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10 Days Meditation training in Nepal | Authentic & Traditional Breathing and Meditation Training Course

Meditation training in nepal

Join Our Meditation Training, Find Your Inner Peace & Experience The Inner Bliss

Meditation overview

Welcome to this transformation spiritual awakening program of breathing and meditation training in Nepal. This course is very effective for all the seekers of peace and Harmony. This meditation training course is very effective for mental and emotional detox. This program of breathing ang meditation course in Nepal has designed according to ancient classical system.

To learn meditation from Himalayan country Nepal itself could be big privilege in your life. If you are seeking the best version of the life realizing the self, this breathing and meditation training course can take you the next level of bliss. You can’t reach in new destination walking the same path. If you are tired from your daily routine of thoughts and business this course can add you something new insight to see the life differently.

Note: Additionally, you will get more tips on meditation since the founder of Yoga Home has done PhD in 112 styles of meditation techniques 


Overview of our meditation training

No worries you are regular practitioner or beginner this course provides you the way of living, way of thinking and art of self-management. If you have the holiday and thinking where to spend, please invest yourself learning who really you are? Most of the people spend the very expensive holiday staying in resort, drinking and eating unhealthy food. These 10 days breathing and meditation training in Nepal is the best investment for your body, mind and soul. Life is very uncertain and short in this very short life people have lots of stress and problem, this course will each you, how to celebrate the life maintaining the inner silence.

This training course is the perfect combinations of celebration and silence. You will get amazing celebration session with dancing, chanting, singing, playing, mindful eating etc. On the other hand you will learn guided meditation and silence under the experienced guru (Master). You will surround with lovely family and friend so the days will be so amazing with love, care, laugh and unique experience of yoga, meditation, breathing, chanting etc.

Highlights of the Breathing and meditation training in Nepal

Meditation training in Nepal Yoga Home includes variety of meditation like Aana Pana Sati meditation, breathing meditation, here and now meditation, Silence meditation. As buddha born in Nepal you will have privilege to learn buddha style of meditation during this breathing and meditation training course. In ancient time these meditations were used to practice by Buddha. Meditation under guidance of teacher also refer as guided meditation, most popular meditation in modern world called mindfulness meditation also will taught during this meditation training course.  The techniques of yoga nidra (Yogic sleep) meditation as an ultimate relaxation technique, which will include on the meditation course in Nepal.

Yoga fanatics are often bothered with the thought as to how to improve their performance in yoga and meditation. Keeping that in mind, we bring to you the 10-days breathing and meditation training in Nepal where you will get an opportunity to learn about yoga, breathing and meditation in detail. This training will enable you to become an enhanced version of yourself and find meaning in life.

What will you learn?

In this training session, you will learn about pranayama (breathing art), meditation, yoga posture, relaxation, Yoga Nidra, Mudra, Banda, chanting, philosophy etc.

You will practice morning and evening meditation to stablish the good habit of meditation. Meditation and breathing exercises will also be an important component of this meditation training course in Nepal. You will learn following meditation during your ten days stay in Nepal Yoga Home.

Meditation is a crucial component for all human being. In this 10-days meditation training in Nepal you will make strong foundation how to follow meditation rest of the life back at home.  It is an ancient practice that has uncountable perks. It provides a sense of tranquility and helps the mind concentrate to perform the stated task. In this meditation training session, our meditation teacher will teach you the methods to accentuate your meditation skills. He will also provide you with an action plan and schedule which you can follow after this training finishes.

For instance, you will learn path of spirituality through guided meditation. Emotion release meditation and chanting meditation favor you to be peaceful even in adverse situation. Meditation course in Nepal makes you light and relax up to end of the session. The depth of breathing and meditation will be discussed depends on the teacher and your meditation level. You will learn following meditation during your stay at Nepal Yoga Home

Pranayama generally we called breathing exercise will be taught seriously to cleanse the nerve channel, circulatory channel, heal the brain, heart, circulation etc. Pranayama is the best way to develop the life force through oxygen. Pranayama helps to remove the mental, emotional and psychological illness developing the power of Prana inside body. Oxygen is major factor for our body, mind and soul. Without oxygen all three existence can’t exist. There is really big science has developed by the ancient sage based on breathing system which we called Pranayama.

Along with meditation and yoga, breathing exercises are equally important for peaceful mind. We shall make it a point to practice breathing exercises in this meditation training in Nepal. Only when we practice all the components of this retreat in detail, we can achieve our goal.

