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3 nights Advanced Singing Bowl Training level -2 : Himalayan Style

Cost: Standard shared- 350 USD, Standard private-400 USD, Deluxe shared- 450 USD, Deluxe private- 500 USD Included: 3 nights accommodation, 3 meals a day, tea, singing bowl training, 2 yoga classes each day, tax and service charges

singing bowl teacher in nepal

Sound To Connect Yourself with Cosmic Energy

Are you looking to deepen your knowledge of sound healing? Do you want to relax for a few days while taking a healing course? Or perhaps you’re interested in recharging through a sound bath? If you are seeking the best healing holidays in Nepal or wish to start a career as a sound healing master, then this course is for you. Whether you already have a basic understanding of singing bowls and want to expand your practice through various therapies and healing techniques, or if you’re new to the practice, we have this amazing course suitable for everyone.

For beginners, we offer the Singing Bowl Training Level One, which covers the foundational aspects of sound healing. If you wish to start with Level One and continue to Level Two, our courses are designed with flexibility in mind. By combining Levels One and Two, you’ll receive a comprehensive understanding of singing bowls at Nepal Yoga Home. or If you have completed level 1 from other schools and want to join Advanced Singing Bowl Training level 2 we will approve by seeing your knowledge from Level 1.

The singing bowl has numerous benefits. It is used for meditation, healing, therapy, relaxation, and many more things. In the second-level sound healing training, we integrate various healing techniques. Using a seven-chakra set of singing bowls, you can meditate by focusing on each chakra individually. This practice helps promote overall health by healing the entire body and balancing the chakras. Singing bowls are effective in therapy for different ailments and can help with stress, sleep issues, and exhaustion by creating deep relaxation. The profound vibrations can lead to a deep state of meditation, offering a path to self-realization.

singing bowl training

Advanced Singing bowl training is a unique musical sound created by the bowls. As their origins trace back to the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet, they are also known as Himalayan or Tibetan singing bowls. The bowls produce special vibrations with deep and rich tones when played. Singing bowls have significant benefits, ranging from the physical to the spiritual level. This training is available in Kathmandu, where Nepal Yoga Home conducts the “Advanced Singing Bowl Training, Second Level” for participants from all over the world.

In modern times, both metal bowls and crystal bowls have gained popularity. The metal ones are crafted from seven different metals. The proportion of each metal gives each singing bowl a unique sound associated with a different Chakra. Meanwhile the Crystal bowls, made from quartz, are known for their pure tones and are often used in Chakra healing practices.

Both bowls have their own specific benefits and applications. The sounds they produce can be generated in two different ways; either by striking the bowl with a mallet or by rubbing around the rim of the bowl. Both methods create vibrations that contribute to healing and meditation practices.

advanced singing bowl training

The benefits of singing bowls can be categorized into physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects:

Physical Benefits

  • Relieves muscle pain
  • Heals joint pain
  • Alleviates migraines
  • Boosts immune function
  • Reduces weakness

Mental Benefits

  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances mental clarity
  • Improves memory
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Develops creative power

Emotional Benefits

  • Facilitates emotional release
  • Helps overcome phobias
  • Provides control over emotions such as rage, jealousy, and ego

Spiritual Benefits

  • Enhances awareness
  • Strengthens meditation power
  • Deepens spiritual connection
  • Balances chakras
  • Provides a sense of realization

Singing Bowl History and Its Connection with Nepal

A singing bowl is a type of classical bell that has been creatively modified into a bowl shape. The sound of a singing bowl closely resembles that of a traditional bell. In a singing bowl, the base and rim vibrate to produce a sound characterized by a rich, harmonic tone when struck or circled with a mallet. In contrast, a bell has a clapper in the center that strikes the interior when moved, producing a similar sound. The history of singing bowls is deeply connected with the ancient cultures of Buddhism and Shaivism, which originated in the Himalayas, particularly in Nepal, Tibet, and India.

singing bowl training nepal

In Nepali culture, bells, akin to ancient singing bowls, are rung in every household twice daily, in the morning and evening. During these times, people meditate to connect with a higher power through the sound of the bell. Singing bowls are often associated with meditation in Buddhist practices and yoga practices, serving as tools to enhance focus and spiritual connection.

In the Nada Bindu Upanishad, it is said, “Sound is God; sound is the creator.” This idea aligns with the modern laws of physics, particularly the Big Bang Theory, which suggests that the universe and life were created from sound energy. According to this theory, all creation in the universe results from the conversion of energy to matter, with sound playing a crucial role during this transformation. Singing bowls have long been used as meditation tools to achieve Nirvana in Tibetan monasteries, although they were historically available only to select monks and secluded monasteries. According to Tibetan oral traditions, the existence of singing bowls dates back to 560-480 B.C., and the tradition was brought from Nepal to Tibet by a great monk from Nepal.

Long ago, the Ayurveda sage Charaka stated that vibration and massage could combine to treat many illnesses. This suggests that the system of Ayurveda in ancient Nepal may have included sound healing practices. Vibrations from singing bowls, combined with massage, help reawaken tissue, revitalizing stagnated areas and activating the body’s natural healing powers.

In the book Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, which is believed to have been imparted by Shiva, the system of sound healing meditation techniques is described. This supports the belief that the ancient art of meditation, used by yogis in Nepal and India, incorporated sound healing practices.

Why Choose Nepal Yoga Home for Sound Healing Training?

Nepal Yoga Home is operated by a spiritual family, providing a safe and warm environment for your spiritual growth and learning. During your stay in Nepal, you’ll receive any assistance you may need, ensuring a comfortable and enriching experience.

singing bowl in nepal

Our experienced, dedicated, and professional yogi teachers are experts in chakra and sound healing systems. They will guide you through a comprehensive understanding of these ancient practices, helping you master the art of sound healing.

