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Yogic Breathing Process To Develop Oxygen Level In Our Lungs

yogic breathing process

Way To Develop Oxygen Level In Our Lungs Through The Yogic Breathing Process

Breathing is a primary activity that all living organisms do. Without it, life ceases to exist. Breathing is a non-voluntary action and it comes automatically to us. As a result, we do not put much thought into our breathing which later causes problems. With this blog, we shall highlight some of the key yogic breathing process that will help to keep your body and lungs intact. Without further ado, here we go.

When we speak of breathing in the context of yoga, it is referred to as ‘Pranayama’. It is a joint venture of two words ‘Prana’ and ‘Ayama’. Both these words trace their roots to the Sanskrit dictionary and are prevalent in yoga and Ayurveda. ‘Prana’ refers to life force whereas ‘Ayama’ means to elongate. When we read these words together, it gives the meaning of an exercise that elongates the life force.

This yogic breathing process is backed by scientific research and studies too. We shall not venture into the scientific aspect of things as it will be a topic of a new blog. For now, you should know that what you are doing, has scientific evidence too. So, here are some breathing exercises that you can do to promote longevity and simultaneously, increase the oxygen level in your lungs.

1. Sitalai Pranayama

This breathing exercise is meant to cool your mind and body. This exercise removes the heat from your body and substitutes it with the fresh air that you just inhaled. This breathing exercise is more practicable in the summer season.


2. Ujjayi Pranayama

The Ujjayi Pranayama is another yogic breathing process which helps to strengthen your lungs. This exercise goes by the name of ocean breath/victorious breath mostly due to the sound that it creates. Also, this exercise is mostly famous in ashtanga classes. In case of benefits, it helps to calm the mind and prioritizes on the breath.


3. Kapalbhati Pranayama the best yogic breathing process

The Kapalbhati Pranayama is not only a breathing exercise but it is a great internal cleansing technique too. People believe that this exercise helps to remove the mucus blocking the air passages and enhances lung capacity. However, this exercise demands your 100% and you should opt for it after mastering the basics.


4. Anuloma Viloma

Another fantastic yogic breathing process is the Anuloma villoma. It aims to calm the nervous system and people use it to get proper sleep. This exercise increases the oxygen intake in the body and consequently, decreases stress and calms the mind.


We hope that once you take part in the yogic breathing process, you will have a strong breathing capacity.

If you want to know everything you can join our online pranayama classes or in-school Pranayama retreat course which dealt with in-depth knowledge of yogic breathing process.

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