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Do you remember the last time you laughed out loud? Do you feel frustrated and angry all the time? Is smiling back at a person challenging for you?

All these questions reflect a damaged emotional state. We often talk about physical, mental, and psychological health – but, forget about emotional well-being. Your emotional health has a direct impact on overall health. Emotions tell the story of your inner state.

Some people tend to think time is the healing medicine of emotional scars. But, sometimes you need to do something for emotional health.

We’re so engrossed in worldly life that we barely take time for our emotions. Your 9-5 office timings turn you into a living robot. You need to break the chains of mentally and emotionally exhaustive cycles.

Yoga for emotional healing gives you the solution to emotional disturbance. If you’re on the quest to know how yoga is used for emotional healing – give this article a read till the end.

What is Emotional Health?

Emotional health is a state that shows how you control emotions, deal with challenges, and respond to certain situations.

Emotional stability has a role in every walk of your life. It helps you in making wiser decisions, maintaining a work-life balance, and dealing with difficult life situations.

Everyone has the right of being emotionally well. But, sometimes distorted relationships, constrained financial situations, and busy lives can disturb the balance.

You should adopt a healthier lifestyle which includes healthy diet, practice yoga, develop habit of writing journals and take care of sleep schedule.

Yoga for Emotional Healing

Yoga and emotions are deeply connected. Yoga for emotional healing is a proven strategy recommended by experts. It has shown its effects on emotional stability.

When a person feels emotionally low, we often recommend him to stroll outside. Taking deep, slow breaths and meditation also helps in relieving the anxiety. All the elements of physical exercise, breathing, and meditation combine in yoga.

There are two types of yoga practices: active yoga and restorative yoga. Active yoga focuses on increasing energy, strength, and body flexibility. On the other hand, restorative yoga calms nerves, reduces stress, and relaxes the mind. The restorative type has more effect on emotional health.

Types of Yoga for Emotional Healing

Following are the 5 types of yoga for emotional healing

1. Sukhasana

Sukhasana is a sitting yoga pose – where you sit with your legs crossed. Sit straight, keep your shoulders and arms relaxed. Join palms of the hand together and bring them closer to your heart. Make sure to have a peaceful environment and don’t get distracted.

Collect the inner energy of your soul. Now, set your intention to use yoga for emotional healing. Promise that you will prioritize and take care of yourself. Reaffirm that you’ll take every step towards a happy and healthy life.

2. Restorative Seated Forward Bend

You will need a bolster for this yoga pose. Sit with your legs straight and place bloster on your thighs. Bend forward and rest your head on the bloster. Keep your arms on the side of your legs. Inhale and exhale slowly and gently. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

This yoga posture is very relaxing and soothing. It helps to quieten your mind and gets you in a meditative state. It makes you enjoy the present moments of life.

3.Restorative Corpse Pose

Take a soft pillow and place it below your head. Lie on your back, keep your legs straight, and place your hands on the side. For additional support, you can put another pillow under your knees.

This position of yoga for emotional healing activates the parasympathetic nervous system of the body. It reduces the release of stress-inducing hormones i.e., adrenaline and cortisol. It also plays a role in improving sleep quality

4. Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is very famous among yoga practitioners. It is an intermediate-level yoga pose. For this posture, you need to lay on your back and bend your knees. Put hands down on the floor with palms facing downward. Push your hips in the upward direction.

The bridge pose helps in better blood circulation, improves digestion, and boosts mood. Your body feels happy and energized which directly contributes to emotional well-being.

5. Restorative Twist

The restorative twist is a very easy yoga for emotional healing. Put bolster on the floor and lie down on your left side – bolster should support your head and torso. Keep your arms relaxed – stay in this position for a few minutes. Repeat it for the right side of the body.

It helps you get rid of negative emotions and gives a calming effect. It helps in controlling your emotions and reduces exhaustion. This pose demonstrates a good example of yoga for emotional healing.

6. Leg Up The Wall

Leg up the wall is a beginner-friendly pose. You can easily do it at your home without proper training. Get yourself closer to the wall and lie down on your back. Then wiggle your body near the wall – rest your legs against the wall in a vertical manner.

Leg up the wall pose refreshes your mind and body. it improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and removes muscle tension in the legs.


One of the main benefits of yoga is to restore emotional health. Ancient yoga practitioners used yoga for emotional healing. The benefits of yoga transcend far beyond physical health.

There can be varying degrees of emotional traumas. We can’t deny the importance of professional help but yoga can act as a supplement. People who daily practice yoga feel more balanced and calm in life.

After practicing yoga for a month – you’ll see a massive change in your emotional behavior. It helps in getting rid of anger issues and you start observing things from a positive perspective. You’ll get better control of emotions and start making wiser decisions.

If you’re dealing with emotional instability – it’s a sign for you to add yoga to your routine. I hope this article motivated you to take a step closer towards healthy life by including yoga in life.

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