Located just outside Kathmandu, Nepal Yoga Home is nestled at the foot of Nagarjun National Park. This location offers the perfect balance of accessibility to city life and the tranquility of nature. You’ll have the opportunity to explore the city while enjoying a peaceful natural setting.

The training offers a unique combination of meditation, relaxation, chanting, and yoga. You will start your day with morning yoga and meditation classes, continue with singing bowl lessons throughout the day, and end with evening meditation. Our Advanced Singing Bowl Training Level Two delves into therapeutic applications, covering 20 different healing modalities.

At Nepal Yoga Home, we strive to incorporate both the classical Vedic system of sound healing and modern, research-based sound science. This approach ensures that you receive a holistic and well-rounded education in sound healing.

In addition to learning sound healing techniques, you will harmonize your energy centers and channels, helping you stay free from stress and achieve greater balance. The origins of sound healing are deeply connected to Lord Buddha and Shiva, both of whom are associated with Nepal. This allows you to connect with the authentic Himalayan tradition of sound healing.

You will enjoy comfortable accommodations, healthy food, and the company of like-minded individuals from around the world. As you tune into the sound of the soul, you’ll experience a profound transformation that will enrich your life.

After the completion of the course, you will get a sound healing certification which might even encourage you to open your own healing school or studio. This course combines ancient yogic wisdom with modern scientific research, offering insights from both medical and spiritual sciences to kick-start your career as a sound healer when you return home.

What Will You Learn in Singing Bowl Level Two?

The Singing Bowl Level Two course at Nepal Yoga Home offers an in-depth exploration of sound healing techniques and applications. This advanced course is designed to deepen your understanding and skills in using singing bowls for both personal and professional practices. Here’s what you will learn:

Personal Practice

  • Self-Healing Techniques: Learn how to use singing bowls for personal wellness routines, self-healing, and enhancing the immune system. You’ll gain skills in using the bowls to prevent and heal diseases, relieve tiredness, and improve overall well-being.
  • Meditation Enhancement: Incorporate singing bowls into your meditation practices to achieve deeper relaxation and mindfulness.

Professional Use

  • Starting a Healing Career: Learn how to incorporate singing bowls into professional healing practices such as yoga and sound massage therapy. Discover how these practices can be used in scientific research for various problems and in the development of productivity and capacity building.
  • Conducting Sound Healing Sessions: Master the art of conducting sound healing sessions for individuals, couples, or groups.


  • Playing Techniques: Explore different ways to play singing bowls, including striking and circling the rim. Learn to play more than one singing bowl at a time and master advanced techniques.
  • Sound Therapy: Utilize sound therapy for various problems and disorders, offering a holistic approach to healing.sound healing trianing

Meditation Practices

  • Chakra and Kundalini Practices: Integrate singing bowls into chakra and kundalini practices to enhance spiritual and physical healing.
  • Sound Baths: Conduct full-body healing sessions through sound baths.
  • Singing Bowl Massage: Perform massages using singing bowls for enhanced relaxation and therapy.

Advanced Healing Techniques

  • Quality Selection: Tips on selecting high-quality singing bowls that produce the desired sounds for specific healing purposes.
  • Nada Yoga: Introduction to Nada Yoga and its practical application with singing bowls.
  • Mantra Synchronization: Learn to synchronize singing bowls with mantra chanting for a more profound healing experience.
  • Environment Setting: Understand how to create the optimal environment for singing bowl healing sessions.
  • Intuitive Healing: Develop intuitive healing skills by tuning into brain wave patterns and matching them with singing bowl sounds.
  • Five Element Therapy: Apply the principles of five-element therapy using singing bowls to balance body and mind.

Additional Skills

  • Breath Wave Meditation: Attune to the breath wave meditation techniques with singing bowls.
  • Chakra Meditation & Visualization: Engage in chakra meditation and visualization practices.
  • Aura Cleansing: Master the art of aura cleansing using singing bowls.
  • Workshop Design: Learn how to design and conduct singing bowl workshops.
  • Using Different Bowls: Explore the use of various bowls for targeted healing.
  • Diverse Healing Styles: Discover 20 different styles of healing systems utilizing singing bowls.

Who Can Join This Course?

Anyone interested in sound healing can join this course. However, it is mandatory to have completed Singing Bowl Level One to ensure a comprehensive understanding of foundational techniques. Participants must submit a certificate and syllabus from Level One before enrolling in Level Two. Joining Level Two directly without completing Level One may result in missing critical foundational information.

What’s Included in the Price?

  • 3 Nights’ Accommodation: Comfortable lodging during the course.
  • Advanced Singing Bowl Training Course /Level Two of singing bowl training: Comprehensive training and instruction.
  • 3 Daily Vegetarian Meals and Teas: Nutritious meals to support your wellness journey.
  • Course Material: All necessary learning materials provided.
  • Daily Yoga Practice: Enhance your experience with daily yoga and meditation sessions.
  • Certificate on Completion: Receive a certificate to validate your skills and knowledge.
  • Yoga Props: Access to yoga mats, blocks, and other props.
  • Yoga Shala: A serene space for practice and learning.
  • Free Wi-Fi: Stay connected during your stay.

What’s Not Included in the Price?

  • Laundry Services: Personal laundry expenses.
  • Sightseeing or Trekking: Optional tours and treks are not included.
  • Ayurveda and Spa Services: Additional wellness services available at an extra cost.
  • Pick-Up and Drop Services: Transportation can be arranged at an additional cost.
  • Extra Expenses: Shopping and other personal expenses.

Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shant !!!