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Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series

ashtanga vinyasa intermediate series

Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series

Six series

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga consists six sequences- Primary, Intermediate and four Advanced Series.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate series

The Ashtanga Intermediate Series is also called as “Nadi Shodhana” which means “Nerve Cleansing”. This is focused on backbend which helps in nerve cleansing. Back bending asanas activates the suppleness of the spine and opens the energy channels to allow Prana flow without blockage.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series from Padangustasana to Parsvottanasana is the same as the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series. After parsvottanasana, continue with vinyasa flow to

  1. Pasasana: Sit down stepping with feet. Bring knees closer to the chest. Exhale, twist to left 90 degrees to reach the right armpit to the outer side of the left knee, wrap left thigh, and shin from the left sit with the right hand. Clasp the right hand with the left hand from behind the back. Drishti: far to the left or left shoulder. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Switch to the other side too…. Vinyasa flow….
  2. Kraunchasana: Sit down on hips. Bend the left leg, keep the left foot at the side of the left hip. Knees join together. Hold the right foot with both hands. Inhale, lengthen the spine. Lift the right foot up with the knee straight vertically upwards. Exhale, chin to shin. Touch the shin with the chin. Drishti: right big toe. Hold 5 to 8 deep ujjayi breaths. Inhale and release. … Vinyasa flow…  Repeat to the other side too.
  3. Salabhasana A: sequence of 3rd step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series are as follows, Lie down on the abdomen. Keep the hands straight at the side of the waist. Inhale, stretch the entire body, lift the chest, and leg up. Only the abdomen and the lower arms will rest on the floor. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths…. Vinyasa flow…
  4. Salabhasana B: Lie down on the abdomen. Bend the knees, heels above the knees. Palms on the floor, wrists, and elbows at the same level. Exhale, lift the thighs and chest up. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths…. Vinyasa flow…
  5. Bhekasana: Lie down on the abdomen. Bend the knees and place heels towards the hips. Keep the hands on the top of the feet. Exhale, lift the head and trunk up from the floor, look upwards. Rotate the palms (one by one) on the top of the feet, point the fingers frontwards. Palms will push the feet towards the floor. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. … Vinyasa flow…
  6. Dhanurasana: in this step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series, Lie down on the abdomen. Bend the legs, hold the ankles with the hands. Exhale, lift the legs and chest up, stretch the back, and arc backward as much as you can. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. … Vinyasa flow…
  7. Parsva Dhanurasana: Lie down on the abdomen. Bend the legs, hold the ankles with the hands. Exhale, lift the legs and chest up, stretch the back, and arc backward as much as you can. Finally, roll over right. Rest the head on the floor pushing head behind the shoulder. Drishti: upwards. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Now roll over to the other side too. Again lift the legs up to the center in a normal Dhanurasana. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. … Vinyasa flow.
  8. Ustrasana: Kneel down on the floor, face the soles upwards. Place the palms on the hips. Stretch the thighs, keep the thighs perpendicular to the floor and curve the spine back, ribs will remain extended. Exhale, place the palms on the soles. Stretch the coccyx and dorsal regions, contract the buttocks. Stretch the neck backward. Drishti: upwards back. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. … Vinyasa flow.
  9. Laghu vajrasana: sequence here for Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series is, Kneel down with the feet together. Curve the spine backward. With the support of elbows, keep the crown of the head on the floor. Curve more to reach the palms to the knee and head to the soles of the feet. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. . Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose… Vinyasa flow.


  1. Kapotasana A: Begin with supta vajrasana. Fix the palms at the sides of the ears, pointing the fingers towards the shoulders. Bear the weight on the palms and raise the whole body from the knees. Join the knees. Contract hips, stretch and curve the spine, place the elbows on the floor, move the palms towards the toes. Try to touch the head also to the soles. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. . Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose to Kapotasana B.


