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My 7 Best Yoga Poses 

Best Yoga Poses

My 7 Best Yoga Poses 

I love all the yoga poses since every single pose (asana) helps to be in sync with existence and has a unique effect on the body and mind. If I am asked to choose any 10 yoga asanas, then I would choose the following:

  1) Vrikshasana:

The Sanskrit term “Vriksha” means tree and “Asana” means pose.  This pose gives balance and stability. In this pose, you have to stand on one leg while the other foot is on the thigh. Hands can be joined in front of the chest. It has a next variation- lifting your hands up over the head and interlocking them, by facing palms upwards. This pose helps strengthen your legs and increases the balance of your body and mind. If you can do it with closed eyes, it reveals your hidden concentration power. It has several benefits:

         i.            Strength in hips and pelvic region

       ii.            Reduces the risk of sciatica.

      iii.            Tones the leg muscles.

     iv.            Improves postures and concentration.

2) VirabhadrasanaA

The term “Virabhadra” is the name of a divine warrior. It is a great pose for hip opening and improving strength.


This pose is practiced keeping feet about 4 to 5 feet apart, one front and the other back. The toes of the back foot have to be kept slightly facing to the side about 45 to 60 degrees. The back leg should be straight while the front leg is bent about 90 degrees at the knee. Hips should be squared to the front. Hands are stretched upwards. Join your hands over the head and gaze fixed on the thumbs. Hold the pose for deep five breaths. During inhalation, you can do moola bandha and exhalation release.


         i.            It influences your root chakra and sacral chakra.

       ii.            Strengthens legs, arms, and shoulders.

      iii.            Gives balance and coordination.

     iv.            Increases vigor and stability.

       v.            Relieves stress.

     vi.            Maintains muscle endurance.

3) VirabhadrasanaB

Virabhadrasana- B is somewhat close to the previous pose. This pose is practice keeping feet about 4-5 feet apart sideways. Bend your right leg about 90 degrees at the knee and your right foot should be turned to the right side while your left leg is straight facing the foot frontwards. Give equal weight on both legs.

Its benefits are similar to Virabhadrasana-A. However, the way of hip opening is different. In the previous pose, the hips are opened stretching the legs front and back while in this pose hips are stretched extending the legs sideways.

4) Mayurasana:

This is a great pose for strengthening the core and abdomen. The Sanskrit term “Mayura” means peacock. The elbows are fixed at the abdomen. Place your hands on the floor facing your fingers backward. Balance your entire body of arms, keeping your body straight and parallel to the floor. Hold the pose as long as you can.


         i.            It improves the digestive system.

       ii.            Avoids abdominal problems.

      iii.            Facilitates good bowel movement and avoids constipation.

     iv.            Helpful to activate Navel (Manipura) chakra.

       v.            Manages appetite

     vi.            Activates and strengthens internal organs

    vii.            Brings stability and balance.

5) Adho- Mukha Vrikshasana:

This is hand balancing and inverted pose. The Sanskrit term “Adho-mukha” means downward facing while “Vriksha” means tree. It is known as a handstand in English. To do this pose you have to strengthen your arms, shoulders, and hand with various asanas and exercises. In the beginning, you can practice handstands with the support of the wall. You have to engage not only the heel of the hand but the entire hand and fingers. Engage your hands and shoulders. Then lift your legs up. In the beginning, you need to try against the wall. Eventually, you can try without the wall.


  Bolsters the muscles of the hands, arms, wrist, and shoulders.

  Improves digestion and stretches the abdominal muscles.

  Enhances the body’s coordination and balance.

  Increases cardiovascular stamina and turns on the carotid artery’s baroreceptors.


         i.            Avoid it during high blood pressure, wrist or arm injury, menstruation, and pregnancy.

       ii.             Recent surgery

      iii.            Fever, flu, or cold

     iv.            Digestive problems

       v.            Injury in the neck, back, wrists, or shoulders.

     vi.            Recent surgery

    vii.            High blood pressure

  viii.            Cardiovascular disorders

     ix.            Severe stress or anxiety at the moment.

       x.            Hernia

     xi.            Infections in the eyes, ears, or nose.

6) Hanumanasana:

This is super hips opening pose. It will be easier to do if two cushions are used. Place a cushion under the left knee and another under the heel of the right leg while pulling it to the front. Stretch them apart as much as you can.  Hold this pose for about five breaths and repeat it on the other side.


         i.            Humanasana increases stamina, endurance, flexibility, and muscle strength.

       ii.            Assist dancers tone their leg muscles and lower their risk of hips and leg injuries.

      iii.            Helps in gastric ulcers and persons with mild sciatica pain.

     iv.            Has influence in the root chakra and sacral chakra.

7) Pincha Mayurasana:

The Sanskrit term “Pincha” means feathers and “Mayura” means peacock. It is known as arm balance in English. To do this pose, fix your forearms parallel to each other at shoulder distance apart. Engage your arms, shoulders, and core.  Keep your shoulder blade elevated wide while pressing your forearms, wrists, and palms into the ground. Now lift your leg up. You have to try this with the teacher after that against the wall. Eventually, you will get into this pose.


         i.            Promotes better digestion, increased circulation, and a calmer state of mind.

       ii.            Better circulation in the brain.

      iii.            Increases strength of arms.

     iv.            Keeps chest and heart strong.

       v.            Stimulate Ajna chakra

Avoid this pose if you have the following issues:

    xii.            Recent surgery

  xiii.            Fever, flu, or cold

  xiv.            Menstruation or pregnancy

   xv.            Digestive problems

  xvi.            Injury in the neck, back, wrists, or shoulders.

xvii.            Recent surgery

xviii.            High blood pressure

  xix.            Cardiovascular disorders

   xx.            Severe stress or anxiety at the moment.

  xxi.            Hernia

xxii.            Infections in the eyes, ears, or nose.

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