pranayama Technique:

Sit steadily and comfortably, keeping your spine long and straight.

Close your eyes and breath deeply through your nose.

Bring your focus to your breath while allowing your body to unwind.

Check to see if your face, neck, or shoulders are tense.

To ensure that just the belly rises and falls with the breath, concentrate on diaphragmatic breathing.

While you breathe out, start saying the mantra Om.

Practice holding your breath for as long as you can without straining.

Permit the sound to be produced by the breath.

Concentrate on the sound’s vibration and the feel of your breath while you chant Om.

Try adjusting the volume so that you can maintain your concentration on the exercise.

Keep your breathing slow and your mind concentrated while you recite the mantra.

To help you process your experience, pause after the practice.

You can practice this pranayama for 2-10 minutes, 1-2 times per day.

Important Pranayama Breathing practice advices

Exercises to improve breathing should always be done gently and without exertion.

Stop and relax if you start to feel weary or lightheaded.

It’s important to start off slowly and progressively increase the amount of time spent practicing each week when engaging in any form of breathwork.

If you’re concerned or stressed out, it’s advised that you avoid forcing yourself to breathe deeply.

Instead, concentrate on unwinding your body and mind before starting your session.

While deep breathing exercises can help with stress and anxiety reduction, they cannot take the place of treatment or medicine.

It is best to talk to your doctor before beginning any kind of yoga or breathing practice if you have a medical condition.

13. The Floating Breath: Plavini Pranayama

The Sanskrit word “plu,” which means “to float,” is the source of the word Plavini.

Pranayama can be done while seated, lying back, or even standing if it’s comfortable.

It is a very unusual and sophisticated degree of classical pranayama.

It requires abdominal breathing because this technique calls for expanding the belly with air before taking in more air through the nose.

This practice reduces the effect of gravity on the body. It is said that, one who mastered the Plavini pranayama has the ability to float in water for several hours.

One should be made aware before performing this Pranayama that it is a difficult level of Pranayama, needs intense practice, and should always be carried out under the supervision of a guru or teacher.

It must also be carried out in the evening or early morning, at least five hours after a meal or on an empty stomach.

Steps to Do the Plavini Pranayama

Start off in a relaxed position.

It can be practiced while in Savashana or Asana for beginners.

A practitioner can perform this Pranayama in a different position once they have mastered it.

Relax your entire body.

Focus on the space between the brows while keeping your eyes closed.

Inhale into your stomach gradually through your nose.

The stomach ought to swell at this.

If tapped, the protruding stomach ought to produce a resonant sound.

At the top of the breath or during kumbhaka, let your body relax and allow the air to circulate through your abdomen.

Exhale while keeping your muscles at a relaxed state.

Wait until you experience a spark-like sensation in your stomach.

The navel chakra is telling the body to take a breath.

Hold the breath motionless for a moment and forcefully exhale to let all the air out.

The Benefits of Plavini Pranayama

  • Improves blood flow.
  • The immune system will be strengthened.
  • By calming the body and mind, it assists in reducing tension and anxiety.
  • The body’s stress reaction is turned off.
  • Controlling the body’s airflow while in a calm condition also lowers heart rate and efficiently lowers mental strain, helping to improve mental wellness.
  • Many issues with the intestines, liver, stomach, pancreas, and kidneys as well as other organs housed within the abdominal cavity can be effectively cured.
  • By releasing abdominal parasites and polluted air that is held in the abdomen, it helps to enhance digestion.

14. Bhramari (Humming bee breath)

This pranayama is very effective for spiritual growth and self-realization. If you integrate this pranayama before meditation, you can deepen more into meditation. It gives a good vibration

Important Pranayama Procedures:

  • Sit down in a comfortable pose
  • Close your ears with thumbs and keep your fingers facing towards forehead and nose. You can keep fingers gently on your eyes.
  • Inhale deeply through nostrils. Then you can hold breath inside for a few moments if you are comfortable. But you should not retain the breath if you have heart issues or high blood pressure.
  • Exhale with humming sound. The sound can also be only heard by you or companion next to you.
  • Do it for about 11 times.
  • At the end, simply listen to the inner sound with closed ears and eyes for about 1 minute.

Pranayama Benefits:

It effectively relieves stress, tension.

It cultivates inner tranquility, which leads to self-healing.

Blood pressure is lowered with the Bhramari Pranayama, which relieves hypertension.

It calms the nerves down.

Promotes better sleep

The pineal and pituitary glands gain from bhramari pranayama since it stimulates and supports their       healthy activity.

Bhramari Pranayama is a technique for calming anger.

It guards against heart obstructions.

Improves brain functions

15. Sama Vriti  Pranayama

Sama Vritti Pranayama is a yogic breathing practice where ‘Sama’ means equal and Vriti means ‘mental fluctuations’. It is also known as equal breath or box breathing.  The term “equal mental fluctuation breathing” (Sama Vritti Pranayama) refers to breathing.

