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Yoga For Gastrointestinal problem

Introduction of gastrointestinal system

The human gastrointestinal tract (GI tract or GIT) is an organ’s system responsible for transporting and digesting foodstuffs, absorbing nutrients, and expelling waste products. Gastrointestinal tract is divided into lower GI Tract and upper GI Tract. Upper GI Tracts consists of mouth, food pipe, stomach and duodenum wherease small intestine large intestine, colon, rectum, anus comes under lower GI Tracts. Secretin, gastrin are the hormone produce in GI Tract for digestion of food.

The mouth helps to chew the food make it into small piece and saliva mix with food so that it get form for digestion. Swallon food is received by the esophagus. By means of series of muscular contractions called peristalsis, the esophagus delivers food to your stomach.  Food mix with different enzyemes in stomach which helps to break down into small pieces for easy digestion. The duodenum is largely responsible for the continuous breaking-down process, with the jejunum and ileum mainly responsible for absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. The large intestine is a highly specialized organ that is responsible for processing waste so that emptying the bowels is easy and convenient.

Gastrointestinal diseases and its Cause

There are many intestinal disorder which effect our GIT. All the problem in the stomach is arise from psycic level (manomaya kosa). So before going to treat our stomach problem, we need to cure our disease our psychic level. Disease which arise in our psycic perculate in the pranamaya kosa and create disease in the physical body (ananmaya kosa).

Some of the gastrointestinal disease are as follow


Acid peptic ulcer




Gastritis is the main problem ans it is characterize by the inflammation in the lining of the stomach. It may occur suddenly or slowly over time.  In some cases, gastritis can lead to ulcers and an increased risk of stomach cancer.

The main cause of GIT problem arise from the sedentary lifestyle, wrong food habit, inflammation in the inner lining of stomach, infection and malabsorbtion disorder.


Disease in GIT are recurring it can attack after the stoppage of medicine so only one dimensional treatment does not helps to cure the disease from root level. We are here to cure the disease from root level by giving treatment using the hoslistic practices.


Yoga is the holistic science which manage the disease of GIT from root level. Some of the beneficial practices for gastrointestinal disease are as follows:

Standing practices

Forward and backing movement


Rotation of hip

Chandra asana

Sitting practices


Butterfly movement (flapping of ur thign)

Ardamatyandra asana




Supine practices


Straight leg raising practices


Sarvanga asana

Rocking and rolling


Prone practices


Salamba asana

Pranayama (Breathing practices)



Right nostril breathing

Left nostril breathing


Sectional breathing


Diet therapy is an important factor in overall care of GI patients. Diet plays a vital role for the proper function of the stomach. Food should be freash. Sattwik vegetable food is preferable. All the green leafy vegetable which produce antioxidant and provide soothe in our GI tract.


Satkarma is a very precise and systematic hoslistic science.The satkarma is briefly describe in hatha yoga pradipika. The sansskrit meaning of satkarma: sat is six and karma means actions. Satkarma consists of six internal purification techquies. It helps to create harmonies in the body by balancing the two pranic flow ida and pigala. The six satkarma are as follows;

  1. Dhauti

It is aslo called vamana dhouti which is the cleansing process of the upper gastrointestinal tract through lukewarm water.

  1. Nauli

A method of massaging and strengthen the abdominal organs.

  1. Kapalvati

It is a breathing techniques for purifying the brain and skull. It helps to create shining in the brain. It also strengthen the upper and lower GI tract.


Yoga is the holistic science which provide us many techniques to tone up our body internally and externally. Asana helps to strenthing our muscles and bones and pranayama which makes easy for pranic flow. The satkarma helps to cleansing our internal organ. Yoga provides positive energy in our human body without any side effects.

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