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3 Top Ways of Relaxation in Yoga

Relaxation in Yoga

3 Top Ways of Relaxation in Yoga – Technique 1: Natural Relaxation


Lay down on your back. Be sure you are comfortable so that you don’t have to move your body for 20 minutes. If you do have not enough time, you can reduce it to 10 minutes. If you find any discomfort anywhere in the body, make it comfortable.

Body Scanning- Head to toes

Head Region: Move your awareness to the top of your head. Feel the top of the head inside and out. Concentrate there and experience the sensation. Do the same thing throughout the head, forehead, eyes, ears, chicks, nose, lips, and chin. Let it be as it is. You will get relaxed.

Neck Region: Move towards the throat and neck part by part and piece by piece. Concentrate and feel inside and out as it is.

Shoulders, Arms, and Hands: Move your awareness to the right shoulder, upper arm, forearm hand, and fingers. Feel the sensation inside and out if possible. Do the same thing for the left side as well.

Chest and Abdomen:

Now concentrate on the chest- right and left sides. You can do it inside and out as well. Feel the sensation. Move towards your abdomen and feel its sensation as it is.

Upper, Middle, and Lower Back:

Move your awareness towards the upper back and feel it as it is. Go to the middle back and lower back and feel the sensation.

Waist and Hips:

Switch your awareness to your waist and feel the sensation, do the same for the hips.

Pelvic region:

Feel your pelvic region inside and out.

Thigh to toes:

Move your awareness to the right thigh, knee, shin and calf, ankle, foot, heel, sole, and toes, and feel the sensations. Continue the same thing for the left leg as well.

Reverse Body scanning- toes to head

Now you need to scan your body from toe to head. The process is similar to the above.

Toes to Thigh: Now you need to start from the toes, foot, sole, heel, ankle, shin, calf, knee, and thigh of your left leg. Do the same thing on the other leg.

Pelvic Region

Hips and Waist:

Lower, Middle, and Upper Back: Begin from the lower back.

Abdomen and Chest

Hands, arms, and Shoulder  

Neck Region

Head Region


In this way, you can relax your body without imagination. Here you are supposed to feel your body as it is. You need to recognize your body’s sensations. You will not give any autosuggestion, no visualization, nothing from the mind. Let everything happen naturally, and simply observe it. You will do nothing from your side, but observe as a spectator.

Duration: You can consume 10 to 30 minutes for this. Do not do very fast or very slow. If you are doing it for 10 minutes, consume 5 minutes for the journey from head to toe and 5 minutes to go back. If you are doing it for 20 or 30 minutes, you can consume a little more time. You should not consume more than 10 minutes for a single trip head to toe or toe to head.

In the end, feel the whole body. Slowly move your hands and leg to sit down. And you can close it.

Technique 2: Auto-suggestion Method:

Lay down in a comfortable pose as in Savasana. Once you find fully comfortable try to stop all types of movement during this relaxation. Now you need to apply autosuggestion for relaxation as you move your observation head to toe and toe to head.

Head and Face Region: Concentrate on the top of your head and give the autosuggestion “My head is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed.  Do this on the back of the head, forehead, face, nose, chicks, and chin one after the other.

Neck and Throat: Concentrate on your neck and suggest that your neck is relaxing. Feel completely at ease. Do this on the throat, the right and left side of the neck; also inside and out.

Shoulder and Hand:  Concentrate on your right shoulder and suggest “My right shoulder is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed.  Go ahead to the upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers. Repeat on the other hand as well.

Chest and abdomen: Concentrate on your chest and give the autosuggestion, “My chest is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Go ahead to the abdomen.

Upper. Middle and lower Back: Concentrate on your upper back and do autosuggestion, “My upper back is getting relaxed.” Feel as if it is fully relaxed.  Continue it to the middle back and lower back.

Hips, Waist, and Pelvic Region: Concentrate on your hips and give the autosuggestion, “My hips are getting relaxed”.  Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Carry on to your waist and pelvic region as well.

Thigh to foot: Concentrate on your thigh and do autosuggestion, “My right thigh is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Keep on to the knee, calf, ankle, heel, top of the foot, sole, and toes. Do again on the other side as well.

Now do this from the foot to head.

Foot to thigh: Concentrate on the left big toe and go autosuggestion, “My big toe is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Keep on for all the toes, sole, heel, top of the foot, ankle, calf, knee, and thigh. Repeat it on the other legs as well.

Pelvic Region, Waist, and Hips: Concentrate on your Pelvic Region and autosuggest, “My Pelvic Region is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Keep on to the waist and hips as well.

Lower, middle and upper back: Concentrate on your lower back and give the auto-suggestion, “My lower back is relaxing”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Keep on to the middle back and upper back.

Abdomen and chest: Concentrate on your abdomen and autosuggest “My abdomen is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed.  Keep on to chest as well.

Neck and throat: Concentrate on your neck and autosuggest “My neck is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Go ahead to the throat.

Face and Head Region: Concentrate on your chin and autosuggest “My chin is getting relaxed”. Feel as if it is fully relaxed. Continue it to lips, cheeks, nose, ears, forehead, back of the head, and top of the head.

Depending on how much time you have, you can do it from top to bottom and from bottom to top for 10 to 30 minutes.

Technique 3: Imagination method

This is a stress-management method as well that you may apply anyplace. When you’re anxious, visualization, commonly referred to as “guided imagery,” might help you unwind. And it only takes a few seconds to finish. Before you start, you might want to warm up by practicing another relaxation technique, like deep breathing.

Make the pictures objects of imagination: Any scene that makes you feel at ease can serve as your imagery. It can be a location you’ve visited in the past or an idyllic scenario in your mind. Both inside and outside are options. Pick a peaceful activity for yourself. Give as many details as you can. Consider the ambient temperature, sounds, fragrances, calming views, and any physical sensations you experience.

Here are some illustrations of visualizations:

         i.            Your raft: Today is warm. On a raft, you’re drifting on your back while enjoying the shade provided by the trees along the coast. You completely unwind as you dangle your fingertips in the chilly water. While softly floating on the sea, you observe clouds moving across the sky. It’s quite cozy. You can stay there as long as you choose, feeling nothing but calm.

       ii.            Crackling flames: You’re bundled up indoors in front of a cozy fire. Cold rain is falling outside. Only the sound of crackling wood can be heard, and flames can be seen flickering. All of your muscles are soothed and relaxed as you feel the warmth on your face. You’re feeling comfortable at ease and relaxed.

      iii.            Flowing river at the base of Green Mountain: You are on a side of clean water at the corner of the forest. You can listen to the sound of rivers, birds, etc. The view and sound both are soothing. As you feel the warmth on your face, all of your muscles are calmed and relaxed. Feel relaxed, at ease, and comfortable.

     iv.            Waterfall on the Himalayan: From a high mountain, a scenic view of the waterfall pleases you. Enjoy the cool breeze and pure air in nature. See beautiful flowers like rhododendron which are available in the mountain. This also keeps you satiated, and tranquil and relaxes your body and mind.

These four visuals are merely four instances. Pick your own peaceful location.


Spend a moment visualizing yourself in your restful setting. Imagine that you are there. Experience the calming sights, sounds, smells, textures, and physical sensations in your surroundings by using your senses. Let yourself get at ease in this setting. Keep your focus on this location’s serene tranquility. Keep your focus on the specifics of the scene and the feelings of peace that are evoked by it.

Authenticate yourself:

This activity could be challenging at first. You could feel that practicing visualization is pointless. However, taking a brief mental break is beneficial for your health. Embrace the power of visualization. Test your ability to focus on the image for at least a minute.

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