Samavritti pranayama is a ratio breathing technique that makes use of predetermined intervals of equal breath inhales, exhales and retentions.

This method’s main objective is to lessen distractions and mental chatter.

Important Pranayama Step-by-step instructions for practice:

  1. Sit down in a comfortable pose with the back and neck straight; hands in Jnana Mudra. Make sure that your entire body is not tense, and pay particular attention to having your shoulders relaxed. If sitting on the floor is not comfortable for you, you can use a chair as long as the back is straight and the feet can rest flat on the ground. You can also do this while lying on your back, possibly with your legs propped up on a bolster.
  2. Close your mouth and breathe slowly, evenly, and continuously through your nose. Make use of a diaphragmatic breath to cause the chest to move very little or not at all when the belly rises and falls.
  3. Breathe more slowly and deeply than is comfortable. Most importantly, take your time breathing in and out of your body. Reduce the number of counts and length if you start to have difficulty.
  4. Generally durations of inhalation- retention- exhalation- retention is the same.
  5. You can repeat it up to 10 times.

Important Pranayama Practice tips

  1. You can upgrade your method by including ujjayi breathing. This will enhance the ambiance and aid in reducing external sound.
  2. You can extend inhalation-retention-exhalation duration to intensify and challenge yourself with this breathing exercise.
  3. It is advised to practice pranayama every day in order to acquire this method rapidly and get its many advantages.
  4. Most essential, avoid switching to uneven ratio breathing as this would degrade the efficacy and advantages of pranayama practice.
  5. It is advisable to stop, take a few breaths to relax, and then try again if you are unable to maintain an equal ration.

The benefits of Sama Vritti Pranayama

  1. The main advantage is to balance, harmonize, and even out the flow of prana through the body’s energy pathways, or nadis.
  2. Magical effects to reduce mental stress, anxiety, and worry.
  3. Individuals who regularly practice this yoga breathing method will discover they are more absorbed and are adept to enter into deep, restorative states of relaxation.
  4. Sama Vritti can lower blood pressure and improve brain oxygenation.

Kumbhaka (breath retention)

Holding the breath after an intake and an exhale is a crucial component of the Sama Vritti Pranayama. The Sanskrit word kumbhaka means “breath retention” in English. Kumbhaka is something we do to improve our breathing, quiet the mind, energize the body, settle our senses, and increase our inner awareness. It’s crucial to only hold your breath until it becomes uncomfortable. For a more challenging practice, advanced yoga practitioners might combine one or more bandas with kumbhaka.

Important Pranayama Cautions and contraindications

The retention of breath should not be held by pregnant women or those with high blood pressure, or lung, heart, eye, or ear problems. Simply focus on bringing the lengths of the inhalation and exhalation into balance. If you experience any of these symptoms, stop immediately and resume your regular, relaxed breathing rhythm.

When to Use Sama Vritti Pranayama

Sama Vritti Although pranayama can be practiced at any moment of the day, the optimal time is when you need to develop inner calm, balance, and grounding. To properly focus and tune into your breath, try to find a calm area free of interruptions. As it will aid in preparing the body and mind for yoga asana practice, meditation, and other types of pranayama, it is advised to do it before other practices. This method can be used to sharpen your focus while performing yoga poses.

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Yoga according to dosha- Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Yoga according to dosha- Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Yoga According to Dosha – Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Ayurveda is based on three dosha (predominant qualities of a person) i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These three type of personalities have unique way of yoga practice. They are in charge of movement, transformation, and stability in the body and principally symbolize the wind, fire, and water elements. Similar to nutrition, lifestyle, and herbal recommendations, asana advice is also offered to a person based on their dominant dosha. Ayurveda guides us in selecting the asana practice that best complements our natural tendencies. It encourages the idea that each person has a distinct physical make-up and mental temperament.  As a result, everyone will have distinct requirements. No one diet or way of living or practice can be equally suitable to everyone.

Yoga According to Dosha – How to Practice Yoga for Vata Constitution

Yoga According to Dosha – Vata’s tendency toward dryness causes arthritis and tight joints. They therefore require greater asana practice than any other dosha type. People of Vata nature tend to be stiff in the mornings and in the winter, therefore they should warm themselves well to enhance circulation and mobility.

Overly active asana practices like Vinyasa should be avoided. They could pick a grounded yoga style instead, one that emphasizes holding poses and moving through them carefully and mindfully.

Vata has a propensity to build up in the colon. They should perform various varieties of spinal motions, including twisting and side bending, to release it.

Forward-bending poses, such as the Head-to-Knee Pose-restorative Variation (Janu Sirshasana) and the Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana), are very calming for the mind and can help reduce vata.

