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Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series | Ashtanga Vinyasa in Nepal | Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Many people are nowadays attracted towards ashtanga vinyasa yoga and Nepal is the best destination for this. You can join Ashtanga vinyasa yoga teacher training and ashtanga vinyasa yoga retreat course in Nepal. In this article, we are giving you a clear view and procedure of each asana on how to do it. Let’s dive into the main topics:

Standing Postures of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series

1. Padangusthasana ( Big toe Posture)

2. Padahasthasana ( Hands Under Feet Posture)

Here is the procedure of 2nd asana ( Padahastasana) of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series,

3. Utthitha Trikonasana ( Extended Angle Pose)- Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series

4. Parivritta Trikonasana ( Revolving Angle Pose)

5. Utthitha Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Posture)

The procedure of Utthitha Parsvakonasa of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series as follows:

6. Parivritta Parshvakonasana ( Revolving Side Angle Posture)

7,8, 9, 10. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Stretch Leg Posture) A B C D

&,8,9,10 are the different variation of Prasarita Padottanasana of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series.

11. Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)

12,13,14,15.  Utthitha Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hand to Big Toe Posture) A,  B, C & D

Utthitha Hasta Padangustasana of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series has 4 variations and the procedure are explained below:

  1. Lift your right foot and grab your big toe by your right hand. Inhale. Put your left hand on the waist.
  2. Exhale. Straighten your right leg forward.

16. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Posture)

17. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatsana or chair pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series done in following ways:

18,19. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Posture) A & B of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series

Sitting Postures of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series

20. Dandasana

21, 22, 23. Paschimottanasana  A, B & C -Ashtanga Vinyasa

24. Purvottanasana (East Stretch Posture)

25. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Forward Bending Posture) of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series

26. Trianga Mukha Ekpada Paschimottanasana (Three Limbs Facing One leg Forward Bending Posture)

27. Janu Sirasasana A (Head to Knee Posture) -Ashtanga Vinyasa

28. Janu Sirasasana B (Head to Knee Posture)

29. Janu Sirasasana C (Head to Knee )

30. Marichyasana “A”  of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series

31. Marichyasana B

32. Marichyasana C

33. Marichyasana D


34. Navasana ( Boat Posture)

The procedure of Navasana posture of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series is given below:

35, 36.  Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Pressure Posture) A & B

37. Tittibhasana (Firefly Posture)

38. Bakasana (Crane Posture) an interesting pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series

39. Kurmasana (Tortoise Posture)

40. Supta Kurmasana (Sleeping Tortoise Posture)

41. Garbha Pindasana (Embryo in the Womb Pose)

42. Kukkutasana (Rooster Posture)

Procedure for Kukkutasana is as follows:

43. Baddha Konasana A & B (Bound Angle Posture)

44. Upavista Konasana (Seated Angle Posture) A

45. Upavista Konasana B (Seated Angle Posture)

46. Supta Konasana A (Lying Down Angle Posture) of Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series

47. Supta Konasana B (Lying Down Angle Posture)

48, 49, 50. Supta Padangusthasana  A, B, & C ( Reclining Big Toe Posture)

51, 52. Ubhaya Padangusthasana A & B (Both Big Toe Posture) -Ashtanga Vinyasa

53, 54. Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana  ( Upward Facing Full Forward Bending Posture)

55. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Posture)

Finishing Postures of Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series

56. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Posture)

57. Paschimottanasana ( Full Forward Bending Posture)

58. Lie Down

59. Salambha Sarbhangasana ( Supported Shoulderstand)- Ashtanga Vinyasa

60. Halasana (Plow Posture)

61. Karnapidasana (Ear Pressure Posture)

62. Urdhva Padmasana ( Upward Lotus)- Ashtanga Vinyasa

63. Pindasana ( Embryo Posture)

64. Matsyasana (Fish Posture)

Procure of Matsyasana of Ashtanga Vinyasa:

65. Uttana Padasana (Extended Leg Posture)- Ashtanga Vinyasa

66. Sirsasana (Head Stand Pose)

67. Balasana- Ashtanga Vinyasa

68. Padmasana (Lotus Posture)

69. Uttpluti (Uprooting)

70. Savasana (Corpse Posture) The last pose of Ashtanga Vinyasa


Hope this clear you step by step Ashtang Vinyasa yoga primary series procedure. If you want to join our Ashtanga Vinyasa workshop Click the link here for Ashtanga vinyasa workshop in Nepal. To know what is Ashtanga yoga visit our blogpost: Introduction to Ashtanga VInyasa Yoga 

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