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The Power of Mudras: Hand Gestures for Healing 

Power of Mudras

Power of Mudras

We have seen people making hand gestures during meditation. Do you get curious whether these hand movements have an impact or not?

Well, the mudras have more spiritual, emotional, and physical effects than you imagine. The simple hand gestures pack great healing power inside them by enlivening the chakras, pranas, and kundalini.

In addition to yoga and ayurveda, scientific evidences also claim the power of mudra. The artistic hand gestures facilitate mind concentration, health restoration, and energy flow.

The mudras in ancient times have found their way to the modern world. Mudras are common during meditation and pranayama (breathing exercises).

The healing power of mudra makes it worth learning. If you want to know more about it, you’re at the right place. In this article, you will learn about the definition of mudras, its five elements, and their types.

What are Mudras?

Mudras is a Sanskrit word which means to mark or seal. Mudras are simple hand poses or gestures that help to connect spirituality with the cosmic universal energy.

To get benefit from mudras you should have focus, purpose, and dedication. The power of mudra connects you to the chakras, pranas, and kundalini.

  1. Parna is the vital principle that connects you with the universal energy flow.
  2. Chakras are the energy focal points that connect organs with nerve bundles.
  3. Kundalini is the spiritual energy present at the base of the spine.

Five Elements of the Universe

The whole universe is made up of Panch mahabutas (five elements); fire, water, earth, air, and space. The five fingers in our hands represent them.

The representation of each of the fingers is mentioned below.

The power of mudra emphasizes the balance of these elements. As the human body is made of the same elements thus hand gestures give true meaning to inner self and awareness.

Benefits of Mudra

Some of the benefits the power of mudra offers are stated below

Types pf Mudras 

Here are 5 types of mudras.

1. Jnana Mudra 

Jnana mudra is also known as knowledge or conscious seal. This mudra develops better self-connection. It helps to get rid of ego-driven personality. The meditation and reflection on life and wisdom provide with pure inner self and knowledge.

It is very easy to do jnana mudra. You just need to make a circle by touching the tips of your thumb and index finger. Pinky, ring, and middle fingers are stretched and extended.

There are four pillars of knowledge to highlight the power of mudra.

2. Namaskar Mudra 

Namaskar is made up of two words – namas (pay homage to) and kar (to do something). Namaskar is a popular traditional Indian greeting. It has found its way into the world of yoga in the form of namaskar mudra.

To benefit from the power of mudra – you bring the palms of your hand together in front of your chest. The fingers should point upwards with thumbs touching your chest. Make sure to have no gaps between palms.

Namaskar mudra is paired with breathing and meditation exercises. It helps to foster a sense of self-awareness, mindfulness, and spiritual awakening.

3. Surya Mudra 

Surya Mudra is also known as Agni Vardhak Mudra or Prithvi Shamak Mudra. It focuses on increasing fire elements and reducing earth elements in the body. Surya means sun which symbolizes energy and sustenance of life on Earth.

You should fold your thumb and ring finger in a way that the tip of the thumb is on the ring finger. The rest of the three fingers are kept straight.

The power of mudra lies in providing energy to the body. The focus of Surya mudra is to increase metabolism, regulate blood circulation, and boost energy. On the spiritual side, it helps to reduce stress and combat negative energy.

4. Adi Mudra 

Adi means primary or first and mudra means gesture. The inspiration comes from the primary ability of the fetus to make this hand pose inside the mother’s womb. Here, the power of mudra is to quieten and calm the mind.

In this mudra, you make a fist with your thumb tucked in the palm. Make sure to maintain some pressure from the palm and fingers.

Adi Mudra is responsible for stability and peace of mind. It has a relationship with chest health by improving oxygen supply to the lungs. It also helps in better oxygen supply to the brain resulting in brain activation and better intuitive ability.

5. Shunya Mudra 

Shunya means void or emptiness. It is also known as the heavenly mudra. It deals with reducing space elements (akasha) in the body.

The main focus of shunya mudra is the middle finger and thumb. It involves folding the middle finger and placing the thumb on the first phalanx of the middle finger. The direction of the palm should be upward.

This mudra helps bring ease to anxiety, gives tranquility, reduces dizziness, and deals with hearing loss and dementia. It is also effective in thyroid disorders and tinnitus.


The power of mudra represented in simple, subtle hand gestures is mind-blowing. It has a huge effect on physical, mental, spiritual, and psychological well-being.

This holistic approach has proven its worth in yoga, ayurveda, and the scientific field. There are almost 399 mudras in total. You can choose the mudra type which suits your goal.

The inexpensive, easy, and useful activity is worth adding to the yoga routine. It’s a good time investment and amplifies the benefits of yoga by many folds. In the beginning, you can get help from the expert and master the skill of hand gestures.

I hope this article encouraged you to take the next step in your journey by including mudra in yoga.

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