Even inversions assist in releasing too much vata.

Standing balance poses that encourage stability and mental equilibrium, such as Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Tree Pose (Vrksasana) (pictured below), and Fierce Posture (Utkatasana), are excellent for balancing vata.

Advanced balancing poses, such as Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana), are especially beneficial for Vata individuals because they make them concentrate and focus their attention at one location rather than scattering their thoughts.

Time and place:  Vata requires warmth, therefore they should practice in a cozy space that is not damp or cold. In the early hours of the morning, their physique might be overly rigid. The hours between dawn and ten in the morning are ideal for practice.

Vata types should concentrate on gaining muscle and strength. Their joints tend to be hypermobile and more susceptible to damage because air (Vata) is light and mobile by nature. They should mostly take it easy and savor each moment.

How to Practice Yoga for Pitta Constitution

Pitta contains some water but primarily represents the fire element.

For instance, because it is “fire in a liquid form,” the hydrochloric acid in our stomach is a pitta product.

Fire produces heat and light, which warms us, digests our food, improves our mental clarity, and heightens our perception.

When pitta is overactive, it can cause fever, inflammation, or ulcers in the body.

We become more prone to emotional issues like irritability and anger.

Pitta people have a propensity for being extremely focused and passionate about their work, which makes them fierce competitors.

Pitta personalities frequently perspire due to interior heat.

They must therefore calm down their practice by taking frequent rests.

Pitta is competitive, thus they must restrain their desire to outperform everyone at asanas. Yoga asanas with a partner might be very advantageous to them.

They must take care to prevent their practice from turning into an Ironman exercise since they are aggressive. People should be aware of their tendency to be self-critical.

The large intestine and the midsection of our bodies are home to fire. Cobra Position (Bhujangasana), Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), and Camel Pose (Ustrasana), which have a cooling effect as we come out of them, are examples of gentle backbends that are not held for very long.

In moderation, intense backbends are beneficial but can aggravate pitta. Thus it’s best to repeat them a few times than to hold them for too long.

The majority of seated poses, such as Bent Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) (shown below), Completed Posture (Siddhasana), and Hero’s Pose (Virasana), reduce pitta.

Yoga Seal (Yogamudrasana), in particular, is particularly effective at calming the fire element. All forward bends are.

Pitta benefits from nurturing and cooling practices like Sitali pranayama as well as inversions like Plow Pose (Halasana).

Yet, due to their extra pitta and already high levels of irritability, headstand pose (Sirsasana) is not advised for them.

Time: When the sun is at its strongest, people with pitta constitutions shouldn’t practice. The finest times are in the cool morning and evening.

A pitta-reducing practice should be evenly spaced out with regular rest and deep breathing breaks. Keep in mind that pitta causes excessive perspiration, which can lead to electrolyte loss or dehydration. Pitta personalities should practice moderation and concentrate on cooling off.

How to Practice Yoga for Kapha Constitution

The cohesion or putting objects together attribute of Kapha is represented by the water and earth elements. It stands for steadiness, weight, and cold. Our organs’ mucous membrane contains it, and it even lubricates our joints. In terms of our physical health, it nourishes us and keeps us alive. It produces mental peace and warmth on an emotional level. However, when consumed in excess, it might result in weight gain. physical indolence, a propensity for becoming overly attached, and narrow-mindedness. Because of their stability and well-established joints, kaphas benefit from alignment-based therapies.

Their strong bones also indicate that they should move extremely slowly and refrain from forcing themselves into difficult postures. They should not strive to be thin or agile like Vata types, but rather accept the weight of the earth and the water.

Kapha types can practice the vigorous vinyasa styles, but they must progressively and steadily increase their ability. Sudden, intense workouts can be harmful for Kapha because of their propensity for obstruction and heart problems.

Their cold nature also requires warmth. As a result, they must incorporate vigorous exercises that raise internal temperature. But they need to exercise caution and patience. The thighs and midsection are where Kapha tends to congregate. If there is no cardiac problem, they do well with vinyasa yoga or Nauli Kriya. It’s okay to practice forward bends in moderation. They also have a propensity for being lazy. With continual movement during a yoga practice, Kapha can overcome this. Maintaining their attention and interest can be achieved by interspersing complex poses.

Most backbends, including Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana), Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III), Headstand and Forearm Stand Pose (Pincha Mayurasana), and One-Legged King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), are excellent for lowering Kapha. Kapha types can hold their backbends for a longer period of time than pitta types can.

Time: For them, morning and evening practices are appropriate. But because they take their time getting up, the sooner they begin, the better. To get going, they could require a cup of coffee or tea and one or more obnoxious alarm clocks.

Kapha types should focus on improving their mobility and stamina. The extra earth element causes them to move less and regularly solidify their commitment to their current way of life. They find change to be challenging. During practice, they can modify by often altering their posture.

