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21 Days 200 Hours Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Training in Nepal

Welcome to our Authentic, Traditional and Yoga Alliance Accredited Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal Yoga Home

Come as a student and return as an Internationally accredited yoga teacher after this yoga teacher training in Nepal Yoga Home


Group size:   30 students For superiority teaching in a Yoga Teacher Training group

Price: The complete price of 200 hours Certified Yoga Teacher Training course in Nepal is 1400$ (U.S. dollar) in Standard shared room, 1600 USD in standard private room, 1700 USD in Deluxe shared and 2000 USD in Deluxe private room. It comprises your complete teacher training classes, accommodation, food, tax and certification.

Yoga style: Our major yoga techniques are based on research hatha yoga, Patanjali base Astanga Yoga (eight magnitudes of yoga), along with this we train with Vinyasa, Iyengar, Kundalini yoga and much more. In our yoga training class, we teach in holistic technique combining yoga asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing approaches), Dhyan (Meditation)Yoga detox, and yoga values which are the core of every type of yoga.

Eligibility: In our 200 hours certified yoga teacher training course (YTTC) every desired person can join either beginner or advanced to be a certified yoga instructor. Anyone with the well-built aspiration to uplift in a new level of peace, health, and comprehension can achieve this yoga teacher training course.

The case of booking cancellation: If you desire to cancel the course, 25% of the complete fee will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded in 15 days of your cancel application. After starting the course, fees are not refundable on any situation.

Set in the attractively good-looking and calm surroundings of Kathmandu, Nepal for the Yoga teacher training course (YTTC). Nepal is the amazing richness of Himalayas, the true residence of the Yogi’s, birthplace of Lord Buddha and we welcome you to find out the deep beginning of Yoga & Meditation. It is an ideal destination for the one searching for wellbeing, pleasure, peace, and synchronization.

This Yoga Teacher training class is intended for everyone with a desire to become a certified and well-trained yoga teacher. This Yoga certificate course of 200 hours (3 weeks) Yoga Teacher Training is appropriate for both beginners to advance level students. The pathway to becoming a proficient yoga teacher is a sole, satisfying and life-affirming divine journey.

Our Certified Yoga teacher training course facilitates with the essential tools to begin your career as a flourishing yoga teacher. Teacher training is intended to offer students a transformative yoga-meditation practice. You will learn comprehensive information regarding yoga with important teaching skills.

After the successful achievement of the yoga teacher training course or yoga certificate course we distribute a certificate which is valid at every corner of the world and also certified by Yoga Alliance International & Nepal Government.


Our  200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course Includes

The 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training course or certified yoga instructor course will be divided into the following topics:

  • 200 hrs Yoga Teacher Training course hours is categorized into the these topics:
  • 75 hours: Yoga Asanas (Yoga Postures)
  • 25 hours: Meditation
  • 25 hours: Pranayama, Banda & Mudra (Breathing Science)
  • 25 hours: Mantra Chanting& Yogic Relaxation
  • 25 hours: Yoga philosophy & Yoga anatomy, physiology & lifestyle
  • 25 hours: Yogic detoxification & Teaching practice & Extra activities

1. Yoga Asanas (Yoga Postures) During Yoga Certificate Course

yoga-posturesHere you will learn Hatha Yoga and Astanga Yoga to keep good health, strength, flexibility, strength, and harmony between body, mind, and soul. You get familiar with the different Asanas (postures) in a systematic manner with a progressively increasing level of difficulty (advanced yoga asana). Asana improvement and Advanced Yoga asana practice will be detained independently. This Certified yoga teacher training course offers comprehensive training on best way to teach Yoga.

We are covering a wide range of Hatha Yoga Postures and Astanga Yoga Postures in brief. The asana were selected carefully to assure the power, consciousness, flexibility, and harmony of body and

Various types of postures will be trained all through the yoga teacher training course including:

  • Meditative postures
  • Micro-level Yogic postures
  • Surya Namaskara (sun salutations)
  • Chandra Namaskar (moon salutations)
  • Warm up
  • Dynamic Postures
  • Balancing Postures
  • Inverted Postures
  • Relaxation Postures
  • Sequences of Postures
  • Sitting Postures
  • Standing Postures
  • Lying postures

2. Meditation

Nepal Yoga Home encloses a special meditative environment in the surroundings of Nagarjuna Jungle. We will take you to the finest level of harmony, pleasure, peace, and understanding via meditation.  After completion this Accredited Yoga Teacher training course, you will find good indication and effective way to prolong in your day to day life and the effective way to teach others.

yoga teacher training

The condition of deep peace along with pure awareness means Meditation.  In fact, it is the ideal approach to meet your actual and genuine peace. Our teacher revealed the soul meditation for a modern everyday life where people can discover deep peace and delight.  We teach various types of meditation to make a competent tutor in Yoga.

