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Why Yoga for Runners

We all know that running is one of the simplest yet best exercises to ever exist. It holds a large number of benefits for everyone from children to older individuals. But, do you know yoga can be incredibly beneficial for runners? In this article, we are going to explain the benefits of yoga for runners and some of the best poses for runners, read till the end of the article to find out.

6 Reasons Why Runners Should Do Yoga


Running may not require any equipment but it does need flexibility, a runner cannot be at 100% without being flexible. But, it of often neglected. Yoga helps you reach your flexibility goals by allowing you to use various muscles, increasing their suppleness. Not only does it increase flexibility but it also reduces the risk of injuries such as sprains, bruises, and tears. Moreover, yoga focuses help you achieve your balance and core strength which is extremely crucial for runners.

Yoga also opens up blood vessels which allow the blood to reach fatigued muscles, which eventually promotes faster muscle recovery.


As explained above, yoga is incredibly helpful in improving flexibility for runners however, that’s not all it does. Yoga can do wonders for runners in terms of strength as well. Yoga can simply improve your muscles’ endurance. Yoga also helps stabilise your muscles which helps runners in giving their best performance. Various yoga poses are exceptionally beneficial for runners, such as the plank, chair, and warrior.

The aforementioned poses help strengthen the quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors which eventually leads to a decreased risk of injury, and better overall performance. Along with that, yoga allows

These poses also strengthen the quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors. This strength leads to less risk of injury and improved performance. Yoga promotes body awareness and attention, which helps runners identify symptoms of strain and exhaustion.

Improved Breathing

Yoga works wonders for your breathing. Yoga practices, like those deep-breathing exercises called pranayama, teach you how to take fuller, more efficient breaths. Imagine getting more oxygen with each breath. With better oxygen flow, your muscles get the fuel they need, helping you run longer and even increasing your resistance to muscle fatigue.

Furthermore, yoga helps you develop a steady, rhythmic breathing pattern. This comes in super handy when you’re on a run because it keeps your breathing in check and can prevent that breathlessness. And let’s not forget the mental side of things yoga also teaches you to stay calm and control your breathing even when things get tough.

Develops Body Awareness

Yoga is awesome for developing body awareness, and as a runner, this can give you an edge. When you practice yoga, you get in tune with how your body moves and feels. You start to notice the little things, like how your weight shifts in different poses or how your muscles engage. You’ll become more conscious of your form which helping you identify and correct any issues.

This body awareness also means you’re more likely to catch any imbalances before they turn into full-blown injuries. For instance, if you notice a tight spot during a yoga session, you can manage it before it causes problems on a run.

Prevents Injury

When you practice yoga, you’re not only stretching and strengthening your muscles but also improving your flexibility and balance. This combo is extremely important for runners, as it helps ensure that your body can handle the motion of running without breaking down.

One of the biggest benefits is that yoga targets all the small muscles and connective tissues. Strengthening these areas means they can better support your larger muscle groups, reducing the risk of strains and sprains. Plus, as we have already discussed, yoga increases flexibility which keeps your muscles and joints limber, which ultimately helps prevent injuries. Moreover, yoga promotes better alignment and posture. When your body is aligned correctly, you’re less likely to develop the bad habits that lead to injuries.

Helps Relief Stress

Yoga allows you to breathe deeply, which in turn helps lower your stress levels and calm your mind. Managing stress is extremely important for runners because high stress can lead to tension in your muscles, poor sleep, and even a higher risk of injuries.

When you’re less stressed, your body performs better. You’ll find that your runs feel smoother and more enjoyable because your muscles are relaxed and you’re not carrying the weight of the day’s worries. Plus, a calm mind can improve your focus and mental resilience.

Which Yoga Positions are Best for Runners?

Downward Dog

The downward dog pose stretches out your hamstrings, calves, and Achilles tendons, all are the key areas that can get super tight from running. By spending some time in Downward Dog, you’re giving these muscles a much-needed stretch, which can help improve your flexibility and prevent injuries.

But that’s not all, downward dog also strengthens your shoulders, arms, and core. These muscles play a big role in maintaining good running form, especially on those long runs when you start to feel tired. By building strength in these areas, you’re more likely to keep a strong, stable posture, which in turn can improve your chances of getting hurt.

Low Lunge

Low lunge yoga pose gives your hip flexors a much-needed stretch. These muscles can get tight from all the miles you log in, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting during the day.

The Low Lunge also targets your quads and hamstrings, giving them a nice stretch while building strength and stability in your legs. This can help prevent common running injuries like IT band syndrome or a runner’s knee.


Running is a great exercise however, when combined with yoga, the benefits are multiplied several fold. Adding yoga to your life if you are a runner can help you recover from your injuries faster, increase your flexibility, improve your breathing, and do much more. Furthermore, some of the poses like the downward dog pose and low lunge are very helpful especially if you are a runner. Then again, everybody is different and every position affects everyone differently so the sky is the limit when it comes to discovering what suits your body.

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