The most intense or dynamic variations of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara) are advised for Kapha-type people. However, kids need to practice often and gradually increase their endurance. Sun Salutations should be performed slowly and steadily by vata and pitta. Pitta must watch their workload and make sure to take appropriate breaks. Vata types should make sure they hold the position longer than they go in and out of it.

How To Practice Yoga With The Seasons

Additionally, we must keep in mind that the doshas are never static and that their impact on us is constantly shifting. The body and mind are always interacting with each other and reacting to changes in our surroundings, the seasons, our way of life, and any illnesses or maladies. For instance, a Kapha-reducing practice can help us, regardless of our constitution, if we have a cold and congestion. Or we shouldn’t take a vinyasa class that emphasizes constant movement if we’ve been traveling and in the air for many hours. We won’t get anywhere but more lost.

Listen To Your Body

The fact that these ideas are so simple to understand is a plus. All we have to do is pay attention to our bodies and our intuition. Problems arise when we persistently push our bodies against their wants and desires in one direction. Injury, exhaustion, boredom, and poor performance are all indicators that we are acting contrary to our innate nature or constitution. Determine what makes you feel happy, energized, and relaxed and adhere to it regularly rather than following the crowd or the newest fad. In order to achieve a balance between the body and mind by attending to the specific requirements of our individual temperament on a given day, that is exactly how Ayurveda approaches yoga.

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Top Ten Benefits of Meditation

Top Ten Benefits of Meditation

There are uncountable benefits of meditation. It is impossible to describe all the benefits of meditation. Meditation is not beneficial only in one life but is for life after life. Meditation takes you back to the core of your life where you can get all types of happiness, peace, and harmony. It is only the way to liberate humanity from problems, miseries, and sufferings. This is only the way to come out of the shackles of birth and death. Meditation gives a real understanding of both visible life and invisible life. It allows you to enjoy the beauty of a spiritual journey. Some general benefits that can easily be seen are as follows:

1.      Keeps mind serene and peaceful: As you start practicing meditation that suits you the most, your mind calms down. We have been troubled by our thoughts. However, with meditation, you will get your thoughts to be quieter and quieter. Your unnecessary mental tendencies still. The science is- meditation releases your serotonin hormone which is responsible for making you peaceful. You will enjoy the placidity of your mind. This brings tranquility which is very harmonious and blissful.

2.      Increases concentration and memory power:  Meditation is a very good technique to develop your focus and concentration. We have been troubled by a lack of attention. As you start meditation you will become more and more single-minded. Your attention becomes stronger and stronger. Meditation also releases dopamine hormone which is responsible for focus, concentration, alertness, and long-term memory.

3.       Enhances Immunity power: When your mind is peaceful, immunity power increases. Negative thoughts are the main reason to destroy your immune system and make you diseased. Meditation eliminates negative thoughts, negative attitudes, and many bad aspects of life which gives you good health.

4.      Increases consciousness: Meditation wakes you up. It awakens you internally. It teaches you consciousness. It is the process to live consciously or mindfully. People always live in the past or in the future and lose the present which is meaningless. Meditation brings you back to the present. You will be able to live in the present moment through meditation.

5.      Increases understanding and realization: Everything in life becomes clearer and clearer with the practice of meditation. This uplifts your intelligence and consideration. Things become easy to grasp. You would become insightful into your life and world through regular practice. Meditation keeps developing your discernment. You can fathom the depth of your life and even beyond your life. You will develop various ways for twigging your life and identifying the values and meaning of your life. When you descry various dimensions of your life it is possible to recon what is the purpose of your life, sensate what is to be done and not to be done, and so on.

6.       Foster generosity, and kindness: When there is a proper release of hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin you will be more generous, and kind. You can be liberal in the right way for humanity through the constant practice of meditation. Meditation releases these positive hormones and keeps you in the right mood.  Meditation makes you benevolent, munificent, and bountiful in a real sense. You will keep eradicating hatred and ill will from your mind, if any.  With meditation practice, righteous and gracious nature emerges. Meditation is the way to make you elegant and philanthropic.

7.      Reduces negative emotions: Human being has suffered from negative thoughts and emotions which has been the cause of misery and diseases. Meditation scans your entire psychological system and cleanses you internally. It eradicated the negative feeling and emotions at the root level. This is also known as internal purification. This will bring you closer and closer to enlightenment.

8.      Develops imagination and creativity: When meditation releases you from all the mental clutter you will have a better imagination power and creativity. This increases your mental power. Meditation decreases the violent nature and increases the non-violent nature. When there is violence, it brings destruction. When there is non-violence, it brings creation. You will be more and more creative with the practice of non-violence. You will have the power to create various things and various aspects. Meditation increases inventive and ingenious aspects of your life. The long-term meditation practice makes you more and more productive and resourceful in your life. Meditation makes progressively innovative. It makes you your own innovator and creator in your life.

