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Yoga for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder, which is formed with the anatomical set up of the clavicle, the scapula, and the humerus, is attributed as the joint having the most range of motion in the body used continuously throughout the day. The mechanism between the bones of the shoulder builds the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is put under the ball and socket joint. It affects most of the people ranging from athletes, players, runners, to sedentary workers who work in the computer and deskbound work.

The injury on the shoulder can be acute to chronic most of which can be cured by yoga without medical involvement.  Unless it is musculoskeletal injury or problem which needs medical treatment, yoga can be practiced for curing and preventing the shoulder pain. However, yoga should never be taken as the alternative of some severe shoulder issues. some of the preventive methods ( Yoga for Shoulder Pain ) are given in this article.

The shoulder pain has been interconnected to the upper back pain. The pain in upper back mainly comes out of the habit of forwarding slumping creating the pain in the spine and causing round shoulders.  The habit of slumping rises the situation of shoulder blades going away or sliding away from the spine which results in the weakening of the muscles making them hard to protect themselves from the severe strain. When these muscles get tired, they feel sore and hot and tenacious pain along the brink of the shoulders.

In spite of helping the pain to reduce, the shoulder stretching practice even can worsen the situation. Since the shoulder stretches is focused on the surface level of the problem, the situation which is interconnected in the deeper level. As a matter of fact, the habit or tendency of slumping occurs because of one’s inclination to lean forward more or drooping habit which happens in the upper part of the chest in the shoulder area. The upper tight chest pulls the shoulder forward and down also making the uppers arms rotating inward.  When the tension of these part of the body is released, the pain or difficulty may be lessened.

The tightness in the upper part of the chest makes difficulty performing poses like Virabhadrasana I and II as well as Adho Mukha Shvanasana. While performing Sarvangasana, the tightness in the front part of the shoulder joints makes the shoulder turn inwardly and elbows sliding out laterally. Nevertheless, these postures should be practiced to gain the flexibility and proper function of the shoulders.

Cause of Shoulder Pain

Our tendency of leaning forward brings the contraction to the muscles like Pectoralis minor, brachialis, and coracobrachialis. Even though pectoralis minor is small muscles attached to coracoid muscle, it plays a vital role in posture alignments. At the movement of reaching forward for something, contraction of the pectoralis minor occurs pulling shoulder blades forward and away from the spine. It also makes the upper back round.

In addition to the chronic tightness of the pectoralis minor, the tightness of the muscles in the upper arms worsen the condition of the shoulder making it slumping forward and arms rotating inward. Interestingly, most of the muscles which aggravate the discomfort are situated in the front of the body. However, the pain is felt in our upper back.

The forward-slumping shoulder effects the muscles like rhomboids, the muscles connect shoulder blades to the spine. The chronic pain is experienced along the edge of the shoulder blades when the tension in the rhomboid muscles happens whereas the tension takes places in the levator scapulae, the pain is felt at the side of the neck making difficulty in turning the head.

The reduction of the range of the motion in the shoulder is caused by arthritis, cartilage damage, excessive scar tissues, and inflammation build up.

Things to be considered during Yoga for Shoulder Pain

Warming Up is essential

As a prone to shoulder injury or already suffered the shoulder injury, it is advisable to follow the process of warming up before even digging into the practice of yoga asana. The joint exercises such as anti-rheumatic exercises help to bring flexibility and heat the body to move on further for yoga practice. Besides the anti-rheumatic exercises, the recreational acts such playing tennis, badminton, and archery can be good practice along with strengthening exercises such as swimming and push-ups.

Suitable Yoga for Shoulder Pain

The choice of yoga style in the broad spectrum of Hatha Yoga needs to be made optimum for your own level and condition of the physical body. The level of strength, flexibility, and goal behind the practice of yoga value high in our practice. The slow-paced gentle way of yoga could be better for many who are in search of relaxing and freshening state to get rid of the anxiety and stress.

On the other, people with the flexibility and strength kept in mind are suggested to join some dynamic and strenuous yoga style. The intensive yoga style also helps to burn the high amount of calorie. All in all, it’s always your intention that should be noted while choosing the style of yoga you want to practice.

Consult with Instructor to know the suitable yoga for shoulder pain or Shoulder issue

It is always preferable and considerable that the yoga should be performed on your benefits. In the case of the shoulder, the postures should be taken either for its stretch or its strength. For stretching the shoulder, poses like Dhaunurasana, Ustrasana, Parighasana, Gomukhasana, and Ashwo-Shanchalasana can be applicable while for strengthening the shoulder Parsva Santulanasana, Bhujangasana, Titibhasana, Tolasana, Marjaryasasana etc can be practiced. The consultation with the yoga instructor before practicing yoga poses is very significant for yoga practice and its better result.

Yoga for Neck Pain and Mid Back

While one is oriented to the issue of shoulders, the yoga practice for neck and mid back also has to be equally perceived. Sometimes, the discomfort and difficulty have come out of the pain in the neck and mid back. Especially the habit of working on the computer and driving a vehicle makes one lead forward causing the more chance of drooping shoulders. The levator scapulae and rhomboids muscles may have been the cause of shoulder pain. In this regard, the practice of Virabhadrasana, Sarvangasana, Parvritta Trikonasana, Halasana, Pasasana etc can be beneficial for neck and mid-back pain.

Yoga for Shoulder pain (Asanas  Therapy)

Purvottanasana (East-Stretch Pose)






Virabhadrasana A

Parsva Santulanasana






 Parvritta Trikonasana



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