Meditation Techniques
  • Soul meditation
  • Buddha style meditation
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • So- Ham Meditation
  • Vipassana meditation
  • Aana-Pana Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Walking Meditation
  • Dynamic Meditation

2. Pranayama, Mudra, and Banda (Breathing Science)

A. Pranayama (Breathing science)

Pranayama is resulting from a combination of Sanskrit words and they are Prana (vital energy) and Ayama (expansion). So, Pranayama is all about the development of fundamental energy via breathing exercises. The proper live out of this free source of power (breath) can come out with amazing changes to our health, strength, self-assurance and mental calm. Stable practice arouses internal religious light, pleasure and a serene mind.

Pranayama (yogic breathing) is all about the voluntary control of the breath helping to manage your involuntary opinion and makes mastery of your mind. Based on the Research,  the practice of Pranayama (breathing practice) helps in reducing nervousness and despair, enhancing the energy levels, relaxes muscles, reduces the sense of stress and makes stronger the nervous and respiratory systems.

In addition, pranayama has a better impact to allow the improved function of the autonomic system and enhances the function of lungs, heart, intestines, kidneys, and pancreas. Through the pranayama practice, everybody organ receives additional oxygen, helping to cleanse the blood removing toxins from the body. After pranayama practice, you will get rid of negative and injurious thoughts and will start to experience the precision of the body, experiencing inner peace, sound sleep, enhanced memory, and better attention.

Topics Covered of Pranayama during this yoga certificate course
  • What is Prana?
  • Types and function of prana
  • Why is pranayama important?
  • How can we deepen our inner awareness by pranayama?
  • How to teach pranayama to your students?
  • Science of prana path (Swara Vigyana)
  • Skillfulness in breathing awareness.
  • Bad breathing habits and it’s correction.
yoga teacher training
B. Bandhas (Lock system of breathing)

certified yoga instructor must have knowledge of bandhas and its impact in human health. Bandhas is all about holding or locking the breath. The locks, which are precise contractions of interior parts of the body, and manage of prana (breath), carry a stable flow of power, synchronization, and harmony of life.

With an entrance to interior values, you can state yourself with honesty.  Without understand the lock system of prana (Breath), pranayama may not come up with the good advantage, so bandha is basic for the carry out of pranayama.

The locks are pathways to build up core power, kindliness, and are significant to kundalini development (beginning of inner energy). The life out of bandhas has both profundity and success to pranayama practice, which is a vital part of yoga. Being relevant to the body locks correctly helps you clear blockages that hamper the open flow of energy via your physical body and Chakras (energy center).  Some precise bandhas are:

  • Mula Banda (root lock)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (Stomach lock)
  • Jalandhara Bandha (Chin lock)
  • Maha Banda or Tri- Bandha (great lock)
C. Mudras (Seal of prana)

The ‘mudra’, is a Sanskrit word which indicates ‘closure’ or ‘seal’. Mudras postures are made by joining physical, mental and breathing procedure that have a consequence on the energy stream of the body.

Yogic Mudras are weaponry for proper usage of the energy in an improved manner in a precise way. Yoga Mudra has a wonderful consequence on position and deliberation procedure. We will provide training on different types of efficient mudras that are mentioned below:

  • Tatto mudra (Five element mudra)hands mudra
  • Pranic mudra (Five prana balancing mudra)
  • Physical mudra
  • Mudra for different disease
  • Hastha mudra (hand mudra)
Some Advantages Of Mudras Are as Follows:
  • Mudra helps to remove the toxin from the body. It also has a harmonizing consequence on the mind and helps build up inner balance and self-assurance.
  • The mudras clear the energy centers and delicate channel in the body. This lets the life force to flow generously to the different parts of the body.
  • The mudras reinforce the body’s diamagnetic field and protect it from negative services.
  • Activates energy, get better the immune system, decrease stress and fatigue.