9.      Ameliorates patience and tolerance: Since meditation is the perfect way to develop inner balance, it increases your tolerance and endurance. When there is no inner harmony external things affect you easily and you will lose your patience. Lack of inner coherence is the reason for to lack resilience.  Proper meditation practice makes you imperturbable and attain unflappability. Meditation is a beautiful gift of nature to maintain your mental equilibrium which increases your persistence. When your mental poise is stable there is no chance to lose patience.

10.  New perspective on stressful situations: When there is a difficult situation, generally people become upset. Even a small unwanted situation makes people sad and disappointed. At that time people get misguided. When stress overpowers you don’t know what is to be done and not to be done. However, if you practice meditation regularly, a new perspective on life gets generated. Your novel outlook developed by meditation toward the set of circumstances releases you from the stress level and in return gives you strength and power.

The real joy and pleasure of life can be experienced if there is meditation in life. Life will lose its meaning if you do not practice meditation. In fact, there is only one way to realize self, to get perfect harmony and profound life which is meditation.

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What After 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Certification

What After 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Certification

200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Certification

If you have completed your “200 hours yoga teacher training certification”, you have many options to upgrade your yogic journey. Now a days 200 hours certified yoga teacher training is being very popular but after the completing the course people are very confused what after certified yoga teacher training course so this question inspires to write something about this topic.

Yoga has not bounded in any specific time like 200 hours certified yoga training, 300 hours certified yoga teacher training or 500 hours certified yoga teacher training but for professional life we need it.  Having said that we should be sure yoga is eternal journey it may take many life so we should not rush to achieve something.  200 hours registered yoga training can be the foundation to seek more deeper into yoga and meditation.  You may seek many different things after the certified yoga training that we are going to discuss.

Option 1) The first option is to continue “300-hour yoga teacher training” or “500-hour yoga teacher training”: This course will enhance your practice and understanding of yoga. You can go deeper into yoga and gain more benefits from yoga. All the subject matters like asana, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, etc. will be taught more deeply. You will be a better yoga and meditation teacher after this course.

Option 2) Yoga Therapy Teacher Training Course: If you have an interest in the curative aspect of yoga, you can learn it in a therapeutic yoga teacher training which is more disease related yoga practice. In therupatic yoga it will focus the preventions and curation of disease.  It provides the concept how to deal different problem. There is a specific technique to do asana, pranayama, and meditation according to the disease. In this course, you will study the body, diseases, causes of diseases, and yogic treatment for the diseases. This will make you your own doctor and help others to heal the diseases of other people. Therapeutic yoga teacher training course is  one of the best course to heal the people by  alternative way of yoga, meditation , pranayama etc.

Option 3) Specialized course of Pranayama Teacher Training: This course is basically focused on breathing. You will study in detail the “relation of breathing and mind”, “relation of breathing and brain”, “relation of breathing and lungs”, “relation of breathing and body”, etc. along with practice. All forms of pranayama will be taught to you in great detail. Pranayama teacher training provides to pranic energy and control over the involuntary thoughts.

Option 4) Meditation Teacher Training: This course is focused only on meditation. There are many different techniques of meditation. You will study and deepen the different types of meditation so that you understand the reality of life. It’s deep practice to know the own self. Once you learn everything, you have to choose the best suitable meditation for your practice. Being a teacher, you need to teach all the techniques of meditation to your students.

Option 5) Yoga teacher training for pregnant women: Pregnant yoga is famous nowadays. You will study pregnant health, and physical practices which are good for pregnant women. You will get knowledge about how a pregnant woman can do yoga, and how she should avoid it. You will study which Yoga-asana is good for pregnant ladies and which is not good for her. Similarly, pranayama (breathing), meditation, Banda, etc. also has important roles in her practice. There are many aspects that a pregnant lady needs to observe for giving birth to a healthy child. These Pregnant yoga teacher training will be taught the life style mother and exercises that need.

Option 6) Kids yoga teacher training: Kids like to do yoga if it is in a playful manner. If you can teach yoga to children in a funny and amusing way, they will like to do it. This will give good guidance to students for their betterment. Kids yoga teacher training will help students with their normal development, health, study, concentration, etc. This will also be good for providing morals, ethics, discipline etc.

Option 7) Reiki Training Course: Reiki is an alternative and spiritual healing technique. Reiki training  course helps you to cure your own disease and other as well as without any drugs. This is a meditative method to cure diseases and gain spiritual energy. There are three levels of Reiki course: first degree, second degree, and master degree. In the first degree, you will learn contact healing, second degree- distance healing, and master’s degree- you will be prepared to initiate others in Reiki.  Reiki training will assist to connect to universal energy. Reiki training course can be good to learn in Nepal as this country is more spiritual and origin of reiki. Reiki has discovered by the buddha so, Nepal is origin of reiki. Learn reiki in this Himalayan country is to have very privilege. All you are welcome to Nepal yoga home if you want to know reiki in it’s original form.