During your stay you will learn following pranayama practices

  1. Akara pranayama
  2. Ukara pranayama
  3. Makara Pranayama
  4. Aumkara pranayama
  5. Divine pranyama
  6. Udar pranayama
  7. Vakshya Pranayama
  8. Skanda Pranayama
  9. Yogic pranayama
  10. Khanda Pranayama
  11. Prakartik Pranayama
  12. Throat lock
  13. Abdominal lock
  14. Root lock
  15. Great lock
  16. Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)
  17. Kapal bhati Pranayam I, II
  18. Swana Pranayama
  19. Anulom Vilom pranayama I, II, (slow and fast)
  20. Bhastrika Pranayam (bellows breath)

Yoga posture help you to remove stress from mussels, joints, nerves, bones etc which help you to grounded in meditation.  Many meditation practitioners want to avoid yoga posture which may not good for our physical body. Physical body and mental body are so intimate so without having strong and healthy body meditation could be challenging. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that mostly deals with asanas and meditation. History states that this divine art commenced around 2,000 years ago as a form of attaining spirituality. In our meditation training in Nepal, we shall take part in a Hath yoga Asana session to achieve inner peace and tranquility. You shall practice hatha yoga Asana daily to prevention the physical problem.

Our expert faculty will thoroughly take you through the mandatory poses and breathing exercises. They will make sure that you understand the core ideology of posture for physical and mental health. The practices in Hath yoga Asana includes proper diet, body cleansing, breathing.

You will learn following yoga posture during meditation training in Nepal.

During these ten days breathing and meditation course in Nepal you will learn about yogic philosophies too. This yoga philosophy makes you clear about the mind, intellect, ego, soul and supreme soul. Philosophy gives the concept clear concept about what is pranayama and meditation? Concept of yogic and meditation culture and linage will talk. This is based on life style, food habit, positive thinking etc.

Relaxation and chanting are the part of the meditation training course in Nepal. Relaxation is the foundation of meditation. Relaxing the mind there is less disturbance during the meditation. Different art of relaxation helps you to self-healing power. Visualization process, breath relaxation, emotional relaxation, mental relaxation etc will taught during this meditation course in Nepal Yoga Home.

Chanting is very helpful to minimize the thoughts process which makes the mind peaceful. Regular chanting unblocks the energy system and generate the good balance of bio-energy in body. Chanting is sound energy which make strong Aura around the body which prevents from bad energy. Mantra for peace, mantra for food, mantra for success, mantra for guru, mantra for trauma etc will teach during this life transforming meditation training.

 Additionally, you will get more tips on mediation since the founder of Yoga Home has done PhD in analytical study on 112 styles of meditation techniques from ancient meditation scripture Vijanan Bhairav Tantra. This 10-days meditation training in Nepal will be the best experience of your life that will help you to achieve your objective. Meditation can be used to achieve anything you like. If you want to discover peace you can discover peace if you want to achieve some achievement meditation will help you to achieve.


During your stay with us, you will take part in various activities that will enrich your mental and physical wellbeing. We cannot provide you a day to day itinerary because the activities that we will cover hugely depend on the teacher. However, we can give you the thorough content of the various activities just for sample. This schedule can be change according to teacher, season, circumstance, topic and interest of students.

Sample Schedule

6:00 am: Wake up and drink green tea/herbal tea

7:00 am: Morning Hatha yoga session

8: 00 am: Breakfast

9: 00 am: 1st Morning meditation session

10:00 am: Break

11: 00 self-stud, silence seating, self- practice

1: 00 – relaxation, breathing and chanting

2: 00 Noon: Lunch

3: 00 pm: Herbal tea

4: 00 pm: Evening yoga and relaxation

5 pm: Meditation, Breathing and relaxation session

6:00 – Philosophy/ candle Gaze etc

7: 00 pm: Dinner

Be sure this is just rough schedule it can change according to conditions, requirement, teacher, topic etc.

Food and Accommodation during meditation training in Nepal

What we eat determines what we are. We hold this motto to upmost importance. During this meditation training in Nepal, you will live on a vegetarian diet. You will dine on delicious vegetarian, Nepali, cultural meals which will not only invigorate your body but detoxify it as well. Lunch and dinner comprise of vegetarian soups, salads, rice bowls, fruits, bean, vegetables, herbal tea etc.

This training takes place on the periphery of the tranquil Shivapuri-Nagarjuna National Park. The environment is filled with greenery and it is a great place to meditate and find inner peace. The rooms in the facility are spacious and filled with all the necessities like comfortable beds, air conditioners, windows, attach bathrooms. You can choose variety of room depending on your budget. We offer standard sharing room, standard private room, deluxe sharing room, deluxe private room and super deluxe rooms.

Note: Also, if you like to go for an in-depth yoga class we have yoga teacher training session which starts from 1st of every month which is certified by yoga alliance. 200/ 300/ 500 hours certified yoga and meditation course is amazing to deepen the comprehensive study of yoga including Yoga Posture, meditation, breathing, relaxation, chanting, philosophy, Banda, Mudra, Detox, Anatomy, chakra, energy system, life style etc.

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