  1. Kapotasana B: Inhale, lift the elbows up fixing the palms still on the floor. The arms will remain straight while fingers facing towards the toes. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. . Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose to vinyasa flow.


  1. Supta Vajrasana: Sit down with Baddha Padmasana. Lie down curving at chest and trunk, rest the crown on the floor. Drishti: 3rd eye or upwards. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Sit down and lay down five times, keep holding the toes keeping the arms crossed behind the back. Finally again stay in the Supta Vajrasana for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.  Release the pose to vinyasa flow. Note: You may need the support of a friend to do this asana.


  1. Bakasana A: Fix the palm on the floor. Shift the weight on the finger regions too. Engage the shoulders and core. Lift the knees up and keep them nearby the armpit. In the beginning, elbows will remain bent, as you become perfect keep the elbows straight. Drishti: 3rd eye or frontwards.  Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose to vinyasa flow.
  2. Bakasana B: During the vinyasa flow jump into Bakasana from Adho mukha svanasana. Drishti: 3rd eye or frontwards. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose to vinyasa flow.
  3. Bharadvajasana : Sit down, half-lotus with left leg. Bend the right leg at the knee, bring the heel beside the right hip. Twist left, hold the left toes with the left hand from behind the back. Insert the right fingers underneath the left knee. Twist the head far to the side. Drishti: far to the side. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Repeat the other side too. Release the pose to vinyasa flow.
  4. Ardha Matsyandrasana: flow of this asana of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series is, Sit down. Bend the right leg, keep the right heel at the left of the left hip. Keep the left foot at the right side of the right thigh. Twist to the left pushing with the right arm against the left thigh. Hold the ankle left leg with the right hand or keep the right palm under the left foot. Drishti: far to the left. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Repeat the other side too. Release the pose to vinyasa flow.
  5. Eka Pada Sirshasana: Exhale, keep the right leg behind the head. Keep the back straight. The left leg will remain extended forward straight on the floor. Join your palms in front of the chest. Drishti: the tip of the nose or frontwards.  Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.
  6. Skandasana: Exhale, forward fold, while right foot still behind the head. Drishti: the tip of the nose or frontwards.  Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.
  7. Charokasana: This is merely a transition for here. Inhale and head and back up vertically straight. Palm fix on the floor. Lift the body up. Release the pose to vinyasa flow and another side both Eka Pada Sirshasana, Skandasana , and Charokasana.
  8. Dwi Pada Sirshasana A: Keep both feet behind the head one after another. Sit near the tail bone and balance. Join your palms. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.
  9. Dwi Pada Sirshasana B: Stamp on the palms and lift the hips up. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Transitions- Titibhasana and Bakasana. .. Vinyasa flow…
  10. Yoga Nidrasana: Lie down. Keep both feet behind the head. Clasp the hands from behind the back. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release, roll back with chakrasana… vinyasa flow…
  11. Titibhasana A: flow of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series goes here like this, Stamp on with the palms. Fix the thigh on the side of the upper arms. Balance the body with the arms. Keep the legs straight. Hips will remain above the floor.
  12. Titibhasaba A: Jump forward with legs outside the arms. Fix the palms on the floor. Rest the thighs on the side of the upper arms.  Lift the butt up. Stretch the leg outside. Drishti: 3rd eye or nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.


  1. Titibhasaba B: Keep the feet on the floor about 1 foot apart. Fold forward, insert the hands through the thighs, and clasp the hands behind the back. Drishti: 3rd eye or nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths.