Option 8) Singing Bowl Training course: This is a great course for your spiritual awakening and improvement in meditation. This is also practiced for healing, nourish and therapy for diseases and problem. It also has different levels of healing but you can start from the first level. Nepal Yoga Home offer the singing bowl training course for different level. As the level of course will increase the understanding of singing bowl be deeper. Singing bowl training in Nepal could be your best choice ever. Singing bowl training course is mostly based on chakra is the energy center of the body. Singing bowl training is the best way to awaken the kundalini energy.

Option 9) Ayurveda training: Yoga has a direct connection with Ayurveda. Aftert certified yoga teacher training 200 hours you can attend Ayurveda training course. Yoga and Ayurveda are complementary to each other. Observing the Ayurvedic rule is very important for a healthy and happy life. Ayurveda course in Nepal Yoga Home gives you an amazing idea about food, diet according to your dosha (property of your body), lifestyle, attitude, herbal treatment, etc. Ayurveda training course covered the therapy like massage, sirodhara, basti, steambath, nasya etc.   If you learn all these therapy you will able to open your own studio. Combination of Ayurveda and yoga provides more value of the yoga studio and school.  Nepal Yoga home if first school in Nepal which has good facility of Ayurveda training and yoga training course in Nepal.

Option 10) Astrology training: Astrology is the best way yo discover somethinng new after certified yoga teacher training course 200 hours and 500 hours and 300 hours. Many people are searching what after certified yoga training no doubt choose astrology learning in Nepal Yoga Home. the research into the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies thought to have an impact on nature and the affairs of humans. This helps you to understand your and others’ fate, destiny, daily affairs, carrier, profession, relations with family members, friends, spouses, children, etc.  Astrology training course helps you to understand overall readings of your own life and helps you to develop acceptance. Astrology training is conducting by Nepal yoga home in demand.

Option 11) Vastu Shastra training: It ancient eastern system especially followed in Nepal and India that detail the design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space organization, and spatial geometry are the foundation of this traditional Indian architectural system. After certified yoga teacher training course if you learn this skill one more important skill will be added in your life. The designs use geometric patterns (yantra), symmetry, and directional alignments to combine architecture with nature, the relative functions of different elements of the structure, and ancient beliefs. This will teach you how to make arrangement of good in a room, how to align a construction, etc.

Option 12) Naturopathy: A comprehensive approach to well-being is used in naturopathy. The practice of naturopathy encourages healthy living. It avoids drugs, so it is a drugless treatment. The cornerstones of naturopathy include the value of a balanced diet, fresh, clean water, sunlight,          exercise, and stress reduction. In order to minimize the symptoms of any sickness, promote the body’s ability to heal, and balance the body so that illness is less likely to develop in the future, naturopathy tries to educate the patient on how to take care of their own health and the health of their family. There are various types of short and long courses in Naturopathy. You can choose one of them according to your interest and the time available. Yoga and naturopathy both believe the prevention of disease. It seems very important to know the naturopathy after attending the certified yoga teacher training course.

Option 13) Chanting and music: You might have practiced Sanskrit chanting during your “200 hour teacher training course” Chanting is part of Laya Yoga. Similarly, if your nature is inclined to Bhakti Yoga i.e. yoga of devotion, learning music will help you. You can choose one of the musical instruments that you like most and start learning. For learning a musical instrument you need to find a good teacher. If you learn any musical instrument, this will improve your chanting and you will also learn how to sing hymns, spiritual and devotional songs, bhajan, etc.

These programs are accessible in Nepal. Most of the program are available in Nepal yoga home.

If you are unable to travel to Nepal or India, you can search locally.

May you have amazing life ahead!!!

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How To Register Your School In Yoga Alliance? How To Register Yourself In Yoga Alliance? 

How To Register Your School In Yoga Alliance? How To Register Yourself In Yoga Alliance? 

How to register your school in yoga alliance? How to register yourself in yoga alliance?

Yoga Alliance is a non-profit organisation based in the United States that provides standards for yoga teacher training programs and maintains a registry of yoga teachers who meet those standards. The organisation was founded in 1999 and has become the largest international organisation for yoga professionals. Read on to learn about how to register yoga school in yoga alliance.

 How to register yoga school in yoga alliance (section 1): Why should you register yoga school in yoga alliance?

Registering a yoga school provides legitimacy to the school and its programs. It assures students that the school meets specific standards and follows ethical and professional guidelines. Registering a yoga school makes it easier to obtain liability insurance, which is essential for protecting the school and its students.

