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Yoga Therapy for Knee Pain

Knee Pain / injury & it’s Yoga Therapy which can heal & cure your knee

Knee pain is a common problem with many causes, from acute injuries to complications of medical conditions. The knee is the meeting point of three bones; shinbone which is called tibia, thighbone which is called femur and the kneecap (patella). In this junction of the knee remains the meniscus situated between the shin bones and thigh bones. The ligaments both cruciate and collaterals while the former crisscross through the kneecaps whereas the later run alongside the outside of the kneecap. The knee is perceived as the most fragile part of the body. The physical mechanism of the knee is very sensitive compared to any other part of the body. It is believed that the mechanism of the knee is not considered as the greatest part of the body.

While practicing yoga, one of the most frequently used parts of the body while performing many physical postures. In spite of the delicate structural formation, it has to be used for yoga practice. Therefore, yoga has been both cause and cure for pain since it has taken the time and lifestyle of many people all around the world. The practice of yoga can be applied for healing the knee pain or knee injury and get relief of many knee pain. Yoga is the best antidote for curing the knee pain and problem. Especially to recover damaged ligaments, yoga has been the boon for humankind. With millions of research and therapeutic experience, the practice of yoga as a therapy has found its ultra and zenith of its reputation and recognition in the indispensable aspect of life called health and wellness. Particularly, the present era of the 21st century has been the most powerful industry of wellness and health. In the contemporary era, people seem to be investing their majority of income for wellness and health besides their basic needs. In this context, yoga, in addition to its Vedic heritage and eternal connection to spirituality, also has been part and portion of the daily life adjacent to health, fitness, and wellness.

Every subject has its drawbacks and distinctions. The consequences of yoga asana practice have also not been aligned with this flaw. Indeed, the subject itself is not the cause of this rather the newly developed style and practice systems have been the cause of many issues and disorders in the different parts of the body. Among many parts of the body, the knee has experienced the comparatively large amount of difficulty and pain by the practice of yoga. It not only happens because of yoga but also because of many other physical works that we perform. Despite its cause of pain and injury, yoga always firmly supports and cures the knee pain. By performing certain asanas and following yogic therapy in specific and prescribed manner, the knee pain and injury can be cured and eliminated.

Cause of Knee Injury or knee pain

The main cause of knee injury is related to quadriceps. Quadriceps muscles merge into a single quadriceps tendon just above the kneecap. The tendon attaches and surrounds the kneecap. It goes down below the kneecaps which are called patellar ligament. The patellar ligament attaches to the tibia.

Likewise, knee pain may occur due to mild to severe injury to the ligaments, connective tissues, joint cavity, muscles, and knee capsules. Knee join actually is taken as a prone to injury area of the body. Osteoarthritis is found to be a major cause of knee pain by many medical studies and surveys.

The most prone to knee pain is recorded to be the people with dynamic or mobile work and action such as runners, sports personnel, bodybuilders and athletes. The most recent list high at risk of knee pain has been joined by the yoga asana practitioners.  By the intensive mobility they have to undergo in the practice and play, they are at high risk of fractures, ligamentous tear, and muscular sprain. A person excluding aforementioned categories can also be suffering from knee pain. People who use certain drugs which cause demineralization or inflammation. Furthermore, physiological age also creates the risk of knee pain. In addition to these things, menopause and obesity can be the cause of knee pain.

Ways to protect the knee from knee pain

To make the knee stronger and resilient it from injury and weakness, the innermost quadriceps is considered as the most important limb to make the knee healthy. When vastus medialis is used properly, it has the greater effect on firming the knee. Therefore, the strengthening exercise to vastus medialis has to be practiced regularly for knee strength. Another important thing to follow is not to make hyperextension of the knee. The practice of asana where the knee is bent like Virabhadrasana and standing postures can be applied for the strength of the knee.

Before practicing asanas demanding the stretch of the knee, it is always important to stretch the hips first. The stretch and warming up of big joints are necessary to prevent the pressure and exertion on the smaller joints. In this regard, before going to the Padmasana, it is always important to perform some hip stretching asanas like Baddha Konasana and Gomukhasana.

Also, the use of props is found to be very beneficial for preventing the knee pain as it helps to apply less stretch and stress in the parts of the body. Therefore, the idea of being prop-friendly also can be a vital practice for knee pain prevention. While performing the poses like Virasana and Trianga Mukhaikpada Paschimottansana, it is recommended to apply the props underneath the buttocks so that knee doesn’t bear much pressure. The soft cloths or towels can be used as a prop underneath the buttocks.  In the name of getting more stretch, it is never advisable to make hyperextension. Yes, it comes with the time and may take few more times but in hurry, there is no chance of preparing curry. Everything needs time. Don’t be in haste to overstretch your muscles to save your physical body.

The proper feet alignment and strengthening of the leg muscles require for the stronger and safer knee. It is highly imperative to maintain the knee alignment as well. The alignment of the knee helps to save the knee pain . Especially while performing the Virabhadrasana and Parsvakonasana. The placement of knee in the second big toe is preferred while performing these poses for safer and healthier knee. Also, the balancing posture is perceived as the good asanas to be practiced for strengthening the knees as these postures support to create the balance by empowering both the muscles.


Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)

Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Utthitha Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Big Toe Pose)

Utthitha Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

Utthitha Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose)

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Virasana (Hero Pose)

Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)

Krounchasana (Heron Pose)

Simhasana (Lion Pose)

Natarajasana (Lord of Dance Pose)

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Tadasana (Moutain Pose)

Pasasana (Noose Pose)

Ekapada Rajakapotasana (One-legged King Pigeon’s Pose)

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