  1. Titibhasaba C: In the same position, walk five steps forward and five steps backward.
  2. Titibhasaba D: Maintain the same position. Arms through the inside the legs clasp the hands around the ankles. Drishti: 3rd eye or nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep ujjayi breaths. Release the pose through the transitions – Titibhasana A and Bakasana.
  3. Pincha Mayurasana: Keep the forearms and palms parallel on the floor. Lift the body and legs vertically up. Engage the core and arms.  Drishti: nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths. Vinyasa flow..
  4. Karandavasana: Begin with pincha mayurasana, make padmasana over there. Engage the core and keep knees down on the upper arms. Drishti: 3rd eye or nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  5. Mayurasana: 30th step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series is Mayurasana. Keep the elbows at the side of the navel. Rest the abdomen on the elbows. Keep the palms on the floor. Lift the toes above the floor. Keep the body horizontally straight. Drishti: straight forward. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  6. Nakrasana: Begin with Chaturanga Dandasana. Jump five steps forwards and five steps backward. .. Vinyasa flow..
  7. Vatayanasana: Begin vinyasa with Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana. The final position- right foot on the root of left thigh, stand up stamping with the right knee and left foot on the floor. Keep right thigh perpendicular to the floor. Keep the back erect and straight. Keep the left elbow on the right elbow to the level of the chest and wrap the arms with each other. Join the palms each other. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths…. Vinyasa flow.. Repeat to the other side too. .. Vinyasa flow..
  8. Parighasana: Sit down. Bend the left leg and keep the foot at the side of the hip. Keep the right leg straight extending to the right. Inhale, stretch the hands up. Bend to the right, face upwards. Try to hold the right toes. Drishti: upward. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths… Vinyasa flow… Repeat to the other side too. .. Vinyasa flow..
  9. Gomukhasana A: Sit down on the left heel. Keep the right knee on the left knee and the right foot to the side of the left hip. Clasp the hands around the right knee. Engage Moola bandha and Jalamndhar bandha. Drishti: nose tip. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths.
  10. Gomukhasana B: Keep the right elbow behind the head, clasp the right hand with the left hand behind the back. Face upwards. Drishti: 3rd eye. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths… Vinyasa flow… Repeat to the other side from Gomukhasana A and Gomukhasana B. .. Vinyasa flow..
  11. Supta Urdhva Pada Vajrasana: Lie down. Move the leg over the head to Halasana. Keep the left foot at the root of the right thigh. Clasp the left foot with the left hand. Keep the right leg straight on the floor. Clasp the right toes with the right hand. Roll to sitting pose. Place the right foot towards the right hip. Twist to the left. Insert the right hand under the left knee. Drishti: far to the side. Hold the pose for 5-8 deep breaths… Vinyasa flow…  Repeat to the other side too … vinyasa flow..
  12. Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A: Mukta Hasta Sirsasana A of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate series has following flow-Headstand, keeping palms and head in the shape of an equilateral triangle, elbows bent. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  13. Mukta Hasta Sirsasana B: Headstand, keeping hands straight in front. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  14. Mukta Hasta Sirsasana C: Headstand, keeping hands straight sidewise. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  15. Baddha Hasta Sirsasana A: Headstand, palm by the side of the head, elbows, and head in an equilateral triangle shape. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  16. Baddha Hasta Sirsasana B: Headstand, palms at the sides of elbows of the other hand, in front of the forehead. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  17. Baddha Hasta Sirsasana C: Headstand, balance the body keeping forearms at the sides of the ears on the floor. The forearms will remain parallel, where the head will remain at the center. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  18. Baddha Hasta Sirsasana D: this step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series starts with Headstand, palms at the side of the neck. Elbows will balance the body. Engage the core, body vertically straight on the floor. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths… Vinyasa flow…
  19. Urdhva Dhanurasana: In this step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series, Lie down on the back. Lift off the back with the support of the hand and leg. Curve the back. Hold the pose for 5 breaths. Rest for a breath. Continue it two more times. Each time bring the hands and feet closer. After the third time lift the body up and stand up straight. Drop back to Urdhva dhanurasana and up. Continue to drop back and stand up 5 times. Finally, hold the pose again for 5 breaths. Stand up… Vinyasa flow..

The rest of the asanas of Ashtanga Vinyasa Intermediate Series are the same as the Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series.

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