A registered yoga school is recognised by yoga associations and organisations, which can lead to increased exposure and opportunities for the school and its graduates. Furthermore, registering a yoga school requires the school to meet certain standards and follow specific guidelines. This helps to ensure the quality of the programs and the instructors.

How to register yoga school in yoga alliance (section 2): Requirements from the program of the yoga school

Yoga Alliance sets minimum standards for yoga teacher training programs, which cover topics such as anatomy, philosophy, ethics, teaching methodology, and practical teaching experience. Yoga teachers who complete a training program that meets Yoga Alliance’s standards can register with the organisation and use the designation “RYT” (Registered Yoga Teacher).

Yoga Alliance also provides continuing education opportunities for yoga teachers and maintains a code of conduct for its registered teachers. The organisation aims to promote safe and effective yoga teaching practices and support yoga teachers’ professional development.

Advantages of enrolling in yoga alliance

The organisation provides standards and guidelines for yoga teacher training programs and maintains a registry of yoga teachers and schools that meet their criteria. Registering your school with Yoga Alliance can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Credibility and Recognition: Yoga Alliance is a well-known and respected organization in the yoga community. Registering your school with them can give your school credibility and recognition within the industry.
  2. Higher Standards: Yoga Alliance has established standards and guidelines for yoga teacher training programs, which can help your school ensure that your curriculum meets the highest level of quality and effectiveness.
  3. Access to a Global Network: As a registered school, you will have access to a global network of yoga teachers and schools. This can provide opportunities for collaboration, networking, and exposure to a broader audience.
  4. Continued Education: Yoga Alliance requires registered schools to offer continuing education for their teachers, which can help to ensure that your staff stays up-to-date with the latest developments and techniques in the field.
  5. Marketing and Promotion: Being listed on Yoga Alliance’s directory can help your school to gain visibility and attract new students.

Knowing how to register yoga school in yoga alliance can help increase your school’s credibility and reputation within the yoga community and provide access to a network of like-minded professionals and ongoing education opportunities.

How to register yoga school in yoga alliance? To register your school with the Yoga Alliance, you must follow these steps:

  1. Review Yoga Alliance’s standards and requirements for registered yoga schools (RYS) and registered yoga teachers (RYT). These standards cover the curriculum, instructional hours, and other aspects of yoga teacher training programs.
  2. Meet the Eligibility Requirements: Ensure that your school meets the eligibility requirements set by the Yoga Alliance. The requirements vary depending on the type of school you have (e.g., 200-hour, 300-hour, or 500-hour teacher training programs). Ensure the school’s yoga teacher training program meets Yoga Alliance’s standards and requirements. This may involve revising the curriculum or adding more instructional hours to the program.
  3. Submit an Application: Apply for Yoga Alliance registration by submitting an application and paying the registration fee. The application will ask for information about the school, the yoga teacher training program, and the lead trainer(s) for the program. Go to the Yoga Alliance website and submit an application for your school. You will be required to provide details about your school, such as its name, location, and the type of teacher training programs you offer.
  4. Pay the Fees: You will be required to pay a fee for your school’s application. The fee will vary depending on the type of school you have and the level of registration you are seeking.
  5. Provide Supporting Documentation: You will need to provide supporting documentation with your application. This may include a copy of your school’s curriculum, course materials, and teacher training manuals.
  6. Review Process: After the application is submitted, Yoga Alliance will review the application and verify that the school meets the organisation’s standards and requirements. The Yoga Alliance will also review your supporting documentation. If your school meets the eligibility requirements, it will be registered with the Yoga Alliance.
  7. Maintain Registration: Once your school is registered, you will need to maintain your registration by renewing it on an annual basis and complying with the Yoga Alliance’s standards and policies. Graduates of the program will be eligible to register as RYTs with Yoga Alliance.

You can now begin the process of enrolling in such a program now that you know how to register yoga school in yoga alliance.

It is important to note that registering with the Yoga Alliance is not mandatory for running a yoga teacher training program. However, many yoga teachers and schools register with Yoga Alliance to demonstrate their commitment to high standards and gain recognition within the yoga community.

Thus, this was all about how to register yoga school in yoga alliance. As seen, there are plenty of benefits in enrolling your school in such an accredited program. This was a detailed review of the benefits of registering in yoga alliance, how to be a register yoga school (RYS) and what things you should know to register.

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What Are Yoga Schools, Yoga Ashrams and Gurukul systems?

What Are Yoga Schools, Yoga Ashrams and Gurukul systems?

What Are The Differences Between Yoga School, Yoga Ashram and Gurukul system?

Yoga is a widespread physical and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. It focuses on the union between the body, mind, and spirit. Over the years, yoga has evolved, and different schools of yoga have emerged. One can choose to attend a yoga school, Yoga Ashram, or a Gurukul system to learn yoga.