3. Mantra Chanting & Yogic Relaxation of certified yoga instructor Course

“Man” indicates mind, “tra” indicates wave or outcrop. Consequently, the mantra is the outcrop of the mind via sound vibrations. A mantra is an ideal way to put up awareness with divine vibrations because Mantras are divine sounds. The mantra helps to reduce your thought and makes a calm mind.

You will discover holy mantras, what they indicate and the awesome way to chant them. There will be a meeting of mantra, bhajans, and Kirtan in this accredited yoga teacher training classes where everyone will be expectant to chant for great understanding.

A mantra refers to the word or verdict which, when expressed in an exacting way and considered inside, can make sorrow whichever and give surety eventual freedom of life.  Mantras are influential trembling tools that can free your mind. If you utilize them in a definite way, they turn into a means to open your inside basis of peace.

  • Oum kar mantra
  • Gayatri Mantra
  • Bija mantra
  • Mula- Mantra
  • Guru Mantra
  • Seed Mantra for chakras
  • Surya Namaskar Mantra
  • Hare Krishna maha mantra
  • Shiva Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra

4. Yogic Relaxation (Yoga Nidra)

Part of this certified yoga instructor course includes the Yogic relaxation is a very influential physical and mental relaxation method. Yogic relaxation is also called Sabasan (death pose) or Yoga Nidra. Yoga is a pathway to health, relaxation and internal pleasure. Yogic relaxation is one ingredient of the yoga.

Yogic relaxation gets yourself back to your own personality. Your inmost nature is extremely comfortable. It is very successful to deal with an extensive assortment of complaint and consists of the influence to relax all the organs and every cell of the body which decreases the stress from the body and mind. In this relaxation, people can simply go in the direction of an intuitive mind and can remove concealed negative thoughts and spontaneous thoughts.

Yoga Nidra deals with different types of layers and they are physical, spiritual, mental, lively, exciting, and cognitive. Deep relaxation (Yoga Nidra) relaxes your body and mind and helps you to revive and refresh. Yoga Nidra has more influence to relax compared to the sleep so doing an hour of yoga Nidra is supposed to be as stimulating as having 4 hours sleep.

  • The key significance of yogic relaxation (Yoga Nidra) is as follows.
  • The life out of yoga Nidra relaxes, rejuvenates, and rebalances the mind, body, and strength.
  • The yogic relaxation assists by emitting healthy hormones and sending nourishing messages to all the cell, organ and glandular system.
  • Body and mind will be more conscious.
  • Enhancement of  the superiority of  sleep
  • Decreases stress, anxiety, anger, and annoyance.
  • Lets inspired thoughts because of the deep relaxation
  • Improves the memories, concentration power, and learning aptitude.
  • Yoga Nidra can help out renovate and continue your imperative life energy and anticipation of diseases.

5. Yoga philosophy, Anatomy, And Lifestyle

A. Yoga Philosophy
  • This yoga certificate course focuses on the introduction of the basic viewpoint, concepts, and history of yoga. It includes the range of traditional philosophy and viewpoint, insights from contemporary research and approach in which the real meaning of this holistic life-view can be included in modern existence. Types of yoga and their purpose with precise style will be discussed. In the training the following lessons will be deliberate.
B. Yoga Anatomy & Physiology And Lifestyle

In yoga, one needs to learn the way body works as it is relevant to the yogic body, so Anatomy and Physiology are very important. You will study a comprehensive discussion of 7 chakras with their position, purpose, characters, colors, and function in yoga practices.

Three main Nadis as Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna will be talked with their functionality and flow of the energy. The course of five Koshas will be intentional and discussed along with the five main Pranas and five Sub pranas with their purpose and flow in a detailed part of the body will be studied. Introduction of Ayurveda (Traditional medicinal system) will be studied. In addition, we will talk about the impact of Yoga-Meditation in our existence and health.

6. Yogic Detoxification, Teaching Practice & Extra Activities

A. Yogic Detoxification – Shat-Kriyas (Seven Yoga Detox)

Set up the theory, advantages and instructions on the way to execute shat kriyas (Neti, Vasti, Dhauti, Tratak, Kapalabati, Nauli).The six traditional kriyas includes Neti, which is water or string purification of the nasal passages; Vasti, or colon purification alike an enema; Dhauti, or the purification of the stomach, teeth, throat, and rectum; Tratak, which is looking at a candle flame or little object; Kapalbhati is a breathing practice to rinse and make stronger the digestive system; Nauli is mixing or pumping of the stomach for  better digestion.

