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Yogic Therapy for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a condition in which the feces are discharged from the bowel in a liquid, watery form without proper digestion and consumption. The food or thing that we eat doesn’t digest and changes into solid form rather it tends to come out as it is taken. World Health Organization states, “Diarrhoea is usually a symptom of an infection in the intestinal tract, which can be caused by a variety of bacterial, viral and parasitic organisms. Infection is spread through contaminated food or drinking-water, or from person-to-person as a result of poor hygiene.”

Diarrhea has been regarded as an infection which may occur in small intestines or large intestines. The watery evacuation is mainly caused if the infection is in small intestine and liquid, semi-liquid or feces will be resulted because of its removal from large intestines.

Even though it appears to the child in most of the cases, the infection diarrhea also can be found in adult and senior citizens. It especially attacks people on hot season. For the children under five can also get affected by diarrhea if a mother takes hot food.

Causes of Diarrhea

It is mainly caused by water contaminated by the bacteria and virus which arises the problem of Diarrhea. The situation worsens because of the lack of sanitation, pure drinking water, unhygienic food etc. Likewise, malnutrition also plays the role of diarrhea. It can be caused by not having pure water for cooking, drinking, and cleaning.

Even the improper intake of the foods which may not be appropriate to the individual can be the cause of diarrhea.  The absence of nerve energy or changes in the energy causes the condition of Diarrhea. Because of the secretion of a high amount of bile has also been said as one of the significant cause of diarrhea along with the imbalance in the endocrine system also reasons for diarrhea.

In addition to these facts, the conducts which we imply in daily life would cause such situation of diarrhea. More often than not we are very inclined to the junk foods and fast foods which we intentionally or because of obligation happen to take. As a matter of fact, this habit of taking such foods in many cases can cause diarrhea. Diarrhea also causes the situation of dehydration which makes one weak and pale.

Moreover, the psychological or behavioral state of anxiety and worry which causes unessential stress on the nervous system. It is also believed that taking tea or coffee several times in a day on an empty stomach immediately after getting up from bed can be the factor to stimulate for diarrhea. Last but not the least, a large amount of taking of chilies and mustard also acts to produce the condition of diarrhea.

Yogic Practices for relieving Diarrhea












Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Uddiyana  Bandha

Mula Bandha

Varun Mudra


Dietetic Limitations

Non-vegetarian food, chilies, mustard, fried foods, condiments, coffee, tea, whole-grams, daal, potatoes, nuts etc. are must be avoided during the diarrheic problem. However, khichadi, pomegranate, wheat flour, chappati, fruit, juice, cow’s milk, curd, and buttermilk can be taken. Indeed, in the case of the chronic or intestinal inflammation, all solid foods are restricted to take.

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