Are you wondering if you should enrol yourself in the experience of learning Yoga? Then, read on to find out which type of teaching method is best for you!

Yoga School

A yoga school is an institution that offers yoga education to individuals who want to deepen their knowledge and practice of yoga. Yoga schools can be found worldwide and provide various yoga courses, from beginner to advanced levels. Most yoga schools offer traditional Hatha yoga classes and more contemporary styles like Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Kundalini, and Iyengar yoga.

Curriculum in a Yoga School

The curriculum of a yoga school usually includes yoga asanas (poses), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, yoga philosophy, anatomy and physiology, and teaching methodology. Students can choose to enrol in a short-term course, usually lasting a few weeks or a longer duration that lasts several months or even a year. Some yoga schools offer teacher training programs that prepare students to become certified yoga instructors.

Attending a yoga school can be a transformative experience for individuals who want to deepen their understanding of yoga and its benefits. The structured curriculum and experienced teachers provide students with a solid foundation in yoga practice, philosophy, and teaching techniques. However, it is essential to research and chooses a reputable yoga school that aligns with one’s values and interests.

Joining a yoga school can benefit your physical, mental, and emotional health. Here are some reasons why you may want to consider joining a yoga school:

  1. Learn proper yoga techniques: A yoga school can teach you the correct methods for performing yoga poses and breathing exercises, ensuring you get the most out of your practice and avoid injury.
  2. Improve flexibility and strength: Yoga involves a variety of poses that can help improve your flexibility and stability over time, leading to increased mobility and reduced risk of injury.
  3. Reduce stress and anxiety: Yoga effectively reduces stress and anxiety, helping you relax and feel more calm and centred.
  4. Build a sense of community: Joining a yoga school can provide you with an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in yoga, helping you to build a sense of community and support.
  5. Deepen your practice: By joining a yoga school, you can deepen your practice and learn new techniques and poses you may not have discovered.

Overall, joining a yoga school can greatly improve your physical, mental, and emotional health while providing you with community and support.

Yoga Ashram

A yoga ashram is a spiritual community where individuals can immerse themselves in yoga practice and philosophy. Ashrams are usually located in remote areas, away from the distractions of modern life. They offer a space for individuals to connect with themselves, others, and the natural environment. The primary purpose of an ashram is to facilitate spiritual growth and transformation.

Curriculum in Yoga Ashram

In a Yoga Ashram, individuals follow a structured daily routine that includes yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, chanting, and seva (selfless service). Ashrams also offer classes on yoga philosophy, Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine), and Sanskrit. Students usually live on-site, in shared accommodation, and follow a strict code of conduct, including abstaining from drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity.

The experience of living in a Yoga Ashram can be life-changing for individuals who seek a deeper understanding of yoga and spirituality. The daily routine, group activities, and supportive community create a conducive environment for self-reflection and growth. However, living in a Yoga Ashram requires a significant commitment of time, money, and energy. Researching and choosing an ashram that aligns with one’s values and intentions is essential.

Joining a Yoga Ashram can offer many benefits, including:

  1. Immersion in Yoga Practice: Yoga Ashram allows individuals to immerse themselves in yoga practice fully. This can help individuals deepen their understanding of the practice and develop a stronger mind-body connection.
  2. Sense of Community: Yoga Ashram provides a supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to spiritual growth and personal development. This sense of community can be very beneficial for individuals who are looking to connect with others who share similar goals and values.
  3. Discipline and Structure: Yoga Ashram typically has a structured daily schedule that includes time for yoga practice, meditation, and other spiritual practices. This can be helpful for individuals who are looking to establish a daily routine and develop greater discipline in their lives.
  4. Personal Growth: Living in a Yoga Ashram can be a transformative experience that helps individuals develop greater self-awareness and personal growth. Through daily practice and reflection, individuals can develop greater clarity about their goals and values and learn to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
  5. Spiritual Guidance: Many Yoga Ashram are led by experienced teachers who can guide and support individuals on their spiritual journey. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are seeking more profound insights and understanding about their lives and their place in the world.

Gurukul System

The Gurukul system is an ancient Indian educational system focusing on spiritual and moral education. The word Gurukul means “teacher’s family,” The system is based on the principle of living and learning with a guru (teacher) in their household. In the Gurukul system, students stay with their guru and study the scriptures, philosophy, and spiritual practices.

In the traditional Gurukul system, students study the Vedas, Upanishads, and other sacred texts and learn various spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, and puja (worship). They also learn essential life skills like cooking, gardening, and carpentry. The curriculum is personalised to each student’s needs and abilities, and the teaching is done through storytelling, discussions, and experiential learning. The Gurukul system is based on the principle of guru-shishya parampara (teacher-student legacy).

Thus, this was all about Yoga Schools, Yoga Ashrams and Gurukul systems – now you can choose the right place for yourself.

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