B. Teaching Practice

Teaching practice is significant to become a teacher, so at least 10-hour teaching practice is necessary for everybody. We will supervise the class for teaching practice.

C. Extracurricular And Supplementary Activity during yoga certificate course

The student will connect in weekly outside trips and social/ cultural actions that include hiking, Karma Yoga (work with no affection and wish), town visit, yoga lecture, and Nepali language coaching. This will more improve their incorporation and perceptive of their teacher training classes.

7. Yoga Style

Ashtanga yoga and Hatha Yoga 

Daily Schedule of Accredited 200 Hours Yoga Course

This is a sample schedule of certified yoga instructor course and may vary based on the subjects and situation

7.00- 8.30 am Yoga Asanas (Yoga Posture)
8. 30- 9.00 am Breakfast
9.30 to 10.30 am Meditation and breathing
10. 30 to 12. 00  am Rest
12.00 to 1.00 pm Ashtanga Vinyasa
1.00 to 2.00 pm Self Practice
2.00 to 3.00 pm Lunch hour
3.00 to 4.00 pm Ayurveda and Yoga anatomy
4.00 to 4.30 pm Tea break
4.30  to 5.30 pm Text book of yoga
5.30 to 6.00 pm Break
6.00 to 7.30 pm Yoga Philosophy
7.30 to 8.00 pm Dinner
8.00 to 8.30 pm Celebration/ question answer/ campfire etc.
8.30 pm Time to bed.

Time of 200 Hours Accredited Yoga Teacher Training course

1st Jan – 21th  Jan,      1st Feb- 21th Feb,        1st Mar- 21th  Mar,        1st Apr- 21th Apr,

1st May- 21th May,      1st Jun – 21th Jun,      1st July- 21sst July,         1st Aug- 21th Aug,

1st Sep- 21th Sep,        1st Oct- 21th Oct,          1st Nov- 21th Nov,          1st Dec- 21th Dec

Included in Price

a) Yoga classes

b) 3 times vegetarian meal (Normally includes Nepali Food, vegetables, and fruits), If you feel you need additional supplementary you can get yourself from near place.

c) Few cups of tea

d) Tax

e) Accommodation

f) Yoga books defined in our syllabus

g) Shared Yoga Mat

Included in Price

a) Yoga classes

b) 3 times vegetarian meal (Normally includes Nepali Food, vegetables, and fruits), If you feel you need additional supplementary you can get yourself from near place.

c) Few cups of tea

d) Tax

e) Accommodation

f) Yoga books defined in our syllabus

g) Shared Yoga Mat

Included in Price

a) Yoga classes

b) 3 times vegetarian meal (Normally includes Nepali Food, vegetables, and fruits), If you feel you need additional supplementary you can get yourself from near place.

c) Few cups of tea

d) Tax

e) Accommodation

f) Yoga books defined in our syllabus

g) Shared Yoga Mat

Not Included in the price

a) Your laundry service

b) The meals of your individual interest will not be obtainable at our expenditure.

c) Your personal yoga mat ( we provide share mat but if you like to take it to your home after class, you need to buy it.

e) Pick up / drop service

f) sight-seeing cost

g) The visa fee you would have to pay for travel, medical insurance, and airport tax.

h) The charge for accommodation in Kathmandu in you early arrival before class starts in our school

I) We also don’t include the cost of international flights

Not Included in the price

a) Your laundry service

b) The meals of your individual interest will not be obtainable at our expenditure.

c) Your personal yoga mat ( we provide share mat but if you like to take it to your home after class, you need to buy it.

e) Pick up / drop service

f) sight-seeing cost

g) The visa fee you would have to pay for travel, medical insurance, and airport tax.

h) The charge for accommodation in Kathmandu in you early arrival before class starts in our school

I) We also don’t include the cost of international flights

Not Included in the price

a) Your laundry service

b) The meals of your individual interest will not be obtainable at our expenditure.

c) Your personal yoga mat ( we provide share mat but if you like to take it to your home after class, you need to buy it.

e) Pick up / drop service

f) sight-seeing cost

g) The visa fee you would have to pay for travel, medical insurance, and airport tax.

h) The charge for accommodation in Kathmandu in you early arrival before class starts in our school

I) We also don’t include the cost of international flights

Namaste! Thanks

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