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Why do you need sunbath in the morning?

Why do you need sunbath

Why do you need sunbath in the morning?

Sun: A short introduction: – The sun is a massive ball of fire. It is a star at the center of our solar system that keeps our existence just by being there. In Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese mythology, and Greek as well as in Bible, it is treated as a Solar Deity.
In Nepal and India, Sun is known as Surya. Sankranti/Pongal, a harvest festival that occurs in January, falls on the Hindu Panchangam’s Uttarayana Punya Kala when the Sun shifts its position from the south to the north. It truly marks the beginning of the vernal equinox, which will last until the autumnal equinox, which occurs every year in June.
Why Sunbath:
1.       Sun heals various diseases if you stay in sunlight in the morning. It nourishes, recharges, and invigorates the body.
2.       Sun is the a great source of Vitamin D.

Sunbath In Ayurveda:

Ayurveda, Eastern traditional medicine, strongly suggests a sunbath, albeit with some restrictions. Charaka Samhita extensively discussed Sunbath in its 22nd chapter on the topic of Atapa Sevana.
When and How To Do Sunbath?
All the seasons are good for a sunbath but winter is the best. During summer it is before 8 am and in winter before 10 am.
Do not forget to cover your head with a wet cloth (white cotton cloth is better). Walking under the early morning sun or warm heat just before the evening is equal to sunbathing.
Get less dressed or light clothing for better absorption of vitamin D. Exposing the navel to the sunlight is very good for sunbath.
However, you need to avoid excessive exposure to the sun because it can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, intense thirst, hyperpigmentation, skin allergies, sunburn, etc.

Benefits of Sunbath:

Enhances Vitamin D:
Early morning sunrays supply a proper daily dose of vitamin D naturally. Despite living in a tropical nation, most Indian lack vitamin D, which is essential for protecting the body from a variety of illnesses and infections like the flu and for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D is produced by the human body in response to sun exposure. Vitamin D lowers risks of the diabetes and hypertension.
Lowers Blood Pressure:
A chronic illness, high blood pressure has been very common. High levels of stress, poor eating patterns, and lax lifestyle choices are common causes. High blood pressure can cause cardiac conditions that can harm several important organs if it is not treated in a timely manner. Tanning for at least 15 minutes every day to keep blood pressure in check.
Nitric oxide, which is found on the top layer, is said to interact with sunshine to enlarge blood vessels, improve circulation, and lower blood pressure.
An essential molecule for improvement is serotonin. With sunlight serotonin is triggered, cognitive performance is enhanced, and brain function is improved. Seek immediate assistance from the sun if you are one of those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), depressed, and spending more time indoors. If you want to feel happier again, stand in the morning or evening sunlight and soak up its magnificence.
Neurological Disorder: Sunlight can heal various types of mental disorders including Alzheimer’s disease. As the patient ages, their severe dementia or forgetfulness worsens. As it worsens, the person loses even their ability to identify their relatives and friends and finds it incredibly difficult to speak or carry out even basic daily tasks. According to medical professionals, sunbathing not only lessens Alzheimer’s symptoms but also shields people from despair.
Improves Skin Health:
All age groups are quite susceptible to fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Indian households have a long-standing custom of putting oils on the hands, face, and legs before taking a minimum of 15 minutes in the sun to strengthen the bones, increase natural moisturization, and treat numerous skin conditions. Exposing newborns who have jaundice to morning sunlight reduces the level of bilirubin, the yellow pigment the body produces when red blood cells are broken down.
Checks Cancer:
Lack of vitamin D is one of the key causes of breast and cervical cancer. An adequate level of vitamin D can be produced by human skin when it is exposed to the sun. Therefore, it is crucial to spend time in the sun each day without putting any lotion or oil on the skin in order to prevent certain cancers. However, more intense and severe solar radiation is not healthy.
Prevents Type 2 Diabetes:
The most common chronic in the world is diabetes. Vitamin D is essential for the production of insulin, and a lack of it can cause insulin resistance, which in turn can cause type 2 diabetes. So make do sunbathe regularly to increase Vitamin D levels.
Enhances Immune system:
Sunlight is beneficial for battling infections and a number of autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis. Spend 10 to 15 minutes in the morning sun to increase vitamin D levels, strengthen your immune system, and combat numerous viral diseases.
Prompts Weight Loss:
One interesting fact is- the effects of sunlight can help you feel satisfied and less hungry. So, it is suggested to walk or play during the morning sun. This not only burns calories but also prevents unnecessary cravings.
Improves Good Sleep:
It’s the phase to take a beautiful sunbath if you struggle to fall asleep due to insomnia. Spending time in the sun in the evening will improve your mood and help you feel optimistic, energized, and healthy, allowing you to enjoy a night of better sleep.
The Right Time To Go For Sunbath
There are three ultraviolet rays- UVA, UVB, and UVC. Only 2nd one i.e. UVB rays can trigger vitamin D human body, and only if sunrays fall directly on the skin.
Overexposure to UV rays is not healthy.
In hot regions of the earth, sunbath before 9 am daily for about 15 minutes, and in cold regions before 10 am. This can be changed on the basis of the location and season.
Another saying- Be in the sun only as much as you comfortably can. Avoid overdoing.
Traditional health professionals advise basking under the sun on an empty abdomen (including even water) for the best effects.
If a Pregnant can do Sunbath:
Vitamin D is very essential during pregnancy. So regular 10 minutes sunbath is suggested. However, stop getting exposed to severer sun rays since it can create immediate dehydration and loss of electrolyte equilibrium.

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